
Chasing my Luna

Scott Devlin, the bold Alpha of the Devlin clan was so disappointed at his adoptive parents to have him forced to marry a complete stranger, and above all professions, a doctor, whom he hates. He was reluctant to attend the wedding because he thinks the bride isn’t willing to marry him too. Besides, he is devoted in finding his Luna. His siblings managed to take him away so he can escape his fate since Scott can’t say no to their father. While Scott is enjoying his escapade in his friend’s private island, he noticed a faint fragrant scent that lured him towards the bar. His attention directed to a brunette woman wearing a red fitted maxi dress, with mesmerizing sapphire eyes. He can’t help but approach Diana who was sitting at the bar. “Finally, my Luna”, Scott whispered to himself. Little that he know, the Luna he imprinted on is not what she seems to be. **********

rocksunxv · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
159 Chs

Facing Death

'That's on you', Roman placed the hard decision on Scott's shoulder given that the Alpha of the Black Creek Clan doesn't care about a thing on the lives at risk. If he were to decide, he'd kill everyone in the house who's a threat on the Luna's existence, no matter whose life is needed to be sacrificed.

Scott values Diana, and everyone important to her. He knows that it would break Diana's heart if he let Kate go in harm's way. As for Stanley, he would always hold a special place in his heart. May he be a foster father or his uncle by blood, Scott would always be grateful for being treated like a true son.

Scott shifted his gaze from Kate to Stanley. The newborns are insanely quick, that it might be too late for him and Roman to reach them on time. While he decides, Stanley stood in a daze like in one of his many lost moments while a newborn held him close with a sharp finger resting on his neck. The longer Scott makes a decision, the deeper the newborn's deadly nail sink on the old man's skin.

"No? Well then, you don't mind if you lose another wolf then", Claudia signaled the newborn to deprive the old man's body with life as he smirked to do honors to kill the head of the Devlins family.

Facing death, Stanley winced and grunted softly as the newborn cut his neck with his sharp nails. Scott growled as he make his way to Stanley. In a split-second, the newborn suddenly stopped from his deathly graze and gasped as he drop his jaw. His eyes turned from bright crimson to coal black before his body turn to ashes. Scott slid to a halt seeing the man who just cut the newborn's head off its neck.

From the ashes, Lucas in human form appeared gasping for air securing the old man to the side. "I got the front covered", he said as he nodded at Scott.

Followed by a couple of loud thuds and hard slams, the back door was broken into pieces when a large wolf forcefully entered the hall. 'The pack's here! The back area is all good', Gunner mindtalked the wolves as he growl his way beside his Alpha. Together, they visciously gave their death stare on the cold-blooded creatures.

Standing behind the original vampire, a newborn breatheslessly whispered to Claudia unsure of what to do next. "Claudia.. I do not have plans to die today. Might as well have a better plan, or we'll meet our doom",he said as he leaned towards her ear.

"Stand your guard", Claudia ordered her newborns as she hissed crinkling her nose in fury while the wolves slowly come forth. She then strangled Kate's neck threatening to snap it before they could even get to her. "One more step, and this woman dies", she said without blinking her eyes. The wolves continued to walk as they watch the vampires' every move. "Uh-uh. I mean it", she said as they stop.

"Good", Claudia gave an eerie grin before turning her head up. "Diana? Diana! Show yourself, or your dear friend dies tonight", she voiced as she looked around making sure Diana hears her.

"Diana!! Do not go out!! I swear, I'm gonna cut you if you do", Kate whimpered as Claudia tightened her grip. With her weary eyes, she glanced at Lucas as she held Claudia's hand on her neck, hoping he wouldn't let Diana out.

With depleting patience, Roman pounced closer as he growl towards the vampires followed by Gunner. Scott ran after the two to stop them from their reckless idea. The newborns retracted their claws as they back up a little snarling at the wolves. Claudia was ready to break Kate's neck when suddenly..

Diana showed herself from the balcony on the second floor waving her hands. "No no no!! Please!", she plead for the life of her dear friend. Worried they might hurt her, Diana thought there's no way to save her friend unless she shows up. Everyone in the hall looked straight away at the Luna who decided to appear. Scott and Roman hurriedly ran to the Luna, fairly attracted like magnets.

"Ah! Finally!", Claudia's bloodshot eyes shimmered as she sees what she came in for. "Tell your dogs to step away. They kind of smell", she said while Diana hurriedly ran down the stairs. She asked the wolves not to approach as the vampires might hurt Kate.

"I only want one thing… and you know what that is", Claudia said with her hand tightening on Kate's neck.

"Please don't hurt her", Diana said. "I'll.. I'lll go with you, just let her go", she bravely walked across the hall.

"No, Diana.. no!", Kate shook her at Diana who keeps on moving forward. "Diana, stop!", she plead her friend to cease from walking. "Remember when I promised you that I'll be protecting you at all times? This is me fulfilling that promise", she said with teary eyes as she smile at Diana. "It's okay, just.. just don't come near us. Stay where you are", she said.

Scott and Roman tugged Diana away from the vampires, not letting her to come closer. Newborns are faster than the speed of lightning, their speed has no match with theirs unless the wolves outsmart them. While they keep Diana distant, Diana kept her gaze at her only friend in the middle of danger.

"How sweet.", Claudia batted her eyes. "So… we have come to this?", then she started to get hasty with the involvement of the wolves. "Here's a deal.", she released Kate's neck as she took a few steps forward. "Diana, in exchange for this woman's life.. meet me at the Old East Cemetery two hours after nightfall tonight. Only then I'd release your friend", Claudia said. "The invitation is for single person only. No dogs allowed", she lifted her brows at the raging wolves snarling across the hall. "If you don't come.. or if you take someone with you…", Claudia dried Kate's eyes using her fingers. "Your dear friend would be another body you'll mourn", Claudia scoffed as she glare at Diana. Then, she swiftly grabbed Kate as she rush out the window breaking the glasses into pieces.

"Nooo!! Kate!!", Diana ran towards Kate as she widened her eyes in shock. She shouted at the top her lungs as she watch Kate flee through the window with Claudia. Left behind, the newborns were then attacked and mercilessly killed by the wolves as they were torn apart with their sharp teeth and claws.

Moments after, the hall was suddenly filled with silence. Only the moonlight seeping through the broken windows lightened the grand mansion. The cool breeze enters the home as it make a ghastly sound, somewhat making the house sound like it's breathing on its own.

Gunner and the Black Creek Clan made rounds to make sure there are no vampires left lurking in the mansion, while Lucas took Stanley in a secured room to give him a rest. Scott and Roman led Diana in the living room, making plans on how to retrieve Kate.

"I must go. Claudia came here to prove that she'll kill everyone until she gets me. This is all my fault", Diana said. "And now, Kate's in trouble", she blames herself why her only friend has been involved.

"No, Luna. It's Scott's fault.", Roman shook his head in disapproval as he turn the blame on Scott. "He should've killed that bloodsucker in the first place", Roman said as he sat in one of the coffee tables.

Feeling guilty, Scott exhaled sharply as he tie a piece of curtain on his waist covering his nakedness. "I'll get Kate, my love. I'll make sure she'll be back in one piece", he said as he stare out the broken window.

"With two holes on her neck, I'm sure", Roman stood up as he took a step closer to Scott. "Why don't you just tell her the truth, Scott? That her friend Kate is as good as dead. Original vampires don't play.", he said as if there's no hope for Kate.

"Stop it!", Scott gritted his teeth as he face Roman.

"I'd rather tell her the truth than give her false hopes", Roman meet Scott eye to eye as he radiate his rage aura.

"I'd rather do something to save the people important to my Luna, than do nothing", Scott said as he send out his powers to Roman.

Diana stood in between the raging Alphas. She held their hard rock arms that seemed all tensed to start a fight. "Please.. now is not the time for the both of you to fight.", Diana said as she squeeze their arms. "I'll do what it takes to get Kate", she said. The Alphas exhaled shakily as they calm down at the tone of Diana's voice.

Then, they were interrupted by small tiny steps coming in. They stared at the open door where Ofir suddenly appeared. "Scott? Diana? I don't think I feel good.. ", Ofir said as he barge in the living room. Diana squinted her eyes at the lythari elf who was a swaying side to side.

"Are you alright, Ofir?", Diana draw near the Ofir wondering what have happened to him.

Roman followed Diana with caution. "Not too near, Luna", he said.

Looking wrinkly and odd, Ofir's eyes suddenly turned all black as he float in the air. Startled, Diana flinched as she stepped back to Roman in her surprise. "What's happening?", she whispered. "Ofir!!", she called his name to wake him up.

Roman held Diana's arm as he move her away from the lythari elf. "Diana, come here", he said.

Diana stared fixedly at Ofir, then when she looked back at Scott, who was also floating in the air with his eyes all turned black. "Roman", Diana called Roman as she gaze at Scott's body being lifted by an unseen force from the floor.

"What the..", Roman said as he drop his jaw staring at Scott. Then he grabbed Scott's body trying to wake him up from being lost in a trance. "Heyy heyy!! Wake up!", he shouted but nothing happened.

Then, in a sudden, the Grayback wolf pack, who were soaking wet from swimming all the way back to the Devlins mansion, arrived perfectly on time as they see the Alpha and the lythari elf afloat midair. "It's happening", Reina said with her mouth open catching her breath.

The pack grabbed Scott's feet as they try to pull him down, while Diana shouted for his name over and over. His skin was cold as ice, and his body was hard as steel. He didn't even moved down a little even if the weight of the pack's men were holding on to him. As they try their best to wake him up, they heard clacking of heels walking from the dark.

They waited until they could see who it was. And when they can sense who the creature is, the wolves stood on guard. Roman position himself upfront backing Diana away. Breathing shakily, Diana didnmt removed her gaze up to the time she sees Tamara's face.

Tamara glared at each of the wolf as she lifted her hand in the air. "I'm taking what's mine", she said as she vanish into thin air with Scott and Ofir.