
Chapter 40: Desperation and the Elysium's Vitalis Herb

Chapter 40: Desperation and the Elysium's Vitalis Herb

"Alice, kindly let our guest speak, and Elena, thanks for keeping things protected while we were gone," Braedon said calmly with a smile, getting a tighter hug from Elena and a pout from Alice. "Y-you, I have permission to be here. I paid my tribute to the Chaos Marauders, so I am allowed to raid here to try and find supplies. If you don't believe me, you can go ask your boss," the captive said, trying and failing to put on a masculine tone, drawing their focus back on them. This caused them to look down, not wanting to make eye contact.

"And who the hell are these Chaos Marauder people? It sounds like something out of that Max Madness movie or something. I didn't ask who let you here; I asked why you're here and if you had cookies!" Alice said, poking the person again with the stick side of 'Mister Stabby Stick.'

"They're the group who took control of the area, the ones who are in charge and control everything around here. Even if they're just one of the subordinate groups under Warlord's Dominion, they tend to be bloodthirsty and don't allow outsiders into their area easily. The tribute only let me here for a few hours. Please, I need to find what I'm looking for and leave before they come to get me," the stranger said, rubbing his eyes. Braedon couldn't help but shake his head.

"Back for less than five minutes, and shit's already started. Tell me, when did everything change? How long ago was it?" He asked, a serious look on his face, getting a confused look from Alice and the stranger.

"Hasn't it just been a few ho-"

"It's been three months, I think. Honestly, I had far more important things to focus on, like surviving. I'm not some crazy like The Chroniclers of the New Dawn," they said, getting a shocked look from Alice and a frown from Braedon.

"Master, I'm just glad to have you back. Where did you go? It's been a long time. I sent some little ones out to try and find you, but no one could find any trace of you. We spent the entire time waiting and trying to get stronger for you, doing what we could to secure your home. We're ashamed to say, though, that a few days after you disappeared, people came by and raided your home and disturbed the area. We tried to protect the place, but we weren't strong enough, so we had to hide and grow stronger in secret. If this vermin hadn't dared to enter the greenhouse, we would have kept it that way. We're sorry, Master," Elena told them, almost in tears as she looked down, not wanting to see her master's disappointment.

"It's okay, you did your best, and your survival is the most important thing in the end. And you definitely seemed to have grown far stronger. Sorry for being gone so long, but I promise we will try not to have it happen again," Braedon told her, gently holding her and brushing her hair with his fingers to calm her down and getting a really upset glare and pout from a jealous Alice.

"Look, I'm sorry, but please go. I need something from in there, and I'll gladly trade for it. Please," the stranger said, getting a pleased look from Alice for breaking the moment and an annoyed, angry look from Elena for it.

Gently letting go, Braedon walked over to them, giving them a proper look over. They seemed like a fantasy knight, shiny silver armor covered in scratches, a silver broadsword with gold print on it just out of reach, a pointed helmet with a grid faceplate. Reaching over, Braedon removed their helmet, revealing a young woman, her black hair falling and draping her face, now filled with fear and eyes full of panic, staring at him as she thrashed to try and get out of the vine's grip.

"Don't touch me, I swear I'll bite my tongue off if you try to touch me!" She threatened.

"Jeez, dramatic much? Knowing this big lug, he wouldn't even think of doing anything like that. He prefers blondes anyway," Alice said, bouncing over, giving the girl a once-over as well, unimpressed and trying to add in her own words to it and getting a glare from Elena.

"What were you looking for in my greenhouse? And what's your name? Also, I'll tell you the same as what the last person got told: be honest, and things will be fine. Lie, and I can promise you will have a bad time," Braedon said, looking at her in the eyes to try and do his best to find any lies in her words as he waited for her reply.

Seeing she wasn't going to say anything, Elena made a motion with her hand, causing them to pull the young woman's limbs again. Biting her lip, she tried to resist, but the sound of something popping and the pain that followed with her scream caused her to talk.

"Stop! Stop! I'll tell you! I heard there was a special plant there, the Elysium's Vitalis Herb. And my name's Rebecca," she told them in a pain-filled tone, her voice going softer at the end with a whimper, the vines no longer pulling tight but slacking slightly.

Looking over to Elena and seeing her confused look, Braedon turned his focus back to Rebecca. "And what exactly does this herb apparently do? I mean, it's got to be something really special to have you fight Elena over here and the others in the greenhouse, or rather what used to be a greenhouse," he says, looking back up and seeing the destruction of what was once a nice greenhouse.

Looking at him in fear and scared she would be stretched again, she quickly told him. "According to rumors, it's able to heal and get rid of status ailments, and if made by a skilled Alchemist, they can make a potion that could bring the recently dead back to life. I need it for someone really special to me, and considering the number of plants here, I thought maybe I could find it here. Please, I need it! I'll do anything, but please, I need the Elysium's Vitalis Herb!" She tells him, fear evident in her tone as she breaks down crying and pleading in the end, the desperation evident in her tone.

Nodding in thought for a moment and walking over to the broadsword, Braedon picks it up with great effort and gives it a small swing, losing his balance slightly before walking back to Rebecca, raising it up high. Shaking her head, she began to beg.

"No! Please! No! Don't kill me! Please! I need to help her! I can't die here! Please please! I'll do anything, but please! I need to save her first!" Rebecca says and pleads, thrashing hard against the roots binding her, trying to fight through the fear and doing all she can, feeling extreme pain from her semi-dislocated arm.

Swinging the Blade down, it digs into the ground next to her head, causing her to freeze, tears and mucus running down her face as she stares at him in fear.

"Elena, kindly release her. As for you, Rebecca, I'll have Elena see if there is any herb in my greenhouse like what you described. You were honest and clearly doing this for someone else. I can respect that. For now, you're going to stay with us, and tomorrow we're going to go to your friend and bring them here as well. You're also going to tell us anything and everything you know about the area and the various powers that have made footholds, am I clear?" He tells her, his tone as cold as ice as he stares down at her, the vines letting go of her.

Nodding repeatedly and saying 'yes sir' in a quiet muted tone, she picks herself up, blushing in embarrassment and shame, realizing she had wet herself in fear when her life was almost taken by her own blade, which she hesitantly takes and puts on her back.

"Honestly, I figured a badass woman like you who made it this far would have been more fearless than this. I mean, you pissed yourself," Alice couldn't help but tease and mock Rebecca in a sing-song tone, making her feel even worse.