
Gamer’s log: companion acquired!

Currently in the middle of the poketown from the backyard of the chief's house,more precisely from Aeron's quarter large beams of lights were scattering in the sky creating magnificent lightwork attracting every pokemons attention as an aura of supremacy permeated a large portion of the town leaving every pokemon who sensed it in awe.

Meanwhile, inside his quarters Aeron was currently witnessing the birth of his first pokemon as the shining egg slowly took a half meter humanoid form.

The pokemon looked distinctly feminine.with her fairy like appearance, long dazzling green hair resembling a musical bar, big blue-green beautiful jewel like eyes and a jewel similar to her eyes on her forehead.the pokemon was a Meloetta.

Watching the meloetta slowly opening her eyes, Aeron's heart began to pump violently. His whole body froze like a statue as he entered a daze like state looking into meloetta's eyes as she too was frozen in her place looking into Aeron's eyes as a miraculous phenomenon was happening between them unseeable by naked eyes as their spirit left their body for fraction of a second as they collide, mix and then returned to their bodies.

This broke their daze as Aeron looked at the petite pokemon with round white head, black cloaked body with slender limbs as the meloetta too looked at Aeron with curved eye before calling out with her melodious voice.

"Mel~ meloetta~"

Aeron could now feel it, the bond between them. Even before when she was an egg he could feel the closeness between them. That was the closest feeling he could relate to familial love that he had lost.that's why he was so fond of the egg.being an unborn pokemon was also one of the reasons he adored the egg.otherwise he was never the type to let anyone near his heart.

And now that feeling evolved to a bond that transcended the material world and ascended to spiritual level.

Aeron could feel what the meloetta was feeling.

The pure adoration and attachment he felt from her,he found it precious.

"Welcome to the world meloetta.You will be my first pokemon and my most precious partner."



After some time playing with Aeron, meloetta fell asleep.after all she is still a baby pokemon.

Seeing meloetta sleeping soundly Aeron took out the knowledge crystal from his space that the trio legendary dragons gave him.

' I have been delaying it but it seems like it is time to use it.'

This crystal contains knowledge on very specific categories.it contains all knowledge that a pokemon trainer could need.

It contains knowledge on all categories of pokemon.how to raise them,how to care for them,what are beneficial to them and what are not,how to train them and all sorts of knowledge. Aside from that it also has knowledge on different professions that might be useful to pokemon training.simply put this contains knowledge centering around pokemon training.

The reason why Aeron didn't use it before is rather than being helpful it would have rather distracted him.

'Now however, to raise meloetta I need this knowledge.'

Thinking till here Aeron gently pressed the crystal to his head as the knowledge transfer began.


[Mega medicham pov]

It's been a year since the god's blessed sir Aeron has begun living among us in our fighting poketown.

The memories of one year prior to this exact day are still fresh in my mind. That most glorious day of my centuries old life, I was meditating in yoga form when the divine intent of the god's landed on me. That presence of supreme power, just recalling it makes me weak on the leg.

That was when I received the divine revelation that an apostle will descend near here and we are to serve him.

It greatly excited me to be able to serve the apostle of the gods.

The first time he stood before me I could feel the terrifying talent the apostle had in psychic.

And when he asked to be trained by us I truly thought that I had gained the best discipline I could hope to get and him being the apostle

Oiwas just the berry on top of another berry.

But what he wished to train in was skills and combat techniques.

If it was just one or two it may be fine but no he wished to learn a great variety of skills and techniques.

At first I didn't understand why he would waste time like that.The apostle was a psychic prodigy,learning one or two techniques to defend or maneuver in close range was fine but to dabble in physical training and various combat techniques was stupidity of gigantamax proportions. Afterall what can a normal human do when even the strongest among them can't fight against a level 5 caterpie.

Besides, even prodigious normal humans take years to reach that level.

However the apostle was adamant about his decision even when I tried to convince him otherwise. I just had to believe in the apostle.

At first, when he started training his progress was average at best for a human and it hit me with a giga impact of despair.

However after one month he progressed at such speed that he left his master's behind in their art with the only exception being me.

I'm sure he wouldn't take much longer to reach my height either. He already has mastered breath training at the same level as me.

It opened my eyes to what a god blessed can do.

It was around that time we got close to each other and he began calling me gracham for I had punished him for foul talking.

After that we only grew closer as I introduced many things to him between training breaks.

The first time when I had introduced him to pokenet, his eyes grew to match slowpokes.


Today mega medicham began introducing Aeron to pokemons everyday things as he said,

"Prepare your mind young Aeron for i will connect you with pokenet."

Feeling a tug in his head,Aeron felt strangely connected. Probing that connection brought Aerons attention to the internet like thing as his eyes widened to their limit as he entered in daze.

"This young Aeron is the pokenet where every pokemon living here is connected to. They can use this connection to contact each other and Upload knowledge,memory pieces etc that anyone connected can access. This is a masterpiece of psychic application. With me as the central terminal along with other psychic type pokemons living here we set it up."

Unfortunately Aeron didn't hear anything as he was busy discovering slowpoke's psychology.

Flashback ends~

Recalling Aeron's face from that time brought much amusement to mega medicham

As he was thinking about that he recalled the first time Aeron saw pokemons practise elemental bending. His face clearly showed an expression like he saw some pokemon with its head at its crotch.

Or the time when the town's pokemon showed off their different secondary typing or mutated typing. It was like he saw something alien.

There was also that time when I told him how I killed the previous lord of this territory with my last attack using the move psychic to pull out a large amount of earth and throw it to bury the pokemon, killing it and making this hill.

That time he had a reaction like there's something wrong with the world itself.

Now I'm experienced enough to catch on to his oddities. He is like a sheltered child without experience of anything and highly misinformed about the world.

One time when two baby pokemons fought and one seriously injured another Aeron reacted rather radically as he beat up the one who caused the injury. I was there in time to handle the situation or it could have been escalated to huge proportions.

And when I asked him why he did that he showed logic saying that if the kid experienced the pain himself he wouldn't do that again. I could tell he didn't mean bad as upon checking the kid he beat up it showed that he attacked area's where it only gave pain and no injuries.

Upon further inquiry I came to the conclusion that he simply didn't know what to do and judged the situation logically and came up with the 'best' solution.

That conclusion gave me a headache because Aeron is not a person who will do what you say.

He will judge everything rationally,logically and weigh pro's and con's.

Even after one year of my constant effort I couldn't change him much.For that he needs actual experience and to grow from mistakes.

However his radical ways worry me much.


[pov end's]


Currently it is nighttime as Aeron opens his eyes after completely absorbing all the knowledge from the crystal.

Looking at meloetta who was still sleeping peacefully Aeron looked at her with gentle eyes as he said,

"I will take good care of you and make you a strong pokemon."

Glancing at the pending notifications from the system as he decided to check them at morning,

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.