
Child of Origami

According to Japanese tradition, folding 1,000 paper cranes gives a person a chance to make one special wish. And that's what one boy set out to do... 1 to 4 chapters per week. depending on how much time I have on my hands.

Etiger789 · Derivasi dari game
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4 Chs

Race on the Bridge

'Kami, I pray and wish I can have all the time in the world to make origami.'


As the child's dead body lay there you could see a single tear of blood flow down the child's  good working eye.

His hands were inches away from making that final fold. He was so close, yet so far.

But what happened next...anyone who saw it would definitely scream out in terror, well that is if they ever really saw it. A dark figure covered in a ranchid smog. Its smell putrid and its robe dirty from who knows what.

This very creature of horor was standing besides the child's bed. Its soulless skeletal eyes stared at the child, no, more specifically at his soul. The thing that would now go to the judgement hall of either heaven or hell.

Yet the creature just stood there contemplating something. It stood there for a good amount of time. Even though time was irrelevant to it.

Finally after a while it moved. It lifted its long and dirty skeletal hand and warped it around the child's dead one's. It did it with supring gentles. It pulled the child's hand to the paper crane and directed the child's fingers to the final fold. Essentially making the child complete all 1000 paper cranes. And as soon as it was completed the child soul that was originally glowing a pleasant gold suddenly showed a plethora of colours. Colours of the rainbow, and even colours never seen before. It was breathtaking as it was beautiful.

The child's soul suddenly flew up past the hospital and into the sky before disappearing into what seeped to be a worm hole.

The skeleton...no Death itself stood there and watched as the child dissapeard. It to was going to go on its merry way harvesting the souls of the thousands of lives that have died already like that young child.

But before it did it looked around the room. There were 1000 paper cranes all full of colour and originality. Except one, the final crane, there was no colour, it was blank.

Death for the first time in a along time...smiled.

With a wave of his hand all 999 cranes disappeared. Where they went, who knows. The final crane death picked up himself and hid it in his robes. After that he dissapeared. The nurses and doctors on there shifts imedietly came into the ward to to see if it was to late.

1 hour later.

Hospital: St George's hospital

Patient: xxxxx xxxxxx

Tine of Death: 2:34am

Cause of death: Heart failure


(Different universe) 11:35 pm



The sound of engines revining could be heard on an empty street. No cars were in sight except two.

One was a McLaren 765LT, a beautiful model car with a V8, 3994cc, twin-turbocharged engine. Having 755 bhp and a top speed of 205 mph.

The other was a Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series, with a V8, 3982cc, twinturbocharged engine. And having horsepower of 720 with a top speed of 202 mph.

Both cars were at a stop light and were waiting for the lights to go green.



Both cars imedietly speed up from there start positions. Right before the race began both betters decided that the race was going to take place here and finish at the end of the bridge which was around 1.7 miles.

(In the Mercedes )

" Fuck, fuck, fuck, why is he so fast. At this rate I'll lose." A decently handsome young man cursed as he drove at leat 8 seconds behind McLaren.

"Its OK, I know you'll win. And even if you lose it doest matter." A gorgeous black haired woman sitting in the passenger seat said, trying to comfort the boy.

She was obviously familiar with the boy from the way she spoke to him.

" WHAT DO YOU KNOW." He yelled at her frustrated that the other driver was still in the lead. The girl flinched in fear from his outburst and felling really umcoftable.

The boy noticing it quickly tried to calm down. If he let his anger take over it could fuck up the months he's been licking this bitches ass. This wasent just some random girl he found on the street but the 3rd daughter of the amos family. The richest family of star city, and the one with the most influence over what proceeds in it. Weather it be legal or illegal. Almost nothing gets past the amos's.

His old man had gave him the mission to get as close as possible to any of the daghters and to try build a connection. The first daghter and second daghter were out as they were know to hate men. The forth was to young, so that only leaft the 3rd daghter. Notably the most, less accomplished of the 4 sisters.

" Im sorry, but this race is more important then you think. I've stacked 4 percent of my familys stock on this. I even got the car modified to make sure I win. But it looks like he did the same."

" I see, sorry then." She apologised, and looked ahead. But on the inside she was fuming. Thinking that a bastard from a such a low level family dared to shout at her.

She wasent stupid enough to not know what this guy just wanted to get close to her and try get in her pants, but she wasent going to give him anything.

The only reason she came was One: Because she was bored and Two: She had never been in a race before so she wanted to see what it was like.

Right after this was over she would imedietly go home, and block this guy. And also get her sister to bankrupt his father's company.

He thought that because he apologised he was getting away scot free. Humph. If there's one thing you should never do is anger an Amos, there all vengeful creatures, and can hold grudges for months sometimes even years.

And here's chapter two. Enjoy.

Also comment any anine or game characters you think would be good to introduce in a modern world/Hidden magical society setting.

Etiger789creators' thoughts