
Child of Origami

According to Japanese tradition, folding 1,000 paper cranes gives a person a chance to make one special wish. And that's what one boy set out to do... 1 to 4 chapters per week. depending on how much time I have on my hands.

Etiger789 · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The slap of Equality

" Oh well, must of given up halfway through. Boss should be pleased I just bagged a huge chash cow. Shit I need to get to that concert before its to late. Lettuce wait for T-Dog, im coming."

(Fans man, there crazy.)


(Song recommendation for chapter: Bruno major - Nothing {live})

(Flash back- 12years)

In a massive villa there were two people inside. One was a little miststvious kitten who diddent want to go to bed and the other was mama cat trying to put it to bed.

" Mama I don't want to go to bed. I'm not sleepy at all. See." The little girl said opening her eyes wider with her fingers. Making this act very comical for the mother.

" You may not be sleepy but good girls need to go to bed or the tooth fairy wont visit them. Now sleep well, I'm sure in the morning you'll find a special surprise under your pillow"

She said covering her daghter in a warm blanket. But as she was just about to stand up her daghter called for her.


" Mh!? What is it darling."

" I-I-I heard the girls talking on the playground and they were talking about...stuff...Mama whats a soulmate." The kitten borito asked, her big cute eyes stared at her mother as if she would know the answer.

Not expecting this type of question she looked shocked for a good few seconds before thinking.

" A soul mate huh, your pretty young thinking about those stuff, but ill tell you. Everyone is different sweetie. Everyone has a definition of what a soul mate is. Mine...its quite simple actually just have a conversation with them."

" ???" The little kitten was confused. The mother seing her daghters face couldn't help but chortle.

" What I mean by that is, some people when you talk to them its like trying to listen to classical music on a radio with no antenna. You can spin that dial back and forth all you want, but all you'll get is static.

But when your ment to be with someone you truly are at one. You just start talking...and the behtoven sinatra will appear." She said with a mesmerizing smile.

" Do you now understand a bit what a soulmate is now, sweetie."

"Umu, I understand Mama, when behtoven appears ill know ill have found the one." The little girl said proudly as if she had just one a nobel peace prize for discovering what dark matter is.

The mother was speechless. Well it dident matter. She was just a child. She would probably forget they had this whole conversation in like a week.

" Alright, good night baby." The mother said before going to the door and shuting the lights off.

" Good night." The door slowly closed and before she knew it, she was engulfed in darkness.



(Muffled shouts)

" Hfgffhh, hffycfg hfhg fhhf, fhhf,fhhf"

Whats going on, whats all that noise.

" Hfgffhh, hffycfg hfhg fhhf, fhhf,fhhf"

Seriously why are they so loud. Don't they know I need my beauty sleep. Sigh better get up then... Huh, why do I feel so, stiff, why can't I move my body.


Huh, whats that. Whats going on, I dont understand.

Huh, whats this new feeling, its like something is covering my mouth. Its soft...and taste fishy.

(Rip mcs mouth game, for all his life his first kiss will taste like fish.)

Hfgffhh, on hfhg damit, fhhf,fhhf, COME ON DAMIT BREATH.


Alina finally gaining control puked out all the lake water she had swolled. She couldn't comprehend what was going on. The last thing she remembered was passing the bridge before she suddenly woke up who knows where.

" Thank god your alright, I thoght you were a gonner for a second. Don't worry your safe now. Just focus on getting all that nasty stuff out."

A cold hand touched her bare back alarming Alina. As she quickly crawled away in fear.

" WOW, calm down, don't worry im not going to hurt.."

" SHUTUP, you kidnapped me dident you. Your just after my familys money like the rest of the ones who tried it. Guess what your not going to get anything. Once my mom finds out im missing your dead, along with any other...

" HEY, I'm not a kidnapper okay, I' was just saving your life, you fell off."

" Shutup, I don't want to hear it. You bastard I won't go down without a fight" The little kitten unleashed her claws slapping him on the chest, her hits doing nothing. He actually dident mind as he knew she was misunderstanding the situation, but even he had a limit, and that limit was when she actually spat in his eye.

And she actually dared to smirk, like she had won.

' Looks like a good jolt should wake her up. Mother in heaven and Lord please forgive me, but she leaft me no choice.

Just when Alina was about to spit a second time



He slapped her! He had actually slapped her. Her, Alina amon one of the most important people in star city. If anyone saw this they would probably try and jump the guy right there and there, hell even the police wouldn't bat an eye.

Alina was shocked, felling the unfamiliar stinging sensation on her cheek.

She slowly turned her head towards the half naked aggressor and said in a stutery manner.

"Y-You, just, You just slapped me."

" Ye, so. If I dident you wouldn't calm down, and let me check you for injuries from the crash."He said not finding it a big deal. It was the only way to calm her down, otherwise this play would continue.

But when alina heard those words she was shocked, crash, what crash. It was only then did she notice where she was. She was actually under the bridge she was just on...but how was that possible, unless.

" W-What happened. Why am I under the bridge, and wheres young master Li."

" Finally where getting somewhere. So its like this..." And he told her everything that happed. From the sudden crash, to the rolling of the bridge to finally her almost dying without even knowing. But she wasent focused on those parts but two.

One was that young master Li bastard abandoned her and leaft her to die. She was furious. But then when she though of the second thing her anger calmed down a bit and a felling of gratitude took its place. This was the young man who saved her life. If not for him, she would have never seen her family again. Her sisters, her aunts, uncle, grandma and grandpa...her mother.

The feeling grew more and more when she thought of those things and with the strength she had left she leapt up and hugged the young man surprising him. She thanked him multiple times and he said it was nothing a few times trying to get out of the hug. After all, all the girl had on was her bra and skirt. Her shirt was ripped and messed up pluss he had to remove the glass from her skin.

He dident even think she realised she was half naked.

Wait she just froze.

Now she's looking into my eyes then down to our bodies, ah she finnaly saw the conundrum I was in.

"KYAAAAAA, Dont look you pervert."

And here is another chapter. What did you think. comment any suggestions below. If you see any mistakes comment on the paragraph.

Etiger789creators' thoughts