
Chosen Child

Battle of the Gods?? but why? I never signed up for this. And now to make my life which was already hell because of the accident worse, I displayed light powers which belongs to the strongest deity GIRDER MIGLAMOUS. Now thousands of Gods want to challenge me so they can steal the top spot, with my first battle in Nirvana, I will prove to them that it will not be easy.

Screen_Gaming · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Cold Feet

Alexander's visions were of things and people he'd never seen before. The same visions that embodied horrendous torment were playing repeatedly in his mind, even while being unconscious. He was trapped in his own mind, suffering from the mellifluous cries of the damned.

Ngai's wailing had aggravated the Goddess Inokosazana so much that she had glints of her ethereal glow in her eyes. After reprimanding the God of creation, Ngai, he regained his composure and requested that Mariam left the room. Mariam stood up reluctantly. She was trying hard to hold back her tears. She reached for the pouch which was hung on her waist. From it, she brought Alexander's glasses – the big circular glasses that he had dropped when he first fell unconscious in the orientation of the GODS. She placed his glasses on his eyes even though his eyes were shut.

Mariam left the Gods alone.

In a little while, Ngai could no longer sense the mortal girl's presence. "Why place me in the dark, Inokosazana?" The God of creation said, his voice reverberating absolute curiosity.

Ngai drifted towards Inokosazana; he fixed his eyes upon her face. Inokosazana looked confused. "Shall I summon the God of thunder?" Ngai asked.

Inokosazana's facial expression changed. Noticing this slight change, Ngai grilled Inokosazana by asking why she had hidden the sleeper's well-being from the Gods of Nirvana.

"What would happen?" in a low whisper, the voice of the formidable Goddess traveled through the air.

"We remain the only ones present at this time. Why whisper?" Ngai questioned.

"What would happen if the God of thunder, Sango, found out his proxy's existence would soon be obliterated?" Inokosazana's voice quivered.

There was a long pause.

'Is Inokosazana insinuating that the dark lord had somehow succeeded in meddling in the ecumenical affairs of the Gods? That would be treachery according to the principles of Nirvana, and if found, the dark lord could be stripped of his position as the succedent to the pinnacle of Nirvana's hierarchy. As third, I shall be re-evaluated and placed as the succedent,' the God of creation mused with enthusiasm.

"Lady Inokosazana, the thunder God shall most certainly meet head-on with the dark lord. In the preeminent event it results in an all-out scuffle amidst them, they would well-nigh be terminating the constellation battle. I am certain the dark lord does not want that," Ngai replied Inokosazana as he walked slowly towards Alexander's bedside. Grabbing the stiff boy's wrist, Ngai felt the agonizing screams of the damned as Alexander's soul chipped away bit by bit.

Ngai knew what the dark lord had done and also knew the God of thunder needed to save his proxy as soon as possible, or there will be no reversing what becomes of the boy's soul. He knew Inokosazana stood with reason, but her reason was far beyond his conception. He had no other option; he sent a telepathic message to the God of thunder, Sango.


"Amanita Phalloides!"

A man dressed in a suit, the color of the night's sky, screamed the name of the God of dark and darkness. His voice echoed in the antechambers of darkness. He immediately got a feedback of spine-chilling energy. He knew he had awoken something irreconcilable, an adversary unlike any other, as several ethereal oculi glimmered, filling the once dark and ominous antechambers with glimmers of lights.

"I know you are in there. Come out and face me, Amanita Phalloides!" the man screamed again. This time his voice shook the walls of the inner antechambers.

"What makes you think this is the best way to get my attention, Sango?" a coarse voice said from behind.

When faced against an unfathomable power, most creatures immediately fall into fear and despair. This experience shows the difference in strengths between two creatures, and Amanita Phalloides on a power scale can obliterate existence if he wants to. The power of darkness is so great that it corrupts and devours anything and everything. It is akin to the destruction radius of an atomic bomb.

"Yours truly is right here, so face me, Sango. Is it hesitation I sense, or perhaps you have gotten cold feet?" the lord of darkness stated, as he had previously seen Sango's shoulder quiver as he spoke.

Sango was enraged that his proxy was dying, but then he made the wrong choice by paying Amanita Phalloides a visit to vent his anger. Amanita Phalloides was responsible for his proxy's deteriorating health, but only he could fix it.

'That kid must be suffering right now, and the one responsible for this has been training his proxy for about a month while mine has been tethering on the precipice of life and absolute death. This swine Amanita Phalloides has the gall to think he is so prudent. Oh, how I wish I was as blessed as he is; his very being would feel the same pain my proxy is going through,' Sango thought as he turned to face the lord of dark and darkness, Amanita Phalloides.

"As to what do I owe this portentous visit, Thunder God," the dark lord inquired.

"What did you do to my proxy?"

"I only enlightened the poor child."

Sango felt his connection to his proxy. It was like a thread on the verge of being severed. Their connection grew ever so thin.

"I would have your head for this, Phalloides," Sango yelled.

"Do you know why I have lived billions of years?" Phalloides asked the thunder God.

Sango did not respond.

"I eradicated all those who had the nerve to stand up to me, except for one. You are not going to make the numbers two, Thunder God."