Chapter 78
The girls kept fighting, Ash hacking away with her axe and shredding all in her path as Alice proceeded to dance through them causing fountains of blood in her wake. The pair getting better and better but a swing from one of the hulks hammers caught Alice off guard and knocking her violently across the ground, her scythe and dagger knocked out her hands and her entire outfit littered with tears from scrapping on the ground, the white parts slowly being died red from the numerous scratches and cuts she got.
Moments after she come to a stop a chimera grabbed her, its tongues like razors as it sliced across her skin causing her to scream loudly, a toxin in its spit causing the pain to be far greater than anything she was used to.
The second she was knocked away John was already rushing over to her, slower than he would have liked due to the recent additions to the cloak though.
"Fuck it!" He swore seeing the chimera cutting her with its tongues and decided to try something new, he had his chains fly forward but not at the enemies, rather into the ground and used them to launch himself forward to Alice, the newly bought hammer now in hand and raised high.
With a loud scream it came down upon the chimera like an angry god smashing through its form in a loud squishing noise, but John wasn't done yet, he lifted the hammer and swung it around seemingly awkwardly but in actuality hitting various weak points.
The various mouths gurgled and screamed, its bone where broken, joints bent, its focus now entirely on John as it wriggled, firing both bullets form the various guns in its form and bone spikes along with a strange sizzling liquid.
John though didn't seem to care, all he saw at this moment was red, this beast had dared to harm his friend and would pay, the chains wrapped around tongues and held the faces they where from to keep them still as it ripped the tongues tentacles out of the creature as painfully as he could. the bullets stung but the new addition to the cloak seemed to be holding up well against them, turning slightly he had the bone spikes strike his dead left arm, some making it through and piercing into the arm but didn't remain long as he threw his hammer towards Z's store to keep it away from the enemies as he proceeded to pull the spikes out 1 by 1 and stab them it into the chimera.
with a roar fuelled by anger he stabbed his hand into the creature, slowly ripping it into pieces with his own bit by bit, the chains flailing around and aiding in the destruction, forming tiny hooks and spikes as they ripped and tore the chimera to bits.
Once it was reduced to nothing but a bloody mess he gently gently picking up the pained form of Alice and rushed to the merchants store ignoring everything else.
Gently he laying her down inside he knew she would be safe here. Softly stroked her hair to try and comfort her but watched as her face contorted in pain all because he didn't step in sooner, this was his fault, but he could hate himself for it later, right now he had to make a point.
storming out his eyes fell on Z before letting out a tsk noise. "Guess you aren't good for anything involving conflict, you get all angry but that's all you can do, just go watch over Alice." He tells her with a glare receiving a heated one back that quickly turned into wide eyes and a nod.
All this while Ash was still fighting but visibly tiring, her body drenched in sweat and blood both her own and the enemies, the Axe discarded to the side as she seemed to materialize one sword after another and cut through the enemies even managing to take down a hulk beast but clearly she was reaching her limit.
"Get the hell out of there and get the others! Why the fuck do we have our group if there not going to be helping when its really needed!" He yelled at her as he joined the fray once more, no humans were left now, just various grotesque chimeras and Hulking beasts.
His response took her by surprise but did as she was told, materializing a 3 pronged kunai she thew it at the base and disappeared in a flash of yellow leaving just John now and a large amount of monsters infront of him, at least 13 various sized and shaped chimera and 8 hulking beasts some now with claws and extra arms stood infront of him not counting the madly laughing 'Gin' and his hulk.
"Out numbered and out gunned, up shits creek without a paddle, but you know what? I refuse to go down here! I still have far too much to do to let fallout rejects take me down!" He roared picking the hammer back up as he charged as best he could into the mass.
his chains a maelstrom of steel sparking and ripping claws and spikes alike out of his various foes, the hammer breaking the leg of a hulk before coming down hard on its head.
His foes though didn't remain idle, a chimera made of of magic users seemed to spew fire and launch arcane bolts at him from behind as another pair fired spikes at him, a the hulking forms swinging faster than beasts there size should be capable slammed there meaty hammers into him knocking him into the flames and other projectiles causing him to scream in pain.
His form impacting heavy onto the ground only to be kicked violently by a hulker and caused to rolled a bit further, his hammer having fallen from his grip during the previous impact.
Slowly he still forced himself up with the aid of the chains, his face cut up and blood ran down his face from a large gash on his head stinging his eyes that he struggled to see out of, his dead arm bent at a unnatural angle and a leg visibly shaking and paining when even a bit of pressure was used to stand upon it.
Once more he forced himself forward to fight once more, using 4 to support himself the rest gripped a hulker and proceeded to rip a hammer arm off before eviscerating the rest of its form.
Grabbing the ripped off arm with a lot of effort and help of the chains he used it to smash a chimera that came close but its tongues managing a small cut on his cheek and cause him even more pain, but instead of succumbing it increased his rage, the knowledge that if such a small cuts toxins caused this pain what had he caused Alice to go through.
With a mighty roar he had the chains eviscerate the remains of the chimera and managing to do so to 4 more and 2 hulkers before a claw hulker rushed up stabbing him bur narrowly missing vitals. Growling he gripped the claw and had the chains slice it off the hulkers form causing it to scream before ripping it out himself and stabbing it into the beasts head, his own blood though seemed to be flowing out fast.
His vision began to swim even worse than before, his body felt heavier and heavier and he could hear his heart thumping, but he refused to fall, faintly he heard a commotion as the air seemed to begin to have a static charge to it, a large bold striking past him turning a hulker into a crisp.
The last thing he saw before darkness took him was the ground rising up and wrapping around him then all he knew was blackness.