
Chosen Heroes

Felix was going to be reincarnated as a hero. He had to work with the other reincarnated heroes to slay the Demon King, pretty simple right? Just one tiny problem....The Heroes he's supposed to work with are trying to kill him....

CaptainCrimson · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Choices Too Many

Blessings have existed since the inception of Mangera, predating even the era of the Gods. In essence, they represent the bestowed gifts of the world, gracing fortunate individuals from the moment of their birth. Curiously, blessings are not solely predetermined; rather, beings have the potential to earn them through their actions and accomplishments, provided they align with the judgment of Mangera.

These blessings manifest in a diverse spectrum, ranging from formidable strength to the ability to sense emotions, and even the capacity to peer into the past or future. Notably, blessings exhibit a unique characteristic—they evolve and amplify in power alongside their bearers, creating a dynamic and symbiotic relationship between the individual and the bestowed gift.

-Excerpt from, Book of the Blessed

Felix awoke, his mind still reeling from the disconcerting experiences he had endured since his death. The constant loss of consciousness had been far from enjoyable, and he wondered if he could ever get used it. 'Probably not' he thought. However, before he could muster his grievances, he was jolted by his surroundings.

The void that had enveloped him was no more. Instead, he found himself within a wondrous place—a cylindrical room adorned with towering bookshelves that stretched endlessly in both directions. Felix craned his neck to peer up at the shelves, but their heights seemed to vanish into obscurity. It was as if they extended into the same mysterious void he had been pulled from.

In the heart of this extraordinary chamber, an altar stood resplendent in dark, ancient material, and upon it lay a timeworn tome. Despite the book's weathered appearance, a palpable aura of power radiated from it, defying its fragile exterior. Felix couldn't help but be drawn toward it, feeling an irresistible pull.

As he approached the altar, his eyes locked on the enigmatic book. He studied it intensely, lost in the allure of its enigmatic presence. It seemed to beckon to him, offering secrets and knowledge that transcended his understanding.

Suddenly, a presence materialized beside him, causing him to jerk his gaze away from the tome. In the ethereal illumination of the room, he met the piercing yellow eyes of the God of Life. Startled and fearing for his well-being, Felix's instincts kicked in, and he threw a punch at the god's face. To his astonishment, his hand passed through the deity's visage as if it were no more than insubstantial mist.

The God of Life, instead of displaying anger or annoyance, seemed rather pleased with himself, his eyes flickering with an almost mischievous satisfaction at the success of his little scare. Felix, on the other hand, was left trembling with anxiety. If there were any remnants of waste in his new form, he might very well have soiled himself in fear. In a hasty attempt to regain composure, he retracted his hand from the god's incorporeal visage and wiped it vigorously on his clothing, as if to cleanse himself of the unexpected encounter.

The God of Life observed with an inscrutable gaze as Felix took an unnecessary amount of time to cleanse his hand of the recent non-event. Once Felix had finished his peculiar ritual, the god decided to steer the conversation away from the awkward moment and address the matter at hand.

"Some beings on Mangera are granted blessings, and it is exceedingly rare for an individual to possess more than one. Having more than two naturally bestowed upon someone is an almost unprecedented occurrence, these prodigies are coveted by the empires, to nurture into their own powerhouses" the God of Life explained. "These blessings are the conduits of supernatural abilities, ranging from augmented strength and heightened intellect to mana manipulation and even the innate ability to discern truth from falsehood. Of course, the world commands balance and therefore every blessing comes with a limitation"

The god continued, "Before I send you back into the world, I will bestow upon you the first benefit of being a God's Chosen—three blessings. I have opted for this more traditional approach, presenting the options within this book for your consideration. While I could have simply transmitted the information directly into your mind, it seemed fitting to adopt a form reminiscent of your memories. After all, you do harbor a fondness for books and the comfort they provide, do you not?"

With trepidation, Felix offered a hesitant nod of thanks before he turned his attention to the book, the weight of the decisions he was about to make settling heavily upon his shoulders. He recognized that his choices would have a profound impact on his future, and he needed every possible advantage to navigate the uncertain world that lay ahead.

As his hand came into contact with the worn, leather-bound cover, he gently turned the page, prepared to explore the first blessing that would be offered to him.

The God of Life acknowledged Felix's gratitude with a nod, still bearing the hint of amusement in his radiant eyes. Now that the matter of his earlier scare seemed to be momentarily forgotten, the god allowed Felix to shift his focus to the vital decision that lay ahead.

With an air of resolve, Felix gently pressed his hand against the aged, leather-bound cover of the book. The moment the cover yielded to his touch, he felt a surge of knowledge flood into his mind. It was as though the words on the pages had bypassed his eyes and directly etched themselves onto his consciousness.

The first blessing, like a beacon of possibility, shone brightly in his mind:

[Titanic Strength]

Description: Infuse your physical form with boundless strength, allowing you to perform extraordinary feats of might. Lift unimaginable weights, destroy boulders with your bare hands, and unleash the full extent of your physical potential.

Limitation: Prolonged use may lead to physical exhaustion and potential muscle strains. Overreliance on this blessing may hinder the development of other abilities.

Felix's jaw hung agape, his eyes wide with astonishment as he absorbed the implications of the blessing. He turned his gaze to the God of Life, half-expecting this to be some elaborate jest. But the god met his incredulous stare with a serene and enigmatic stare.

"Amazing isn't it?" the God of Life remarked, confirming the veracity of the wondrous power that had just been revealed to Felix.

Acknowledging the god's words with an absentminded nod, Felix continued to turn the pages of the ancient book. The blessings within it held the promise of abilities that could shape his destiny. As he perused the next page, his mind absorbed the details of a second blessing: