
Chapter 79

Chapter 79

With a slow drawn out groan John began to wake up, his eyes stinging as light assaulted his vision, but slowly he adjusted and adapted, the memories of what was happened flooded his groggy mind a few minutes later as he forced himself to sit up but quickly felt pain from such a action, his entire body protesting against such an action through pain.

"Master! You need to rest! You aren't even supposed to be awake yet!" Elena's voice of surprise caused him to look over and see her concerned face as she came over, looking around he saw he was in what seemed like a small clinic, a few other beds lined up next to his and surprisingly clean sheets and pillows on them and a few medical cabinets on the wall opposite but his wondering eyes only lasted a few seconds after seeing he was alone here.

"Where is Alice! how long was I out! What's going on and what's happened!" An unnatural coldness to his tone as he demanded answers.

"Alice is… Okay, she was healed a lot sooner than you by someone else, were not entirely sure what he did though or how but she seems different, alive and fully healed though, she says she's fine and we haven't pressed, the person said it was probably stress from the fight and worry about you. I'll take you to her now though to see for yourself, as for how long it's only been 5 hours, Ash came and got everyone and after rescuing you the others seemed to take those monsters down and even captured the leader. Oh, and the merchant is currently up top and trying to sell their wares and is actually part of the reason your okay, they have some healing potions, but, well there was a side effect." Elena told him uneasily, visibly fidgeting in her nervousness.

Frowning and furrowing his brows John looked at her, his entire body ached and felt extremely stiff, he hoped that was the side effect, or just losing his hair would also be fine but knowing his luck it wouldn't be that simple or kind.

"What side effects? Did it make me sterile? Please don't tell me it made my sword a toothpick or changed my gender. Well actually the last part wouldn't be entirely bad if I could buy something from the merchant to change back." John says, mumbling the last part getting a headshake no in response.

"Then, did it make my sword go from iron to rubber? Unable to get straight!" He asked in concern with wide eyes getting another headshake only for her to go out the door and bring in a full-length mirror. Admittedly John was curious where and even why something like that was kept but upon being shown himself in it his mind utterly froze and fell into error 404, entirely unable to process properly what he saw.

The figure in the mirror staring back well holding a lot of resemblance to his old self was cleanly shaven, there hair cut into a short spiked look yet a lot thinner and better proportioned, looking somehow extremely fetching but what truly caused him to freeze was that they where rather thin and muscular, not to the point of a body builder but they held visible muscle, there legs toned and firm, a faint 6-pack visible, there pecks solid and firm with a pair of strong arms able to easily flex muscle. The figure that stared back at him was a handsome muscular and well-toned version of himself that could easily be most women's perfect guy or even fantasy.

"How the fuck did this happen!" He yelled angrily. Turning to Elena for an answer causing her to flinch slightly.

"Well the merchant said your injuries where really bad, the potions used to help you needed a base to work with and couldn't just fix your blood loss and wounds without any energy or matter, but due to your shape and size they managed to use the fat from your body to patch you up better than before." Elena says with a small smile only to be met with a growl.

"Get everyone who was in the fight together including Ash and Alice, also tell that merchant I want words with them, so they need to be there as well, have them meet infront of the house. Also where are my clothes?" He tells Elena in a firm tone and frosty sending shivers down her spine and having her point to the able next to him before slipping away.

"Great, now I'm bloody evil Coop, I know I said I would be becoming a villain but I sure as hell didn't want to be skinny! That merchant better have something that can get me my fat back, or slow my metabolism to allow the ramen and whatever junk food they sell to work their magic and bulk me back up, I mean seriously? I know women and even some men like this kind of look but it's just not me, how can a girl cuddle or use me as a pillow if there's no softness? I need to get it all back one way or another!" John says to himself as he got dressed after making sure he was alone, the top and pants hanging loose onto his frame but the cloak luckily keeping it all in place and preventing the pants from falling as it moulded to his new form causing him to be glad about small miracles but also adding the need to appraise it to his growing mental to-do list.