
Chapter Hundred & Twenty_Six: Angel X Golden POV: Bloody Bat


"It is a long story I swear please believe me," she said as tears gathered in her eyes and I felt a bit of mercy rise in my heart. I looked at the guard and told him to stop. I grabbed the bat and looked at her as I stood close to her friend. "Alright, let us say, I believe your 'long' story, it still doesn't paint a full picture as you haven't said anything. I see those tears, trust me I truly do.

But… those tears don't tell me or give me the answers I'm looking for." I spat, so I raised my bat and hit the boy's stomach and he let out a bloody cough as he tried to bend down but again it wasn't possible. I turned to the girl and noticed the blood coming from her mouth and nose.

How on earth was she bleeding when the young man was the one receiving all the damn pain?