
Children of Cinders

"Only those with the will to survive shall never know what ease is." For as long as he remember, that was the mandate bestowed upon him when he first made sense of his surroundings. He fought, he bled, and he limped. He was an agent of the Garden of Cinders. A life filled with laughter. A home filled with warmth. An existence full of love. All of that is a luxury to Moth, for he is a Cinderchild of the Garden. Moth lived so long as a shadow. As a cinderchild, he uses his powers to end another life. A scorned existence, a scarred soul, and an unfeeling boy tainted by the bloodshed he accumulated all his life. But all of that, is dedicated to his Family. All for the preservation of the Garden of Cinders.

Casarrius · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Rite of Purification: Prologue

-Trigger Warning-

Long ago, the world of Valistea was a land that was wrought by the war between the Magic centric Kingdom of Musa, and the Technologically advanced Empire of Kimalasca.

Musa and Kimalasca have been locked in a historic feud for many centuries. The tensions between the two nations stem from their differing values and beliefs - Musa is known for its strong connection to magic and the natural world, while Kimalasca has embraced technology and progress at the cost of nature and tradition. This difference has led to numerous conflicts and disputes between the two nations, with each trying to assert their dominance and supremacy. Despite efforts by both sides to find a resolution, the feud persists, deeply ingrained in the cultural identity of both nations.

The Musan Army was devastated by the Kimlascan army, In order to nullify the magic of Musa, Kimalasca has developed weapons that use technology to counteract and disrupt magic. This includes devices such as a weapon called the Magical Nullifier, which emits a powerful electromagnetic field to disrupt the flow of magic in its vicinity, rendering any spell cast useless.

Right at the brink of certain extinction, as if by divine intervention, the Mages gained the gift from the Heavenly Bodies. When the Sun gleamed an argent light down on people, they gain magic that is unaffected by the technology made by Kimalasca. And when the moon glows a golden afterglow, the land begins to live and protect Musa from external threats. They call this gift as Providence Magic.

The Providence Magic tipped the scales, magic that has no limit, one that does not need any incantation, magic that did not require a sacrifice. And magic that couldn't be nullified nor dispersed.

The Musans utilized these gifts to turn the tide to a standstill. The two factions made an uneasy consensus, the providence magic possessed by the Musans will not be used against the entire populace, while the Empire will dismantle the use of dampeners and cease to meddle with the arcane world.

Almost 6,373 years have passed, and the uneasy peace became true peace. The Power of the Providence Magic has been lost to obscurity, and the dampeners were converted into power sources. And that peace, has lasted for a very long time.

Those who had Providence Magic in their veins, have dwindled, and only a handful of people were receptive to the power. Many years have passed, and those with the power have all but been reduced to simple embers. Thus, those with the power have collectively called themselves as, the Garden of Cinders.

"And here ends the history of the Garden." Padrino closed the book and the children all gasped in awe.

"Any questions?" Padrino asked and many small hands shot upward. Padrino called on a girl with a yellow hairband, she was a little spiderling, someone adept in using her wits to ambush rather than brute force.

"So this Providence Magic... We have it in us right 'Godfather'?" She asked and made Padrino offer a small smile.

"That is correct, most of you here possess the power of Providence, each manifests differently from one another. Like with Firefly's Clairvoyance, Diving Bell's Hydrokinesis, and Mantis' Razor Edge." Padrino elaborates. "However, while you're still young, the power is still dormant within you. It manifests through deep emotional distress for some, while others are brought forth by elation."

"What does that mean?" Nymph asked, he was a somewhat tall child, but he was as slender as a stick.

"It means... You need to experience either a really good feeling, or a really bad one." Grub points out and Nymph shrugs as if he agrees indefinitely.

"Usually the power manifests after your Rites. Which is at the age of 10." Padrino says and the excited murmur begins to sound across the small classroom. The children there were all 6 years old, meaning they have a good 4 years to experience something.

Another hand shot in the air, and Padrino smiled softly.

"Yes, Caterpillar?" He asked.

Caterpillar was an unremarkable child, sky blue eyes full of innocence, freckles that line his face, and a kind smile. But what's unsettling was his ash brown hair, it was as natural as his older adoptive brother.

"But... Moth manifested his power when I first met him. I was 4 at that time, and he was 8." Caterpillar inquired which made Padrino sigh.

"Moth is a special case. That child was born under a different time. A peculiar phenomenon that made the sun cast a different light. And what's more surprising is that Moth comes from the fallen empire of Glamoth." Padrino said. "Long story short, we found Moth as a baby amidst the flames, and we brought him here. So far, he has been an asset. For the time being, he is recuperating after the Lyris Mission. To those who are wondering, he is at Yucca with Wolf and Dragonfly."

"So... He was always weird?" Nymph places in, this one however, has a vocal range of a scream. He fixed his glasses and was wearing a goofy grin.

"I kinda agree, he rarely smiles. At least Brother Dragonfly and Brother Bell brings gifts." The other kids agreed, to them, Moth is someone who is scary, distant, and downright weird. But Padrino clapped his hands together and they all quiet down.

"That's enough. You all have homework to do yes? Good. Caterpillar, Nymph. Stay." He called the two boys sat at opposite ends with each other.

"Now, I actually have a job for the both of you. Consider this as your first mission." Padrino said and Nymph's eyes light up but Caterpillar stiffened.

"What do you need us to do 'Godfather'?" Caterpillar tried to sound brave, but he squeaked at the end of the sentence.

"You two have the most potential in awakening your powers, so, I'm sending to the battlefront. You will be fighting under the command of White Witch."

"ALL RIGHT! YOU CAN COUNT ON US GODFATHER!" Nymph shouted will glee and he zooms out of the room. Leaving Caterpillar sigh.

"Hold a moment Caterpillar." Padrino holds him back and gives him a pocketwatch.

"Wait... Is this?" Caterpillar inquired.

"When the time comes. Try giving your most desired wish and whisper it to the Pocket Watch. Also, Moth wanted to give that to you." Padrino said and Caterpillar's eyes brightened. A gift from Moth. 

"T-thank you! I'll treasure it very well." Caterpillar said 

"He was supposed to give it to you during your birthday in two weeks, but the Yuccan's Doctors told me that Moth needs at least a month to recover. Are you okay with that?" Padrino said, but Caterpillar still smiled.

"I am a bit sad that Moth won't come. But... I will be more sad if Moth is gone." 

"You really like Moth huh?" Padrino ruffles Caterpillar's head.

"He is my big brother after all." Caterpillar said and he left the room to catch up with Nymph. Who was already geared up to go for the journey.

"What took you so long?" He asked his brother, but Caterpillar kept quiet about the gift.

"'Godfather' gave me a super special task along the way." Caterpillar told him and Nymph tried to coax him to answer. But to no avail.

Caterpillar and Nymph was bound for the western frontier, the Episla Plain is the largest savannah, making it a breeding ground for exiles and criminal syndicates. With no law nor order, the whole place is a eat or be eaten world.

The Garden has a faction stationed there, the Bloodwings. Led by White Witch, or Wanda, she acts as a proxy and as a diplomat for the hellish landscape of the place. Despite her beguiling looks and her infamy, the Garden kept her file to the main house a secret, so the kids have no idea who or what Wanda is in real life.

"The Western Border. I wonder what my power is." Nymph thought out loud, he lay on the cart that was transporting both him and his brother.

"Probably something with your noise. At least, that's what Blue said." Caterpillar said as he looked at the night sky.

"Ha-ha very funny." Nymph scowled and grabbed Caterpillar by the head as the two boys laughed. A few minutes later, they were preparing to sleep and call it a night.

"Hey, Caterpillar. What made you like Moth? The guy rarely speaks to anyone." Nymph asked.

Caterpillar pondered a bit and took a deep breath. He remembered it like it was yesterday. Their first meeting.

"Let's just say... He is my role model." Caterpillar smiled as he recounts the story of him and Moth.