
Cherry by Delphinium

"The dom in me is begging me to claim her. Take her. Devour her. But I can't. Because I don't know her. She'll run away like everyone else..." Celestia Crowe works for a multi-billionaire at Diamond Enterprises. At night she slips on six-inch heels and sexy garters to work at The Cherry Club. Ramon Osgood owns many places. And women. He's a workaholic and sees women as chess pieces in a game called Ramon's world.

Darling_Delphinium · Masa Muda
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47 Chs

Lucky As A Four-Leaf Clover


I slip the ring on her finger and it fits perfectly. Our friends are behind us, celebrating and I pull her to me, kissing her deeply.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," she says in between our kisses.

She gently places the puppy down and I pick her up and spin her around in my arms.

"You don't know how happy I am, I've been holding onto that ring for days," I say smiling at her.


"Yes, really. I wanted to find the right time to ask you but I never got the chance to. And I wanted to make it special for you, because you are special, and you deserve the world."

I place her down and Lucy quickly grabs her in a tight hug as she squeals. I silently laugh at the moment and pick up the puppy who was grazing her paw on my shoe.

"Hey girl, couldn't wait to meet mommy, yeah?" I say as I rub her head.

"Congrats man," James says.

"Yeah congrats, you lucky man," grins Luke.

Ethan walks over with Stephanie and they congratulate me as well.

"Thank you," I nod.

We all turn towards the abrupt squeal to see Celestia with her phone in her hand. She must be talking to her mother. I go over to her and wrap my hands around her waist, placing my chin on her shoulder.

"Congrats Ramon, hon! You outdid yourself with that ring, it's gorgeous! And that puppy is absolutely a sweetheart!" says Madeline through the phone.

"Thank you, Madeline," I responded smiling.

"Alright mom, I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Alright my lovely, have fun in France!"


Celestia hangs up and puts her phone away then turns to face me. She smiles at the pup in my hands and scratches her ear.

"Is it a girl?"

"Yeah, I didn't name her though. What would you like to call her?"

"Peach, she reminds me of a peach tree somehow,"

"Peach it is then," I smile.


"Thank you for tonight Ramon, you don't know how happy you've made me," says Celestia beside me in bed.

"You've made me the happiest man alive right now," I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Awe, look at you being cheesy,"

"It's not cheesy if it's the truth."

"Oh shut up, just admit that you're cheesy."

"Never," I grin.

I pepper her face with multiple kisses as I pull her in. My hands glide down to her waist and move around to her ass. Her hand moves down as well and her fingertips trace the front of my boxers. She dips her hand inside and drags it along my length down to my balls and brings it back up again. I groan before I kiss her deeply.

"Careful now, you wouldn't want to add another baby to that womb would you now?"

She lightly giggles but doesn't stop gripping onto me.

"That's definitely not how it works but I do like the sound of that." she grins.

I smile at her and use my hand to yank off the lace panties that she had on. I then move to her breasts while my fingers lightly play with her clit. I suck a nipple deep into my mouth and I smile as I hear her moans escaping from her mouth.

"Fuck, baby,"

She arches towards me and I move myself down to her legs. I spread them apart, licking my lips at the sight of her glistening wet cunt. I place myself in between her legs and I slide my tongue through her inner folds. I do this a few more times, going faster as each second goes by and her moans grow louder. I start to suck on her clit and I can feel her legs threatening to shut so I hold them apart.

"I-I'm going to come, faster baby, make me cum."

I swirl my tongue and lap up all her juices until her legs begin to shake. Her stomach coils as she comes into my mouth.

"That's it, baby," I whisper as I take her hands and entwine them with mine.

She then places herself up and gets on her knees, pulling off my boxers. She watches as my cock springs out into her hand and she licks her lips before she pushes me to lay flat and opens her mouth to swallow me whole.

"Fuck, Celestia."

Her head bobs as she sucks on me and she moves to slide her tongue up and down my length as she cups my balls and moves them in a rotating motion. I'm so close now and without warning, she moves on top of me and slips in right inside of her.

"Come inside of me my love," she moans as she starts to bounce on my cock. I hold her legs apart and begin to thrust into her ruthlessly until I did.


"Thank you for making my childhood dreams come true," she says to me as she caresses my cheek.

"And what childhood dream would that be?" I ask.

"To go to Paris. And to get proposed to. It's all my little self wanted."

"Anything for you my queen. I'm just glad my nagging finally got you to stay with me." I chuckle.

She laughs as well. "If I knew of all the amazing things to happen, I would've let you nag me all you want."

"Well, I still do that on a daily basis," I grin.

"Well, starting now, you have nine months not to."

"No promises," I wink. "But I will make sure that you are happy every step of the way."

"Good luck with that. When I start crying out of nowhere, you'll be so concerned, you'll start to wonder how awful I can get."

"Never. I can't wait to see when you're showing, it's going to be so cute."

"Yeah, definitely cute when I'm waddling like a penguin to the kitchen for the twentieth time to get food."

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" I smile.

"Ugh, now that just reminded me that I won't be able to wear most of my clothes." she pouts.

"Don't you worry," I respond, kissing her forehead. "I'll take you shopping and everything. I'll even put in the library in one of the empty rooms downstairs for you so you can read all day to your heart's content."

"Every day I think to myself how in the world did I get so lucky?" she whispers as she tucks her head into my chest.

"I wonder the same," I say and look down at her. Her eyes were closed and she had fallen asleep. I sigh and comb my fingers through her hair. I am so damn lucky. The luckiest man in the entire universe.