
cheat code for wealth

In a quiet town where ambition seems to have missed him entirely, Pliex Bonaventure is renowned for his exceptional talent for procrastination. Despite yearning for a more fulfilling life, he spends his days drifting aimlessly, avoiding responsibility whenever possible. Little does he know, his lackadaisical existence is on the brink of a remarkable change. One ordinary day, Pliex stumbles upon a mysterious system that offers him a tantalizing proposition: incredible wealth in exchange for completing simple tasks. Intrigued yet skeptical, Pliex reluctantly accepts the system's offer and soon uncovers its astonishing power. With each task accomplished, Pliex's bank account burgeons exponentially, transforming his mundane existence into a whirlwind of luxury and possibility.However, as Pliex revels in his newfound affluence, he discovers that wealth comes with its own set of challenges and moral dilemmas. Caught between the allure of an easy life and the responsibilities that accompany great fortune, Pliex navigates a labyrinth of choices and consequences. Along the way, he encounters allies and adversaries who challenge his perceptions and force him to confront the true meaning of wealth.As Pliex's journey unfolds, he grapples with questions of ethics, purpose, and the boundaries of his newfound power. Will he succumb to the temptations of unlimited wealth, or will he find a way to use his abilities for the greater good? In a narrative that blends humor, adventure, and introspection, Pliex Bonaventure discovers that sometimes, the greatest rewards come from the most unexpected sources.

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this is good

I'm Pliex Bonaventure, a high school graduate working in a convenience store. I was just a normal person who procrastinated all day and did nothing to improve myself. Living with my family means I don't have to pay rent, and my mom cooks for me, so I have no responsibilities. But those are just excuses.

I don't want to do anything, and even when I do, my body refuses to move, and my mind gets distracted within minutes.After graduation, I realized I needed money to cover my expenses because I didn't want to rely on my family for everything. That's why I got this part-time job, but even here, I look for ways to ditch work and get some time alone.

But today was different...When I woke up, an annoying, deep voice started speaking nonsense. It talked about having powers and making me wealthy by completing some stupid tasks. I wasn't falling for it—until the $100 appeared. Ahem, it's not that I'm hungry for money, but do you even know how much $100 is? It's free money, so who cares? But now, I have to unlock this other stupid thing called the status window…

I sighed and decided to ask the system about this "status window" nonsense.

"Hey, system, how do I get $500 to unlock the status window?" I muttered, not really expecting a response.


"To earn $500, you must complete assigned tasks or continue working and save your earnings."

I stared at the empty air in front of me, baffled. "So, you're telling me I need to work for it?"


"Correct. Completing tasks will expedite the process, but working at your current job is also a viable option."

"Great, just great," I grumbled. "I get a magic system, and it still wants me to work. Figures."

Reluctantly, I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for another day at the convenience store. Maybe these tasks wouldn't be too bad. After all, if they could get me $100 that easily, how hard could it be to earn $500?

As I walked to my workplace, I got another message from the system.


"Do not talk about this system to anyone or ask for help from a friend to give you $500. This violates our rules."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course, there's a catch. Fine, I'll play by your rules for now."

With a mixture of curiosity and resignation, I continued on my way, wondering what tasks awaited me and how this mysterious system would change my life.

During my shift at the convenience store, I kept checking around, hoping for any new tasks from the system. It was getting late in the afternoon when suddenly, a big blue screen appeared right in front of my eyes.


"Task available: Help ten customers with their purchases today. Reward: $300."

My eyes widened. Three hundred dollars for helping customers? That was more than enough to unlock the status window. I nodded to myself and resolved to provide the best customer service possible.

I spent the rest of my shift assisting customers, going above and beyond to ensure their satisfaction. By closing time, I had helped exactly ten customers. The blue screen reappeared before me.


"Task completed. $300 has been credited to your account."

I couldn't believe it. Three hundred dollars in one day, just from helping customers. Maybe this system wasn't so bad after all. With renewed determination, I headed home, eager to see what other tasks and opportunities awaited me.

When I reached home, another task appeared on the big blue screen in front of me.


"Task available: Take a bath and make dinner today. Reward: $200."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the simplicity of it. "Easy money," I muttered to myself, feeling a surge of excitement. Without wasting a moment, I headed straight for the bathroom, looking forward to earning another $200.

After a refreshing shower that probably lasted longer than necessary, I made my grand announcement to my family. "Hey everyone, I'm taking charge of dinner tonight!"

Their reactions were priceless. My mom looked at me as if I had just sprouted wings, my dad raised an eyebrow in disbelief, and my little sister burst into uncontrollable giggles.

"You? Making dinner?" Mom asked, her voice tinged with skepticism.

"Yup, that's right. Tonight, Chef Pliex is in the kitchen," I replied with mock confidence.

Dad chuckled. "Well, I guess we'll see how this turns out. Don't burn the house down, okay?"

I waved off his concerns with a grin. "No worries, Dad. I've got this under control."

With newfound determination, I raided the fridge and pantry, trying to remember everything I had seen my mom do countless times. As pots clanged and ingredients scattered, my family peeked into the kitchen with both curiosity and trepidation.

An hour later, dinner was served. I proudly presented my culinary creation—a mishmash of pasta, random vegetables, and a questionable sauce that I had attempted to replicate from a cooking show I half-watched once.

"This looks... interesting," Mom said diplomatically, eyeing the colorful dish on her plate.

Dad took a cautious bite and managed a strained smile. "Well, it's... unique."

My little sister giggled again, barely able to contain herself. "It's... uh, creative, Pliex."

I shrugged, trying to maintain my composure despite their hesitant reactions. "Hey, at least it's edible, right?"

After some polite chewing and forced compliments, my family mercifully finished their plates. I beamed with pride, despite the lukewarm reviews.

"Well, I think I've earned my $200," I declared, trying not to let their reactions dampen my spirits.

After dinner (and a few more awkward compliments), I excused myself and retreated to my room with a sense of accomplishment. I picked up my phone and navigated to the status window prompt.


"Unlock status window for $500?"

I hesitated for a moment. This was a big step. What would unlocking this window reveal? What new challenges or opportunities would the system present to me?

Taking a deep breath, I tapped "Yes" on the screen, steeling myself for whatever lay ahead. The screen flashed, and a sense of anticipation filled the room.

But before I could process anything further, the screen went blank, leaving me in suspense. What did the system have in store for me next?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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