

I'm just a maid. A servant or whatever you may call, I'm at the bottom of hierarchy in our kingdom.

My story is kinda magical, I fell Inlove with the one who can't be loved. We all hate him, we doesn't want him in our life. If ever we need to shut him out, then we will.

It really sounds crazy. I fell Inlove with the king, the Demon in his own kingdom.

Still couldn't understand why, why would I fell Inlove with a Demon like him?

But something changed. He betrayed me, he used me as a sacrifice, the king who can't be trusted nor love.

Our story was then become popular in future life.

But how did I know it was me?

Do really past repeat itself?

Cause I was again fell Inlove not with a king nor demon, but with a boss with demonic attitude. Who fears nothing and kills brutally

Past is chasing me, it's haunting me. My past life wants me to feel what she felt, and she became my inner demon, who's following me around and making my life miserable.

How can I save myself?

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