
Chapter 12

Hello, is Cassidy there? Can I ask who is calling Max, replied. my name is Nick and what business is it of yours who I am replayed Nick. I was just wondering if this was the same jerk who left a threatening voicemail on her cell phone said max. who do you think you are talking to me like that came next reply! Well Max that if you must know I am Cassidy's fiance and I can say and do whatever I please and if you ever try to see or contact her in any way shape or form I will hunt you down and hurt you! you go and tell that little witch for me that she can't do this to me and just so you know I will find her maybe not now but when I do she will pay for this and so will you and with that Nick hung up.

Once Max hung up Cassidy's phone all he could see was the look of horror on her face. Max why did you say all that to Nick you're only here on vacation what you said might cause more problems than I already have in the first place. he will leave you alone Cassidy I promise you no man will ever hurt you again like that. It's getting late is there anything that I can do Cassidy to help you relax enough to sleep like rubbing your shoulders, a glass of warm milk or even run you a nice warm bubble bath all those things used to work!

Max I am exhausted from the long day so I think I'm just going to go to bed and not think about everything that happened today. Then I think I might do the same thing Max replied. Maxwell Cassidy to a room and he went to his. Max undressed and got into bed and all he could think about was Cassidy's Revelations tonight! He couldn't understand why she put up with all that for so long but he knew one thing everything caste had been through was wrong and it would not ever happen again because he will protect her and he doesn't care what he has to do he will win her back and he will ask her to marry him again.

As Cassidy was getting ready for bed her main thought was about the man across the hall. As she got into bed she wondered what it would have been like to go to bed with Max at night. Does he sleep in the buff is he the type to cuddle after love-making or does he roll away from you. Just thinking of Max in the buff was arousing her like never before. It made her want to go to Max and let him have his way with her but instead she reached into her drawer and pulled out her pink shiny toy. Across the hall Max was laying in bed trying to figure out how to make Cassidy back then his mind switched to wanting to hold her and touch every part of her. What does her hot sweetness taste like her kisses? What would it sound like to have his name called in the middle of them making hot passionate love and that is when he heard the vibrating sound coming from her room and his only thought was he would be damned if he was going to lay there and let her pleasure herself.

He got out of bed and walked to her door. Max wasn't for a few seconds then slowly turned her doorknob and quietly moved into a room. Cassidy heard him come into a room but she didn't make a sound. As she continued Max walked toward the bed. Cassidy felt Max touch her legs then he started kissing her inner thighs. Max's kisses were making her hotter than her toys ever could so she tossed it onto the floor.