
Chibi Knight

✰It was another ordinary day in Evergreen. Or was it? A conspiracy, an assassination plot and a royal tournament all converge on the same day; the very one in which a street urchin was just trying to get something to eat, only to find herself getting chased by dozens of guards! Was her stolen armload of bread really worth this much trouble?! One chaotic turn leads to another and before she knows it, she's been chosen as the Prince's knight! Join Chibi as she fights to adapt to her new role! And follow the Prince as he struggles to find his place in a crazy world that is anything, but ordinary! ✰What's in the box! - Two main characters! - An Outcast Prince! - A Street Urchin Knight! - An easy to understand power system! - Training Arcs! - A Large Cast of Interesting Characters! - Assassination Attempts! - Betrayals! - Mystery! - More than one slow burn Romance! - A shonen Anime in Light Novel Form! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✰Hello, everyone! My name is Yukano! ((o(^^)o))

YUKANO · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Unexpected Allies

It was the worst case scenario; Chibi was trapped. No doors, no ladders, no ropes, not even a stack of crates to scale! The alleyway's only way out seemed to be in the custody of Sir Reginald and his knights. The captain tossed her a knowing smirk. The kind seen over a chessboard when the opponent was about to say checkmate. He was more than assured of victory.

A drop of sweat slipped down Chibi's face. Her options were limited, if they could even be called that at all. But, one detail jumped out at her. The Captain's armor was different from the others. Instead of his breastplate being a solid piece, his midsection was covered in flat sheets of metal. 

Perhaps a good headbutt to the Captain's stomach would be enough to unbalance him? If he fell backwards, Chibi would be able to jump over him, breaking through the knight's blockade! It wasn't much of a plan, but it was worth a try; anything was better than giving up without a fight. With the heart of a warrior beating in her chest, Chibi charged with a mighty battle cry.


A sound bounced off of the walls. It evoked a particular kind of imagery; like a melon being hit by a mallet. A few knights began quivering. All it took was a few runaway snickers, before the whole battalion was roaring with laughter. The urchin groaned, as she slumped weakly against Sir Reginald with an angry bump forming on the top of her head. The conversation from earlier that day leapt to the forefront of her mind. 

"That's easy for you to say. You're really, really strong, Chibi!" 

"...Yeah, but, that's only sometimes! Most of the time, I'm no stronger than you!"

The girl whined as she was snatched up by her scruff, like some scrappy alley cat. 

Ohhh, why did now have to be one of those times!?

Sir Reginald shook his head as his armored shins were kicked at furiously. She was only hurting herself. The Captain considered himself a decent man; one that might have felt pity, if the little pest hadn't made him chase her all over the city. Not to mention, she had even forced his hand enough to request the aid of the insufferable Captain Luce. What a pleasant conversation that promised to be later.

That purple-eyed devil will never let me live this down.

"-If I had the money, I'd pay for it, I swear! Please, let me go!"

"Stop resisting. You're only wearing yourself out. It's over. You lost. Take her to the dungeons, men."

She was quickly surrounded by half of the squadron and ushered toward the castle. There was no stopping the tears of frustration that bubbled up in the corners of her envy-green eyes. There was no getting out of it this time, was there? A cage was waiting for her. She would lose her greatest treasure. 

"Keep moving!"

A hard shove sent Chibi sprawling to the ground. A yelp squeaked out of her, not because of her scrapped up knees, but because of a few rolls that had escaped! Horrified, the girl grabbed at them, ignoring the looks of disgust or pity. The buns were covered in dirt, but it didn't matter. They were food. They were still food!

"We don't have time for this. Get her up."

The thief was dragged to her feet and hurried along. Leaving the bread behind caused Chibi to cling to what little she had with a shuddering breath. Gruel was the meal of choice served down in the dungeons; a disgusting, tasteless bowl of sludge. What if this bread was the last she would ever taste? 

Like a bad omen, a pack of wild dogs tore around the corner. Chibi managed to steal a peek behind her; what she saw made her cheeks puff out, sourly. They were snapping up the bread, her bread, like they had stolen it, themselves! Those were the same mutts she had to fight for scraps! Large, mangy nuisances that always threw their weight around when there was any-

Her eyes sparked. What an idea; what a wonderful, crazy idea! It would work. It had to! 

Chibi's teeth slowly worried her bottom lip, apprehensively. At the same time, it was an awful idea. One of the worst she ever had. But, her window of opportunity was shrinking by the second. 

Come on, Chibi. Remember what you told Emi! Find your courage!

The bread was squeezed so tightly to her chest that some of it became unrecognizable.

Please, me! I know this is the hardest thing I've ever asked you to do! But, this is the only chance we've got! Gotta... Try!

Suddenly, the bread went airborne! The knights shouted as buns landed on their helmets or got skewered on the sharper parts of their armor. Chibi's wrist was seized by one of the soldiers, who was painfully unaware of the many head's that shot up with interest.

"What's the big idea, you little-?"

"Here puppies, puppies, here puppies!"

Dozens of paws thundering on the path behind them was the only warning they got. The knights were tackled to the ground! 

"G-Get them off me!"

"No, get them off me!"

This was her chance! Chibi darted through the chaos, jumping over knights and dogs, alike. The end of the alleyway was only a foot away. If she could just round the corner! 

I can make it!

Like a rock dropped into a well, she went down! Something had her ankle! Looking back, it seemed that one of the soldiers had gotten his wits about him.

"Lemme go!"

"The Captain said to take you in and that's exactly what I'm going to-!"

The knight screamed. Chibi blinked in surprise to see that one of the mutts had clamped down on his gauntlet. It released a symphony of growls when the soldier tried to push its head away. It was obvious that the canine was just staking his claim to the bread nearby, but the urchin's heart swelled with gratitude, nonetheless. As she finally rounded the corner, one of them called attention to the obvious.

"She's getting away!"

But, it was too late. The thief was long gone. As the small figure raced through the streets, she could feel a pulse of energy surge through her! She ran and she ran, until it felt like her lungs would pop! Nothing else mattered in that moment, but one, simple thing.

"I... I did it! I'm free!"

The world distorted. Her steps wobbled, until they came to a stop. Bracing her back against a cold wall, a shaking hand dug into her rags. She drew out a bread roll; the very last one. 

"G-Gotta eat."

Chibi opened her mouth wide to take a bite, only to hear a sound in the distance that filled her with dread.

"Come on, men! She couldn't have gotten far!"

The girl hugged it to her chest, looking around frantically with a long whine.

"I've gotta find someplace to eat you!"

A large, metal door caught her attention. Why had it been left open? Chibi remembered that this particular entrance was always locked up tight; she had skulked around the perimeter enough times to know. A place that carefully guarded had to have something valuable inside.

Stealing the chance, the urchin ducked into the building just in time to avoid being spotted. The contents of the mysterious warehouse were a little disappointing, even to a pack rat like Chibi. But, it had just what she needed; the perfect hiding place.

"Where is that fiend!?" 

"Sir, should we check in here?"

"Of course! Leave no stone left unturned!"

The building they marched into was an armory. Swords, spears, shields, helmets, halberds, bows, axes, maces, plate and chain armor, alike, were piled from floor to ceiling! One of the men groaned.

"I shouldn't have suggested we check in here. Look at all this clutter! That little rat could be hiding anywhere!"

"Well, we're in here now. Come on, help me move this shelf-"

"What's all this, then?"


"That's right. Here, in the flesh and bone! Fancy that. Now, speak up, gents, I'm a little behind schedule."

"We're looking for a-"

"No time for that. Whatever you're looking for can wait."

"B-B-But, Sir! There was a-!"

"No butts, unless it's getting yours out of here. Hurry along, unless you want to be assigned clean up duty, after the-"

The soldiers tore out of the armory so fast that the old man swore he saw a blur. His snowy mustache quirked upwards, wry with mischief.

"Works every time."

As the voices and footsteps faded away, a soft giggle echoed out of a large cuirass in the corner. She was alone; finally! The bread clasped in her hands was anything, but pretty. It was all dented up from the chase and peppered with dust from the streets. But, to Chibi, it was perfect.

She hummed with every chew. The feeling of something nutritious sliding down her throat and falling into the empty chasm of her stomach was enough to make her sigh with bliss. She dove in for another bite, but paused. The metal of her hiding place had started... vibrating? A booming force shook the ground, one pound right after the other! 


The girl was bounced around inside the armor with nothing, but her precious bread to hold on to.

"Ah, what a fine day for a tournament! Combatants assemble!"

Peeking out from her hiding place revealed a shocking sight; a sea of feet!? Chibi tried to figure out how many there were, but since she could only count to thirty, the girl supposed that there must have been a little over three times that number. The General stood on a crate, as he observed the fifty warriors that had stuffed themselves into the modest armory. 

"I doubt that any of you need my encouragement, but do your best out there, men! Remember, you're battling for the privilege of guarding royalty! This opportunity doesn't come along everyday, so be sure to give it your all! Now then, open the gates!"

Another round of thunderous steps made the thief's world go sideways! A domino effect was started, resulting in the General side-stepped a giant axe that nearly chopped him in two. His sword, swiftly drawn from years of trained instinct, was slowly put away. The old man followed a trail of chaos to a large piece of fallen armor; one that had two skinny legs sticking out the bottom of it.

"...What the devil?"

Poor Chibi just wants to eat her bread in peace! And now she's been discovered by the General! What do you think he'll do? Feel free to leave a comment! I love hearing from you! =)

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- Goreishk

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