
(In the assembly hall) chapter 1

chatters, chatters

students putting on a white shirt and a patterned blue skirt and pant start to enter the assembly hall with the look of excitement on their faces as they settles down for the principals speech.The principal enters the assembly hall as he address the students "I will like to welcome you all to Robins high school and to this new session of the year and also wishing you good luck in your studies and I hope you will enjoy your classes. Thank you." as the principal leave the stage and as students clap. After the exit pf the principal MR Brown assend the stage dismissing the students for their classes.

As students go into their various classes to take lectures there was this new girl whose name was cherry and its her first time in the school . She was so confused and didn't know where to take her lectures so she decided to ask for help " Hi am new here and I am confused on where to take my lectures can you please show me the way" she said asking a blonded hair girl whose name was latoya "which class are you " latoya asked "am in SS 1 " cherry said, "wow meaning whe are in the same class it will be fun having a new girl in our midst" latoya said, Thank you was all cherry was able to say "any ways my name is latoya and you cherry". After they exchange pleasantries they went for their lectures.

on getting to the class every body was suprised to see the new girl , the class captain came out to introduce him self to her while she introduced her self to the class every body shooked hands with her welcoming her to the new school environment after that, she went to sit down on a vacant sit so that she can recieve her lectures properly.

Author note:

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