
Chapter 81

Chapter 81

"I am an honest and above board merchant! I can't deal with people or trade them or anything." Z says waving their hands and tying to act innocently.

"Oh I am very much aware of that, I did see your stats with appraisal after all so I know Z is a kind hearted, above board and clean merchant who wouldn't do anything bad or illegal, but if theoretically a black merchant showed up and left either money here or a voucher well me and everyone else's had left and took them away I would gladly split it with you and no1 one would even know who the mysterious amazing black merchant even is as no one would be left here to know, oh that's right, Old man you should probably go back to check on May and Lacy and let them know everything is okay, Saya can go with you, as for Ash and Alice, were going to find the guy who healed you and find out what's going on, oh and you 2 should either go rest or practice, I'll make sure you and the others get a proper reward for what you did and for practicing so hard" John says with a wide cold smile as he and the others head to go underground, Z looking wide eyed at this and unsure what to do at first seemingly debating with themselves. As for the captives, they were still begging and throwing threats at their retreating forms.

"Kindly spare Ray though, ill pay for her somehow." The old man quietly says to John, giving him a look John nods slowly.

"Elena please pull Ray down to the prison then focus on the greenhouse, I have a idea for a project I want us to try later, but for now tend to the plants please and see what new types you can create, ill see about getting some new seeds from Z later as well for you as a thank you for being here." He says aloud getting a soft yay noise in the air before Ray is suddenly pulled under well everyone goes their separate ways to leave Z alone with the disabled destroyers.

Ash had lead him and the still quiet but wide eyed Alice to the home of the candle maker, knocking they where greeted by a calm looking gentleman, his appearance somewhat glossy but eyes a bright blue, oddly the rest of him seemed so ordinary if you look away all you would remember of him would be the blue eyes and glossy skin, he was clearly surprised to see them but also excited as he welcomed them in. all around them where many candles and pools of wax.

Feeling rather odd about the person infront of him John decided to use his appraisal skill on him as he rambled on and expressed his gratitude at being here and how he hopes he likes his work. What came up for John to see about this person infront of him shocked him.

Name : Jamerson Chase

Class : Lord of wax

Age : 54

Gender: Male

Rank : Unknown

God : the dripping flame

Nature : Psychotic, obsessive, depraved.

Description : Jamerson at a young age was obsessed with trying to find ways of preservation all the way to adult hood in which he found the splendour of wax, it began with the House of Wax movies and trips to wax museums, from there it slowly developed into a obsession where he began to replicate the movies on insects, then animals and right as he was preparing to do it to a person the world changed allowing him to bring his obsession to an entirely new level.

After seeing all that Johns unease began to grow, a weight settling in the bottom of his stomach as he looked at Alice, fear and anger warring in his mind as he shakily raised his hand and looked at her stats once more.

Name : Alice

Class : Cosplayer (Trapped as Alice)

Age : 26

Gender: Female

Rank : -----

Race : Human forced into wax puppet (converting)

God : @#$%&***

Nature : Subservient, made to obey, limited responses and freedoms.

Description : After being harmed and poisoned in a fight her body was racked with pain, she was brought back to her camp and quickly taken by the Lord of wax to be improved and healed for his camps leader to impress him, slowly and painfully she was coated in the wax well fully conscious and aware as it fused with her, only her hair was left untouched by the wax but everything from her skin, eyes and every bit of her exterior was covered, even her genitalia was not spared as he directly pumped hot wax into all her orifices. The wax's effect forcing her to be trapped in her own mind as a puppet like form replaces her on the outside, the pain from the fight and from the wax still constantly felt but no visible response is permitted as a side effect as wax models do not show such reactions.

After reading all this John almost threw up, well he hadn't known Alice long personally she had been a stable part of things since the change happened, she was growing on him and was a light for him, he could still recall waking up the first night after the change to her cuddled into him, and now this had happened to her, once more his fault just because he didn't fight along side them at the start.

Self-loathing quickly turned to rage as he grabbed Jamerson with a chain around the neck taking Ash by surprise. "How do I undo what you did to her! How do you turn her back to normal!" He roared in anger.

"You can't! I did this for you! Now she will gladly listen and do whatever you want, there isn't a way to reverse it, but this is better! Now she can be perf-" He didn't get a chance to continue as the chain tightened, 4 more snaking out and wrapping around his limbs.

"I didn't want something like this! Change her back now!" He shouted angrily at Jamerson only to get a choked laugh in response.

"Can't! Change can't be stopped. Not possible to undo!" He forced out confused by John was so angry, the girl was better this way, more obedient, no more random acts or behaviour! So much more beautiful and controlled, only for pain to flood his mind as his joints began to pop and dislocate from there sockets, the muscles slowly tearing as his limbs where slowly ripped form his body, not even able to scream though due to the chain around his neck tightening, enough to allow the barest amount of oxygen to pass through, sharp blades and hooks forming as it slowly rotated around his neck slicing into it, another 2 now working there way over his body and covering him in thin papercut like slices, one after another.

he wanted to scream, to ask what he did wrong, beg for help but nothing could come out, agonizingly slowly his left arm was the first to come off entirely, then the right leg followed by the left, his eyes begging to be killed but no release was given, instead the chain around his right arm pulled one way and the chain on his neck the other direction ripping his last limb off, with a slight mental command the chain around his neck tightened just enough to break his neck but John wasn't done yet, he had the chains release the severed limps and slice him up further, after 5 full minutes what was left was a unrecognizable mass of flesh on the ground, Ash had thrown up a few moments earlier from the brutality and feelings in the air along with the pungent horrid smell that seemed to come from Jamerson as for Alice, all she did was watched on, her new state not allowing for much else, her eyes open in there new permanent state and her smile plastered on.