
Chapter 6 Oops I Did It Again

It's my third day in this forsaken town. Three days ago, I ran away from my life; I ran away from Brendan, my would have been future husband. He has been calling nonstop, day and night, hour to hour, minute to minute. I have not answered his calls or responded to his messages. I know it is a conversation I need to have with him, just not right now.

I can see why these people want to live here; it is dead. The town is dead. It is just as dead as this piece of bacon in front of me. Not only do they have terrible taste in clothes, they clearly can't cook either. I can knock the cat sitting at the door completely unconscious with this thing. Let me not even start with this egg, if you can even call it that. This is the worst breakfast I have ever had in my life.

"I don't think you can stab that thing anymore dead than it already is."

I nearly drop over backward off my chair as he comes from behind me, "Fuck. Where did you come from?"

"Hopefully, the same place as you."

"You know that is lame."


"Your stupid come backline."

He only stands there with that incredible cocky smile. If I have not said this before, I will say this again. This man is a downright sin.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I try to hide my blush red cheeks away.

"I was hoping to take you for breakfast. But it seems you all sorted there."

"I don't think you can call this breakfast."

"What that bacon looks delicious."

"You should try the egg; it's got the perfect mixture of rubber and char."

He reaches out for my hand and pulls from my chair, "Come, I will take you for a decent breakfast."

"Is there one of these town folk that can actually cook?"

"No. The one is worse than the other."

"Give me five minutes to change."

I don't know why I want to change; I look perfectly fine with what I am wearing. I don't know what to wear now; it makes no sense. Did my brain stop functioning when he walked in?

"It has been five minutes," I hear him call to me from the lounge.

"Five more."

Maybe this dress or these shorts or this shirt, why is it so difficult. I bought a new wardrobe not even a day ago. If I wear these shorts, I need to shave. Do I have time to shave?

"It has been ten minutes," he urges me on.

"Just five more."

I am wearing stonewashed denim shorts that barely cover my ass, a slight hint of my bum crease visible, below my belly, but not too low. A tight white crop top, covering only my breasts, it is somewhat see-through, enough to make my lace bra show. My stomach is bare, tanned, and toned.

As I step my way into the lounge, I watch as his eyes grow wide and his jaw drops into total shock, "For fuck sakes, Jenna."


"Are you seriously going to wear that?"

"Yes. What is wrong with it?"

"How am I supposed to concentrate on anything when you look like that?"

"Easy, I can concentrate when you look that."

He cocks his head and smiles, "Look like what?"

"Those muscles are screaming to get out that shirt. That ass would look a lot tighter if it had less clothes over it."

"Have you been checking me out?"



I slowly walk up to him; he knows that I am up to something by the look in my eye, but what he does not know yet.

"I think you need to lose all of that," I wave my finger up and down his body.

"All of what?"

"Your clothes."

"Do you want breakfast?"

"Yes, why?" I step a few more steps closer to him; he is slowly but most hesitantly trying to edge away.

"Jenna, I… If we don't leave now, this will become breakfast in bed."

"I am not complaining."

"And here a thought, you a sweet innocent girl."

I close the final gap between our anticipation bodies, "Keep quiet."


"I can't do this when you are talking."

I push Tyler back into the chair, straddling his lap. He cannot move. I place my lips on his, but I do not kiss him yet. They move down his jawline to his neck. They run down the sensitive parts of his bare skin. I feel his body tense; he lets out a deep moan. My lips move to find his again. I run my tongue over his bottom lip until he allows me in. He kisses me with untamed raw desire; I kiss him with an unfulfilled inner craving. I let go of his tongue to come up for a breath, to exhale, he takes me and kisses me again.

"I seriously suggest that we leave now," he says from underneath his strained breath.

I can feel him hard and throbbing between our bodies. I let my hand wander down his sculpted chest, my fingers stray down to the lining of his pants. I let one finger slip in, he growls. My hand wanders to find his hardened length.

"God, Jenna. You are going to be the death of me."

I pull my body deep into him and give him one last passionate kiss.

"I think you right; we should go." I slide off his lap and come to stand in front of him, where he is still sitting frozen and trembling.

He stands from the chair and wraps his arms around me. He firmly grabs my ass and pulls my legs around his waist. He takes me to the kitchen and sits me on the countertop. He pushes his body tight in between my legs, "This is a bad idea."


"I don't think this is something Clara wants to walk into."

"Just give me five minutes to freshen up."

"No, I am not waiting twenty minutes for you."

Tyler leads me by my hand out to his truck. His hands feel rough but yet soft. I can smell his cologne; it smells warm, fresh, and spicy. Having that body wrapped into mine would be nothing near like heaven.

He finds me staring at him; he looks at me for a few seconds before he speaks, "Can I ask you something?"


"Do you always stare at people like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you are going to eat them?"


"Only if they overly hot strangers."

"Guess I am lucky I found you on the side of the road then."

As I get into his truck, I turn to him, "Do you know what else is lucky?"

"No what?"

Before Tyler knows what is happening, I got the disc in the music player, and I am singing. "I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now. Don't you know I still believe. That you will be here. And give me a sign. Hit me, baby, one more time."

He looks at me with that goddamn sexy smile, "Do you want to kill me? You are seriously not going to sing that now?"

"Come on, try it; it grows on you. Try the next one; I am sure you know the words."

"No, it is not happening."

"Just come on, it is fun."

"No. Still not happening."

I put the volume a touch louder and sign from the tops of my lungs. "Oops, I did it again. I played with your heart, got lost in the game. Oh baby, baby. Oops, you think I'm in love. That I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent."

"You are crazy," he laughs as he shakes his head at me, "You do know that?"


I turn the volume down again, very much satisfied with myself.

"So, where is breakfast?"

"Just up the road here."

"Where is here?"

"Up the road."

"Which road?"

"For fuck sakes."

"I did not know you get roads called that. But this is out in the middle of nowhere; you never know."

He takes his eyes off the road for a brief moment and looks at me, his chocolate brown eyes piercing straight through my soul. "Please remind me why I saved your lost ass again?

"Cause you wanted to get into my pants."

"Is there ever a time that you do not think of something sexual?"


"And that will be when?"

"When I am having sex."

"How can that ex of yours be so boring then?"

"Oh, I did not want to have sex with him."

"Then how does such a small thing like you have such a demanding appetite?"

"Oh, that is easy. It is you."

"You barely know me."

"And you barely know me," I say as I slide my hand slowly up his leg. "It has not stopped you either," I add.

Then just as I thought, he has a raging hardon, and as my fingers crawl further up his length, I whisper softly to him, "And you love every minute of it."

"For fuck sakes."