
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 13

Kade's Pov:

A warm hand lifts my chin. A pair of lips meet mine. He begins to move his lips and I follow his lead. His lips leave mine and he lays his forehead on mine. I hear him giggle a little.

Hot tears flow down my face. It's not because I'm sad or happy. Ok, maybe I'm a little happy. But it's because I know this won't last much longer. This happiness won't last forever. My breaths become sharp and short.

"Kade..." Jax lifts his head from mine. His hand wipes away the tears but they don't stop. His gray eyes look into my soul. It's not menacing, but calming. It still doesn't calm my worry. My small tears turn into sobs in his arms. "J-Jax... I-I don't want you to be taken away from me." He pulls me into a tight hug. "I'll do all I can to prevent that, I promise."

An alarm pierces the quiet air. It kills our warm embrace. Jax sits straight up and his ears spike up. "Shit," he whispers under his breath as he listens to the alarm. He stands up, pulling me up with him. I look up at him and say, "You need to leave the doors will close." Immediately after I say that the doors begin to close.

"Go!" I yell at him as I push him towards the door. Jax digs his heels into the ground. "No." What the heck is he doing? "What the hell are you thinking Jax?!" He turns to me and smiles, "I said I wasn't leaving." As the words leave his mouth the doors come to a close.

I fall against the wall. "Fuck. Jax, you're sweet but stupid." He chuckles and joins me on the floor. He's an idiot. But he's my idiot. A warmness fills my hand as we wait for something, anything to happen. "I think I'll get locked up again, but that'll be alright." I look over at him and he's smiling. "You're ok with that?" He squeezes my hand, "Of course. I did this to see you and I did. Whatever happens, after I'll be ok with it."

A tickle scratches my throat and I go into a coughing fit. I put my hand to my mouth to cover the coughs. It hurts like hell. I bend over to soothe the pain. Jax put his hand on my back and begins to rub it. "Kade? Are you ok?" He asks as his hand circles my back. I pull my hand away from my face and it's covered in blood. "It's still happening?!" Jax asks and he grabs my hand away from me.

"It's worse now," I say quietly. A sigh escapes Jax's mouth. He wipes my hand on his pants. "I'm sorry." Why is he saying that to me? Why is he apologizing? "You didn't do anything. Why are you sorry?" He continues to look at our hands which are intertwined. "I couldn't protect you."

"They had guns. Jax, you did more than you should have. You even got shot." Oh, his wound. Is it healed? "I-I don't know." He says quietly. I move so I'm sitting in front of him. "How's your injury?" Jax looks up at me and then leads my hand up his shirt to a bump. "That's it. It's mostly healed." I run my finger over the threads of the stitches.

I hear people coming. I turn so I'm facing the door. A group of men enter with guns pointed in our direction. No. They observe the room. "Wolf. Get up. Now," says the front man. Jaxson slowly stands. He looks down at me and smiles a weak smile then follows them out the door to who knows where.

Ah. Quiet again. Tears stream down my face. I'm alone. It's cold again. I'm alone again.

Jax's Pov:

I leave Kade in the room. The men keep their guns pointed at me at all times. I keep checking to see if they got Jason or Vivian but I don't see them. So I don't know for sure.

We walk for a while. I can feel the temperature begin to change. The gray walls fade to black. Is this the worst place I can be? It seems that way at least. The doors here seem thicker than the one to Kade's 'room'. I hear voices yelling nonsense. Are these people insane?

We continue and I hear Vivian cry out. Oh no. She got caught. I get led to a door. The frontman puts a key card to it and it slides open. Inside it's a tiny space with shackles on the wall. Two men chain my hands to the wall. They walk out and it's silent. I tug at the chains holding my wrists. No luck. There isn't any room for me to move.

I look up and there is a dim light shining on me. The door has a small window with metal bars crisscrossing over it. It also has a mesh. My feet barely touch the floor. I'm glad im tall or else I'd be hanging completely.

This is alright. I'll be ok. I got to see Kade and if this is the consequence then I'm ok with it. I chuckle to myself, am I this crazy in love?