
Checkmate | Striving against Gods

Xuan Li, a monster abandoned by his parents, forgotten and lost, finally found his ray of hope: an old man who took him in and raised him. With his failing health, the elderly man told vivid stories about another world that Xuan Li had always disregarded as a mere myth. But after his suicide, Xuan Li found himself reincarnated into another world, the one that the old man had spoken about. Yet, Xuan Li found no meaning in his life. The reason he killed himself was because he didn’t want to live! So when he was reborn, Xuan Li was determined to kill himself once more! However... his body was immortal! ... Iris Black wanted nothing but to end the war. She yearned to personally slay the gods, the ones who started the war and caused her suffering. ... Shen Longwei’s heart was inked with hatred, filled with thirst for the blood of his so-called brother and the woman he once loved. And Fate smiled, giving him a chance to redo his mistakes. This time, he won’t be fooled. ... Three pieces intertwine to fulfil a fallen god's revenge and win the game. ———————— Authors Note:: Hey! This novel is made by a group of Authors! So unlike my other story, this will have a better upload schedule! Writers: Ultra, ChaoticLuck, NatsumeRikka

Ultra · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs


The hot wind blew slowly, tiny sand grains floating with it. Even with the scorching sun above, the air felt strangely suffocating and humid.

Trudging in the golden sands, dragging his feet, was a man with a good build. His wide back was covered with a black cloak, hiding what would have been muscular.

He was dressed head to toe in black, even though people usually don't dress heavily in such heat.

This desert was famous for their mirages and curses. A beautiful view lay ahead for the travellers but each view cost them enough trouble for a lifetime. 'Saheera' was what the natives had called the desert, filled with temptations and disappointment.

The cloaked man wiped off the sweat accumulating on his brow. It was clear that the heat here was excessive, to be able to make even him sweat.

The sand grains which would have flown into his eyes were kept back from a transparent shield-like layer.

Brilliant onyx-coloured eyes, hidden under the cloak, took in everything around them in a flash.

He was in search of a human.

Particularly, a human who had the key.

The cloaked man was ready to travel in all conditions as long as he found that human. But he had no idea how he'd find that human or know how they looked.

He would only get to know if they're the person he needs, after meeting them.

Swallowing back the sigh that was about to escape his mouth, the cloaked man continues his way on to nowhere.

His first thought was to find a shelter or dwelling of kinds, and be able to find something from the natives residing there.

But he gave up the thought when he couldn't even detect a single soul. It was as if the desert was completely dead. And that couldn't be possible, seeing that there were still some monsters lying around.

After having walked for what felt like ages, the cloaked man finally caught sight of someo- something.

A man stood before a gigantic monster, glaring at its intimidating eyes. This monster was definitely one of the most powerful ones of the desert. With skin as dark as ink, eyes the shape of jewels, bright to the extent of blinding you, monsters in Saheera were dangerous beauties. They were beautiful enough to be called a human, but monsters are monsters, after all. A cruel smile was spread across the monster's face, looking at the man in front of it, as if it were challenging him. It wanted the man to make the first move and get a chance to ridicule him.

Which was exactly what the man did, he made the first move, a lousy one, at that. His weapon was a flimsy sword— a shame to all the swords in existence.

Instead of the usual charging method, or even slicing one, the man actually swung his sword around like a whip.

The cloaked man who was watching them couldn't help but be taken aback at this strange way of fighting. A little bit of amusement rose in him before he was back in his tranquil state of mind.

The monster was more or less the same as the cloaked man, waiting to see what this man had in his hands. As if to humour him, the monster put up his muscular arms in what one would think was a defensive pose.

The man with the sword, after having gotten enough momentum charged forward with a scream erupting from his throat.

After all that wait, the sword, on hitting the monster's tough skin, shattered into a hundred million pieces. An aghast look appeared on his face. The man's eyes were about to pop out in horror.

The monster's lips curved into a smile, this one even more alluring than the first one, and all the more dangerous. The man felt a mixture of emotions; spellbound and fear. The scent of fear was the best, to the monster at least. It licked its lips, savouring the scent before pouncing on the man, its meal for today.

The man closed his eyes instinctively, not even getting the chance to call for help. Who could he even call for help? He was all alone here, and in his entirety of time here, he hadn't met a kind soul who could be bothered enough to save the life of a small animal, let alone him.

The cloaked man pondered for a moment. He took out a coin, and flipped it. If it landed on the smooth side, he wouldn't save the man. If it landed on the rough one, he would slay the monster.

The coin dropped to his palm, and what faced him was the rough side.

'It's his lucky day.'

The cloaked man thought to himself.

Early upload.

Also, I realised that you guys can’t actually see my new book yet because it hasn’t passed the vetting process

It will exist soon, keep an eye out :)

Ultracreators' thoughts