
Christopher Gonzalez

Christopher Gonzalez is a powerful Billionaire CEO and owner of an illegal drug empire who was content with his distant and isolated life till he is forced to marry to keep his name and face off the eyes of single ladies and elite family preying into his affairs. Gabriella Thompson is a high school graduate who worked part time to assist her father in making ends meet, but is faced with the punishment for her father's mistake as she is held captive and eventually forced to marry this heartless CEO to save her father and sister. With time, will Christopher learn to love Gabby or will their marriage end as it is stated on the contract?

Sophia_Ekelose · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs


The news of the attack on Christopher Gonzalez spread like wildfire, capturing the attention of the public and the relentless curiosity of the media. The airwaves buzzed with amateur images and videos, capturing fragments of the intense firefight that had unfolded. Nicolaz and Racheal, unable to tear their eyes away, watched in silence as the harrowing events played out on their television screen.

The news anchor's voice filled the room, narrating the unfolding story. ''In a shocking turn of events, the billionaire CEO, Christopher Gonzalez, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt earlier today. Amateur footage captured a fierce exchange of gunfire between Mr. Gonzalez and an unidentified assailant. Miraculously, he emerged unharmed.''

Nicolaz clenched his jaw , his eyes fixed on the screen. The realization that his son's life had been targeted shook him to the core. His strained relationship with his son suddenly paled in comparison to the fierce protective instinct that surged within him. A sobering reminder that blood ties ran deep.

Beside him, Racheal gripped his hand tightly, her gaze filled with concern. She couldn't fathom the depth of danger that had encroached upon their lives. The shock of the attack reverberated through her, stirring a mix of fear and determination. She knew that Christopher had his own demons to contend with, secrets and wounds that he guarded fiercely, but now, it was impossible to deny the gravity of the situation.

As the news report continued, ''a reliable source revealed that the body of the assassin had been discovered in his car, abandoned in a dimly lit alley. The investigation into the incident had already begun, with law enforcement agencies already working tirelessly to uncover the motive behind the attack and the identity of those responsible.''

Nicolaz and Racheal exchanged a glance, a silent understanding between them, they knew they had to talk to Christopher. With the knowledge that Christopher was well and alive, their concerns were intertwined with a renewed sense of urgency. They could not stand by ignorant of the perils that surrounded him.

In the financial department of Gonzalez enterprise, Jack burst into Eric's office, his face pale and eyes wide with disbelief. He held his phone, displaying the footage of the attack. Eric's heart pounded as he watched the images, his mind struggling to comprehend the reality of what had transpired.

''This can't be happening.'' Eric muttered, his voice laced with worry and urgency, ''who could have orchestrated this?''

Jack shook his head, his own voice mixed with fear. ''I don't know, Eric, I tried reaching him but he didn't pick up.''

The weight of the situation settled heavily upon them both as they exchanged worried glances. Their mind raced with questions and suspicions.

Meanwhile, in the comforts of her own sitting room, Aurora found herself glued to the television, her eyes fixed on the unfolding news. Fear coiled in the pits of her stomach, constricting her breath as she grappled with the unthinkable notion of someone wanting to assassinate her brother.

Her thoughts swirled in a whirlwind of confusion. Who could harbor such malicious intent towards Christopher? He was a successful businessman but he had built a reputation that had people bend in fear, who had the courage to do that?