
Chased By My Billionaire Ex-husband

Claire Reed thought she had married the man of her dreams, Evander Kensington, but she had no idea that their marriage was built on a lie; a family vow that trapped him by her side. His heart, however, belonged to another woman, far away. No matter how hard Claire tried to win Evander’s love, he only grew colder, and his family treated her like she didn’t exist. When she lost their unborn child, Claire’s world shattered. She couldn’t bear it anymore and walked away, leaving behind a letter and divorce papers, claiming she now had someone else she loved! ===== Evander’s cold lips crashed onto Claire’s. “You’re mine, and I’ll never let you go!” he vowed, his voice dark with possessiveness. “But I don’t want you anymore! You can have Susan—I’ll find peace on my own!” Claire shot back, her words sharp and final.

ARU · perkotaan
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14 Chs

You Are Mine!

***Claire's POV*** 

Evander drove in silence, his jaw clenched, eyes fixed on the road ahead. I could feel the tension radiating from him, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of speaking first. My thoughts churned with anger and confusion! What was he planning exactly? Where was he taking me? A number of questions ran through my mind as I wished to disappear.

When the car finally came to a stop, I looked up and my heart sank. 

We were in front of our old house. The place once I weaved the dream of love and the place I had vowed never to return to. Before I could react, Evander was out of the car and rounding to my side. He yanked the door open, his grip on my arm firm as he pulled me out.

"Evander, what the hell are you doing?" I hissed in pain as I tried to free my arm, but his hold was unyielding.

"We are going inside," he said, his voice cold and devoid of any emotion. There was no room for argument, no space for protest. He dragged me to the front door, unlocking it with a key he still possessed. The door creaked open, and I was shoved inside, the memories of this place crashing down on me.

The door slammed shut behind us, the sound echoing through the empty halls. I barely had time to register the familiarity of the surroundings before Evander grabbed me, his hands rough as they cupped my face. His lips crashed down on mine with a force that made me gasp, the kiss was hard and demanding, leaving no room for anything as Evander overpowered me with his presence.

I struggled against him, pushing at his chest, but he held me tighter, his kiss becoming more insistent. There was nothing tender about it, nothing gentle. It was possessive, as if he was claiming me all over again, as if I was his to take.

"Evander, stop!" I finally managed to tear my mouth away from his, my voice shaky but filled with fury. I shoved him back, my chest heaving with rage. How dare he touch me after what he had done to me!

But Evander wasn't backing down. He stepped closer, his eyes blazing with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. "You are still my wife, Claire," he said, his tone laced such coldness that made my blood run cold. "You think you can just walk away from me? Think again."

"Get away from me," I spat, taking a step back, but he advanced toward me.

"Is this what you want?" he sneered. His was gaze flicking to the door as if daring me to run. "To pretend you are free of me? To lie to yourself that you have moved on?" His hand shot out, grabbing my wrist, pulling me back toward him. "You are mine, Claire. You always were, and you always will be."

"Let me go!" I demanded as my voice rose, but Evander's grip only tightened. He wasn't listening—he never listened even in the past! He left me in cold to bear all the pain alone.

He lowered his head, his breath hot against my ear. "You think you can just erase me? Erase us?" he growled, his voice sending a chill through me. "You think a mere letter can end our relationship?"

The fear and anger coursing through me at his words. "I hate you," I hissed, my voice trembling with emotions. "I have already moved on with my life, Evander! You should too see what's in front of you rather than trying to control me!"

His eyes darkened, the anger in them sparked. "Move on? Really? You don't get to decide when this ends."

"Watch me," I snapped, yanking my arm free with every ounce of strength I had left. "You don't own me."

I stepped away from him as I tried to calm my racing heart. The person once I loved and cherished, the person who never spared me a glance was right in front of me and demanding me to be his!

Where the hell was he when I needed him the most? Was I just replacement of that woman? Just because she was not in his life, he used me as a substitute? How infuriating.

"How dare you walk away while I was talking!?" Evander came forth toward me as he gazed into my eyes. "You had an affiar while you were married to me! You loved someone while I was still your husband!" 

"So what if I did!?" I shot a deadly glare at him. "It wasn't like you didn't already have Susan following you around everyday!"

"What did you just say?" Evander cupped my face and stared into my eyes, as if he was trying to find something in their depths. "Do you think you can hold a candle to Susan? Dream on! You're not even worthy of her toenail."

Tears brimmed into my eyes. How could he say something to cruel to me? After what I have been through, he still had the gall to compare me with that housewrecker!?

"If she is so precious, then why did you take me here? Why don't you stop bothering me and go to her?" I said plainly. Truthfully, I had no spirit left in me to fight against him. I just wanted to get rid of him and go home soon.

"Do you think I need you to tell me where I should go and where I shouldn't!?" Evander let go of my face as I instantly rubbed them gently to soothe the burning pain after his hard touch.

"Sure! You don't! But let me tell you, I too need not your permission to love someone other than you! I was once a fool but not now. I…" I was still speaking when the door of the house unlocked and tall and slender figure appeared in front of our eyes.