
Cheat Skill Of The Forgotten Blood Sect

After his parents were killed by his own sect, and his puppies were taken back to hell, 11 year after old Joon grows with a cheat skill he gained after being consumed by a dark power, a cheat skill called “Assassin of Gluttony.” In this world full of powerful sect groups, mythic beings, gods, demons, and demonic qi, Joon’s dark and fatal journey is just beginning as he must do what he needs to get done, all so he can feel the feeling of happiness one last time. He yearns for revenge, and his feeling of happiness back. [You have unlocked the Cheat Skill, “Assassin of Gluttony”, would you like proceed?]

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38 Chs

Prologue (3)

In the Conference Hall of the Five Aspects, where the leaders of the major sects often convened, discussions about the blend of qi and its disturbances were not uncommon. Clouds of incense drifted lazily towards the ornate wooden ceiling, and the room was filled with the heads of three influential sects aside from Qinglong: the Baihu Sect, known for their mastery over the elemental forces of nature; the Zhuque Sect, revered for their profound healing techniques; and the Xuanwu Sect, who were the staunch defenders against dark energies.

Elder Mingxia of the Zhuque Sect addressed the gathering, her voice rich in concern. "The creep of demonic Qi has been most invasive near the Emerald Groves. Our healing springs have begun to dry up, and the Verdant Phoenix, which once frequented our groves providing blessings, has not been seen in seasons." The Zhuque Sect once teemed with vibrant wildlife and flora, attributed to their nurturing capabilities, making this an especially significant loss.

Master Liang, representing the Baihu Sect, his robes a brilliant contrast of white and golden threads, conveyed his distress. "Our elemental shrines have reacted wildly. The Fire Shrine erupted last month, scorching part of our sacred forest. We believe this unbalance is due to the increased demonic activity, disturbing the natural order." His sect, situated on the edges of the volcanic belt of Mount Tianhuo, had always lived in harmony with the dangerous terrain, but recent events suggested a more ominous influence.

Protector Zhen of the Xuanwu Sect, cloaked in dark armored robes, provided a grimmer outlook. "The Shambling Mire, once a mere nuisance, has expanded. We've lost terrain and several good warriors to the beasts grown bold from the dark Qi. Our barriers hold, for now." The Xuanwu Sect, located in the marshlands of Nánzhào, was tasked with guarding against entities that thrived in darkness, making them the first line of defense against the encroaching chaos.

All eyes then turned to Protector Ji-Woo, given Qinglong's central role in the ongoing calamities. "Each of these disturbances relates to a larger pattern," he began, examining an ancient scroll placed before them. "The demonic Qi, it seeks weak spots in the world's fabric. The Emerald Groves, Fire Shrine, and the Shambling Mire are such places. As for us, our focus remains on the boy with the red eyes—Joon. His unique aura might well be a beacon, unintentionally drawing these forces closer to Hanyang."

Master Liang interjected, "Are you suggesting that boy be used as bait or as a shield?"

"No," Ji-Woo replied sternly. "But understanding his nature might be key to rebalancing the universe's qi. His birth coincided with the star of darkness waxing. We cannot ignore such signs. We must observe, understand, or control him, lest chaos overtakes us. Maybe even kill him. Which is why I ordered this meeting."

Elder Mingxia nodded slowly, her fingers tracing the rim of her tea cup. "The cosmic alignment at his birth indeed resonated through dimensions. Perhaps his presence could be viewed not merely as a threat but as a potential bridge to understanding and resolving these disturbances. But if we don't do anything now, then he could grow too powerful, and we won't be able to stop him."

Protector Zhen's voice hardened as he shifted the discussion, "We must not forget the restless ambitions of our enemies in the midst of this; the Heilong Sect. Their search for power has always led them close to destruction." Located in the dense and fog-shrouded mountains of Wulong, the Heilong Sect was known for its secretive and often ruthless methods. They had been dabbling dangerously close to the demonic Qi, intent on harnessing it to boost their own powers.

Elder Mingxia nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, their last experiment went awry when they tried to bind a Thunder Serpent—a mythic creature fueled by celestial energies. Corrupted by demonic Qi, the serpent went berserk, destroying several of their ancient halls and causing backlash effects across neighboring areas."

Master Liang chimed in, his expression troubled. "It's not just the Heilong Sect. The movements of the lesser-known Yecha Tribe have been erratic as well. They have sworn to tame Nightmares—shadowy beasts born from the darkest corners of human fear, now swollen with the influx of demonic Qi. Each failure leads to more chaos in our lands."

"I worry," Protector Ji-Woo interjected, "that our focus on Joon might mirror Heilong's follies with the Thunder Serpent. We see potential—a means to address these imbalances—but we risk exacerbation if not approached with the utmost caution."

The discussion briefly paused as servants quietly replenished the tea, the aroma mingling with the heavy tension in the room. The leaders sipped their tea, pondering the gravity of their next steps.

Elder Haneul finally broke the silence, his voice softer, laced with a rare hint of desperation, "And what of the Ashura Beasts in the Southern Deserts? Even they, creatures of fire and sand, have grown unsettled. If we cannot control Joon—who inadvertently could be related to these forces—we must at least prepare to counteract the worst. Will you stand with Qinglong if the need arises?"

Master Liang looked contemplative, "Our sect will prioritize the restoration of our Elemental Shrines. However, it's in none of our interests to see Hanyang fall into chaos. Baihu will aid Qinglong, albeit cautiously."

Protector Zhen nodded, "Xuanwu will maintain the barriers. We'll keep the dark forces at bay as long as possible."

Elder Mingxia sighed, "Zhuque will concentrate on healing and understanding this demonic influence. We will provide support, Haneul, but know this: we act not for Joon, but to safeguard the balance that nourishes our world."

Haneul acknowledged each leader with a grave nod. "Your assistance, while guarded, is appreciated. Let us hope Joon's path aligns more with salvation than destruction, for all our sakes."

Ji-Woo explained, "Now then.."

Mingxia said, "Before any of us should just accept certain conduits, our enemies still need to be dealt with. So all of us have decided to gather our strongest and take them out. We don't need any more hindrances. With the current situation with the demons, and the kid Joon, ignoring one or the other could be fatal."

Ji-Woo smiled, "Oh really?"

"We've already dispatched them as we were discussing things within this meeting. That means you'll owe us in the future."

Ji-Woo thought, 'They're dependable….this is good. If Joon causes a stir, they'll be on standby. Their strongest warriors could overpower demonic beasts easy.'

In the shadow-soaked lands of Wulong, beneath the perpetual mists that enshrouded the Heilong Sect's mountain stronghold, the fierce confrontation began. Baihu's most formidable warrior, Shen Wei, advanced like a storm with fists that carried the wrath of elemental fire. His flaming red hair and glowing white eyes blazed within the sun, saying, "Ahhh. Let's get this over with."  He came across the gates, guarded by Heilong's top disciple, Xue Feng, known for his control over shadows. The battle erupted into a dance of fire and darkness. Each of Shen Wei's punches erupted in fiery bursts, scorching the surrounding ancient pines, while Xue Feng's shadow tendrils weaved defensively, attempting to smother the flames.

In the aftermath of Shen Wei's fiery clash with Xue Feng at the gates of Heilong's stronghold, the environments echoed the ferocity exhibited. As Shen pushed forward into the sanctum, where disciples were corrupted by demonic Qi, his path was a devastating trail of ember and ash. He met them with bursts of searing heat, his punches not only breaking bones and making bodies explode in pure blood and gore, but igniting the very air. The hall smelled of burnt flesh and singed hair, the stench overwhelming as Heilong disciples fell one by one, their screams echoing off the stone walls, a testament to Shen Wei's ruthless advance.

"Who is that?!"

"He's from the Baihu sect!"

Shen Wei said, "Huh? Are you stalking me or something? Creeps."

Meanwhile, Shen Wei faced the ultimate guardian of Heilong, an ancient dragon corrupted into a demonic entity. Its scales were a mosaic of jet and blood, and its eyes burned with malevolent intelligence. Shen's approach was met with a blast of dark fire, which he countered with a protective ring of pure flame. The battle was an inferno, trees around them igniting into torches, the earth scorched black. Shen Wei, calling upon his deepest reserves, summoned the spirit of the phoenix. Clad in this blazing avatar, he dove through the dragon's fire, reaching its heart where his hands, encased in white-hot flames, tore out the entity's core. The beast's scream shook the mountain, its body collapsing into a heap of smoldering ruin.

In the Southern Deserts, where the Ashura Beasts roamed wild, stirred by demonic Qi, Xuanwu's iron-clad defender, Lian Jun, marched forward. He had dark black hair, dark green eyes, and a black beard, The sand beneath his heavy boots swirled in mini vortexes as he confronted the first of the Beasts—a gigantic scorpion with obsidian pincers, its shell corrupted with dark veins. Lian Jun summoned his barrier of indomitable energy, encasing the beast, squeezing tightly until cracks formed on its demonic shell before it shattered with a thunderous boom, casting dark ichor and blood across the golden sands. 

Lian Jun's confrontation with the Ashura Beasts continued. His next adversary was a giant serpent, its scales shimmering with a sickly green aura. As it struck with deadly speed, Lian summoned the earth to rise, crafting spears of hardened sand that pierced through the creature, pinning it momentarily to the ground. Using his immense strength, Lian ripped through the serpent's scales, his hands digging into its flesh, pulling out the heart—a dark, pulsing mass of corrupted energy. The desert sands were soaked with black blood, the air filled with a hissing curse that slowly faded as the beast's life extinguished.

"….The darkness has been defeated." He quoted to himself, but more beastly giant scorpions bursted from the ground, rushing at him.

Lian Jun walked towards them, saying, "Beings corrupt by the demonic qi…I shall eradicate them."

He leaped in the air, crafting a large sand hammer from the sand, spun around fast, and smashed the hammer into the ground, making the beasts explode in clouds and fountains of blood.

Meanwhile, within the overgrown pathways leading to the heart of the Yecha Tribe's territory, Zhuque's serene healer, Aiyin, encountered the tribe's beast tamer, Mogan, who had succumbed to the demonic Qi. His eyes, once vibrant with a naturalist's passion, now glowed with a malevolent purple hue. As he released his latest monstrosity, a Nightmare that thrived on fear, Aiyin remained a pillar of calm. She had long braided white hair and dark orange eyes, and She channeled the ancient healing arts of the Zhuque, her hands glowing with a vivid, warm light that turned into spectral phoenix wings enveloping the Nightmare. The creature writhed, it's dark form dissipating under the purity of her healing light, leaving Mogan staggering back, momentarily freed from the demonic influence, only to collapse weakened.

Aiyin's journey through the Yecha Tribe's territory grew more perilous as she delved deeper. Surrounded by twisted foliage, she was suddenly ambushed by a pack of shadow leopards, their forms blurry and intermittent as if woven from the night itself. With graceful movements, Aiyin danced between the beasts, her hands flowing in an intricate pattern that unleashed streams of healing light. Each touch turned a leopard's shadowy form solid, making them vulnerable. Her light burned through them, leaving behind nothing but small piles of dark ash, the forest floor dotted with the remnants of corrupted creatures. She spun one super fast with her hand, and slashed them in half, a large thud of wind coming from it, her glowing eyes squinting at the debris.

Hours later, Shen Wei, Lian Jun, and Aiyin were headed back to Hanyang, as the people clapped for them, cheering as they heard the news.

"Thank you!"

"You got rid of our main enemies…we're grateful."

"Get rid of that Joon kid next please."

Shen Wei yawned, "Huh? Joon? Who's that?"

Lian Jun replied, "…You are oblivious."

"Maybe. So who is it?"

Aiyin stuttered, "H-He's a devil child..right? Or no?"

Shen Wei dug up his nose, "Heh? Oh. We have to kill him? Sounds fun."