
Chapter 23

Neither one of them said anything on the drive back to the house. As they pulled up in front of the house they noticed that all the lights were on and smoke was coming out of the chimney. Cassidy stay in the car and lock the doors and call 911 and let them know what's going on. As Max got out of the car the house exploded. Max dialed nine-one-one and told them what was going on. They said they would be there in 10 minutes when Max hung up the phone he leaned over to check on Cassidy because her window shattered due to the explosion.

Cassidy was getting ready to tell Max to be careful then the house exploded. Her window shattered and then she felt something dripping down her face. She reached out to fill it and when she looked at her hand she realized that it was blood and then everything went Black. Max ran around to the passenger side of the car and yanked open the door and the site that he saw made his heart drop. Cassidy was unconscious and she had blood running down her face. Max knew that he shouldn't move her so he undid her seatbelt and placed his jacket over her then started calling her name. As the police fire and rescue squad arrived Cassidy started to open her eyes. Max screamed for the EMTs and they ran over.

They asked what had happened. Max explained that the explosion caused her window to shatter. Cassidy where are you hurting? My head hurts, Cassidy said. Okay mrs. Willer we are going to put a neck brace on you and take you to the hospital. Can I see didn't want to go alone and before she said anything Max spoke up and said that he was going with her. Max helped load her into the ambulance and before they shut the doors the chief of police said he would come by the hospital and talk to them.

On the way to the hospital a sudden thought popped into Cassidy's head. Her period was 3 days late. What if she was pregnant could their baby be hurt? Mrs. Willer when was your last period the female EMT asked. When Cassie said it was 3 days late Max Brew mad. He wanted to find the person that blew up his house and her Cassidy and possibly their baby the right now he needed to focus on Cassidy.

Once they arrived at the hospital the doctor ordered blood work and stitched up Cassidy's head. Mr. and mrs. Willer once we get the blood work back then we can go from there on what other tests we can do. As the doctor walked out and in walked the police chief. Mr. and mrs. Willer I am glad to see you both are okay. I just wanted to tell you that we are talking to your neighbors and they said that they saw some guy and a black F250 Park in your driveway and go into your house carrying a brown box. Then leave 10 minutes later after turning all your lights on. Do you know who that might have been?