
Cherry by Delphinium

"The dom in me is begging me to claim her. Take her. Devour her. But I can't. Because I don't know her. She'll run away like everyone else..." Celestia Crowe works for a multi-billionaire at Diamond Enterprises. At night she slips on six-inch heels and sexy garters to work at The Cherry Club. Ramon Osgood owns many places. And women. He's a workaholic and sees women as chess pieces in a game called Ramon's world.

Darling_Delphinium · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

His Royal Highness


He darts toward me and I jump down moving to where was originally was.

"Darling, if I catch you, I won't just play with your titties, you're playing a very dangerous game my love." he grins.

"Mm, but you still haven't caught me yet so you can eat my ass you sore loser." I smile as tease him by pulling up my dress. I pull the rest of it off and suddenly feel his arms grab me.

"Gotcha," he says as he whispers in my ear then moves down and gently bites at my neck. My knees buckle and he picks me up. He takes me out of the room and goes down to the end of the hall. He uses one hand to open the door and he closes it behind him when we're inside. He takes us to the edge of the bed in the middle of the room and placed me on it.

"I'm gonna punish you just for doing that." He says in my ear as he towers over me, wrapping his hands around my neck. He kisses me slowly then he trails a hand down from my neck to the top of my panties. His finger hooks in it and he plays with the band of it. He suddenly yanks it off, twists me around as he holds my arms behind my back, then slaps my ass with full force. I gasp at the sting. He rubs at the spot he struck then brings the pain once more as he bites down with his teeth.

"Now, look who's actually eating ass," he whispers and kisses the redness of my bottom.

"Shut up," I say as I turn my head to the side.

He darts his eyes up at me and he moves to press his body against my back. His hands go up to my neck and he turns my face, even more, to look at him.

"What did you say, darling?"

"You heard me. Shut up and fuck me already."

"Wow, look who's being bratty now. I could punish you for that you know."

"Do it then," I smirk. "Punish me in any way you want." I arch my back and push my ass against his bulging cock. "Why don't you fill my ass with your dick and rub my clit until it swells."

Ramon looked taken aback as I finished my sentence.

"I never knew you had such a foul mouth." he grins as he begins to kiss down my jawline to my neck. "So descriptive. Is that what you want me to do to you baby?" he whispers.

"Yes, and so much more." I moan.

He flips me over again and his mouth latches onto my right breast as he pinches the left. I gasp as his wet mouth turns the peak of my breasts as hard as diamonds. No, not diamonds. Rubies. They were now red and swollen from his teeth and I loved the sting it gave. Ramon moves down and begins to nibble at my skin, making small red marks all over my chest until he reaches my sex. He looks up at me and our eyes meet. He grins and then darts his tongue out and laps up in between my folds.

"Fuck..." I moan as I drop my head back onto the bed.

I could feel his breath against my pussy as he chuckles and he stands up to move to the drawers in the side of the room. I watch him as he brings out a few ropes, a chain, and a few other things that I couldn't see. When he turns around, only the ropes were in his hand.

"Go to the top of the bed and get on your knees for me."

"Yes sir." I quickly say, eager for anything. I just want him to touch me as much as possible.

He moves to one side of the bed and takes one of my arms. He takes the first rope and ties my hand to the post near it. He moves to the other side and does the same thing then he uses the last two to spread my legs apart and tie them to the bottom posts. When he finishes, he moves in between my legs and kisses my body up to my mouth.

"I'd love to do what you suggested but you've got punishments lined up for making me chase you."

He gets off of the bed then comes back with the chain and a blindfold. He takes the silk blindfold and wraps it gently around my eyes. I feel his hands graze my skin, slowly moving all over my body. For just a second I feel nothing. Suddenly something claps onto my nipples and I gasp, arching my back off of the bed as I pull at the ropes that bound my hands.

"You're fine my love, it's just clamps."

"They feel...different."

"I know princess. Do they hurt?"

"A little, just the good kind."

"Good," he says closely, I feel his breathing against my skin.

He kisses my chest a few times before I no longer feel him again. Another few seconds go by before I feel the bed dip in between my legs again.

"Lift up for me princess," he whispers and I obey. I feel his hand move under me and suddenly a foreign object is being pushed up my ass. I gasp again and squeeze without thinking.

"Relax baby,"

"I know, I just wasn't expecting th-"

I moan as the vibrator turns on.

"Oh my God."

He moves his hand from the vibrator and slides a finger in between the inner folds of my pussy. I shiver and shake a little as he slides his finger back down and then slips it in. He fingers me slowly and I can feel every push and pull. Then his mouth takes the place his fingers were and his tongue pushes inside of my entrance. He sucks on my clit, grazing his tongue over it every few seconds, and licks me all over. The way he laps up my juices, so desperate for more as if his mouth and tongue want to be interdigitated with my cunt. He finally stops and when I no longer feel his mouth on my I whimper and slightly pull at the ropes.

"I'm right here baby, I'm not going anywhere," he whispers. He was on my right side now. Unexpectedly, I feel a few strips glide over my bare stomach. Whatever it was, struck me lightly on my inner thigh which made my pussy wet even more. It was a whip. As the whip comes down on my inner thigh again, this time the right, I feel my wetness dripping out of me and glide down my legs.

"Damn my love," he says as he places a hand on my pussy. "You must really like this," he says as he takes the whip and slaps it, replacing where his hands were. I gasp and nod at the contact.

"M-more, Ramon I n-need m-more-."

Another strike comes down on my thigh again. Slightly harder than before.


"Sir-" I quickly rush out. "I meant sir. I need more sir. Please." I breathe out.

"Good girl," he whispers and rewards me by sucking on my breast and whips me on the thigh once more.

"Are you wet enough for me?" he then says as he slips two fingers inside of me.

"Yes sir,"

"You think you're ready for me to fuck you?"

"Yes, please, yes!"

He pushes in deeper and curls his fingers and it grazes on my g-spot, making me moan loudly.

"Let's not have your mother wonder why you're moaning." he grins as he bends down to kiss me and I giggle a little.

"I wanna try something," he whispers in my ear. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course," I reply. I then feel the bed dip and rise as he gets off.

A few minutes passed.


"I'm right here baby," he replies from what I think is the other side of the room. The bed dips again and I feel his hands caress my cheek. I gasp when I feel a hot, thick liquid-like substance touch my skin. It felt oddly satisfying with the burn that disappears just as fast as it came. Like when hot glue from a glue gun touches your finger.

"What is that?"

"Take a guess," he whispers to me as I feel another section, lower than before, being touched with the hot liquid. It feels thick, but I don't feel it moving ever since he dropped it on my chest. I feel another part of me go hot, this time on my inner thigh. The liquid glides down but stops midway. I furrow my brow in confusion about how liquid could stop so fast. The same thing happens on my other thigh after a few seconds and I buck my hips at the heat spreading all over my body. A light bulb finally went off in my head.

"Wax?" I respond.

"Yep, a melting candle," he replies. He starts to peel the wax off of my skin and it awakens new sensations inside of me.

Ramon finally unties the blindfold from my face and I blink a few times to adjust my eyes.

"Hi baby." he smiles as he looks down at me.

"Hi," I grin back. He kisses me gently and then unties my wrist from the rope. He unties the rest and I'm finally free from the binds. I immediately hook my arms around his neck and pull him down to me.

"I still want you to fill my ass with your dick and rub my clit until it swells. Not that it already isn't." I smile.

"You're a very naughty woman you know that?" he grins back.

"All women are. You just have to coax it out of them."

He smiles and kisses my lips. "Fuck being a princess, you're now my queen," he replies and gives me more kisses. When he comes up, something flashes in my head and my pussy drips again with new juices. I take his head in my hand and bring my mouth to his ear.

"Since I'm now your queen, I think it's only proper for me to be queening you right now."

He pulls back and I can see the lust glowing in his eyes. I move to the side and turn him around so he replaces where I once was. I slowly bring my leg over him so that I was now straddling him in between my legs. I move up and spread my legs until I was right above his face. He stares at my cunt just as hungry as it was. I lower myself on him and he eagerly starts to lick my pussy and suck on my labia. His tongue pushes into my entrance and I start to grind my hips in a circular motion. He groans at the movement and more juices flow out of my pussy.


"Fuck! Faster Ramon!" I moan as he thrusts deep inside me. "I-I'm so close," I say as each word spills out of my mouth with every pushing motion of his hips. He picks up the pace and holds onto my waist dangerously tight with his right hand while his left is making circles on my swollen clitoris.

My orgasm hits me hard, and so does his. We both collapsed on the bed, both exhausted yet satisfied. I turn to nearly mold myself with his side and he wraps his arms around me to pull me closer. Today might have started on a low note, but it sure as hell ended on a great one.