
Chapter 93: The Door

  Tentacles that were filled with green mucus started aiming towards our position, as we kept dodging the attacks. The mucus was acidic. One touch and it will be painful. I was amazed that Cainne managed to keep up after the skin in parts of his body was burning. 

    It's been an hour since we are doing this sequence and we couldn't be able to make him move from the water. It seems that it became more alert and cautious now that there are many people gathering around to defeat it. Monsters are more intelligent than animals after all.

  Our plan was to tie ropes around its body, then the cave tendrins will try to pull the ropes to the shore, which had the high possibility of toppling it. Since its tentacles released much mucus, it's for the best if we will start at the bottom and move our way to the top. To do that, we will move him out of the poisonous water, but then, I don't think it will do it in our favor.