
Child of Infinity in Omniverse

A fanfiction stories based on marvel, dc comics, naruto, dragon ball, Dxd, Death Note, Harry potter, , Campione and other animes and cartoons. * No Face slapping * No System * Genius Mc * OP Mc -----‐-----------××××××××------------------ There will be some bullshit at start so please bear a little as story progresses so i can introduce famous marvel and dc comic characters. -----------------××××××××-----------------

Hidden_shadows · Komik
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68 Chs

Kaguya Otsutsuki

As usual I and Atilia was visiting a old ancient temple which otsutsuki tribe made it when they were first created, in my opinion it was quite spectacular as the whole temple was covered with early otsutsuki language and ruinic symbol which still worked till now but suddenly we got a mental symbol from our father to return back to tribe I and atilia looked at each other and I holded her hand and opened a portal below our feet in which we started falling, in comparison to my space manipulation she is far behind but her Light and life manipulation is really super strong as she can suck whole life forces of a planet in an instant which was scary when she did it while smiling like a innocent kid.

Passing through the portal we landed in our father inner world or to be more precise a universe, his inner universe contains numerous life unlike our barren world, he looked at us and motioned with his eyes to sit and we straightened our back because he only orders something when he have to discuss something important, seeing our series look ne noded and said ' As a race cosmic entity has many superb abilities which make them super strong in omniverse from birth but it has a small disadvantage that we have to go in deep sleep after every million year for thousand years because although we never feel physical exhaustion but after working and observing various things for million year we do get mentally exhausted and we use deep slumber to relive it', and my time for slumber has arrived so I want to give you some gift and a mission to complete before I go to slumber.

* Let me tell you in omniverse the most well used energies are Mana, Divinity, Elemental energy, Law energy, Natural Energy and Cosmic energy but there are some special worlds or galaxies which gave birth to a wisdom and new type of energy and on the current galxy we are is such a world that gave birth to a special energy named 'Chakra'.

* Your first mission is to first both of you to accept a pair of subordinates and train them so they will always follow you to eternity.

* Your second mission is to defeat or kill the wisdom of this galxy to obtain its left half origin of chakra before my awakening as its strength is probably around cosmic level which means one lever higher than you two.

* This is your mission now about gift :

• Altria will get origin of a special energy named 'Setiam' which property is to increase power and destructiveness of other energy energies which I gained by destroying a special universe.

• And you will get the half of origin of 'Chakra' energy I gained when I first reached this galaxy as for it property is you will know it when you get the other half.

As he finished saying this two special energy shoot out from his fingers and rushed toward us and we didn't resist it and let it enter inside us and we soon feel changes inside our body and the increasing strength without saying a word he teleported us back to the tribe place, where a king guard said to us in a respective way that his majesty has called us so I and altria while holding hands followed him into a huge hall where the king was standing with many 18-19 looking otsutsuki tribe members and the king said that our father had informed him to prepare a holding from which we can select a pair of subordinates on which we noded as we always can't do all our work, so me and my sister started looking for a suitable among them and my sister choosed very quickly which was a 18 year looking girl which has silver hair similar to ours, a pair of silver nine jade reincarnation eyes, and two white horn with strips but I can't select someone to my liking among them and but then i saw a duo of otsutsuki member passing by in which there was a an adult otsutsuki tribe members with single horn( basically Ishiki otsutsuki in boruto) and another a pale white haired 18 year old girl with white eyes and no horn which was very rare as most tribe members grows their horns after eating chakra fruit, which means she hasn't eaten chakra fruit yet this aroused my interest and I told the king I want that girl as my subordinates and although puzzled by my choice , the king told ishiki about this and he nodded to me and the girl I selected came and stand behind me and then I saw king otsutsuki ordering a another 18 year boy to follow Ishiki with him.

( In this scene basically kaguya and ishiki were going to harvest the chakra tree of shinobi world but due to Mc's interference the spot of kaguya got relaced by another otsutsuki tribe member which means the story of naruto will occur as same as anime but this time antognist behind the scene will be the other tribe member that replaced kaguya's spot.)