
Charming Beauties

A happy future awaits every child who has been born into the world. However, that could not be said for Rodrick Leinart, a man who was less fortunate enough to live the early years of his childhood with a happy and complete family...only for it to end up in a tragedy: behold, his ruined family. Dealing throughout life after the outcome of his father's infidelity, he vowed to become a man who his mother could be proud of. ...but when he chooses to play the most popular game of his time, a VRPG harem-based game with the potential to help him financially, he is torn between two choices: play the game and earn money, or honor the promise he made to his mother. So? What does he do? He plays the game in the opposite way as advertised! "Harem? What harem? I only choose to have one wife!" ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ TRIGGERS ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ 1.) First-Person Writing (I know, but it is what it is...I promise it will be enjoyable though. The story will start first and foremost with plentiful observations though, so if that's a red flag, don't read it hahaha.) 2.) Slow Burn Romance (Just because it's nice to see romance bloom slowly...from nothing. And also because it's underrated.) ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ AUTHOR'S NOTE ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ But seriously, who knows? You might enjoy the story despite these triggers. Just give it a shot, maybe the first 30 chapters? :

Leuko_Rosa · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Until Tomorrow

I finally reach a place far away from the guild hall, and I'm currently lamenting over my decisions like a weirdo. People can see me looking like a heartbroken teenager in his emo phase when I was walking down the street...

But I don't care! I almost lost my egg and the clothes I got from my wife! 

That's worse than dying! Even if the killing penalty was quite harsh, it's not as harsh as getting the wrath of my mom...I experienced that when I got my school uniform dirty from playing with friends.

What happened? Lots of nagging.

Don't ask about it.

 ...As soon as I reached the mountain, thinking I still had plenty of time to play, I noticed the sun starting to set.

I sigh, as I shake my head and move to the beam of light...it seems like I can only ask that spearwoman guard for training tomorrow...

On the bright side, I'll get to spend dinner with my mom!

On the darker side, I'll miss this beautiful world...but I can always come back.

...and so, I log out and grin like an idiot, as I walk to the kitchen.

I take a look around, not seeing any signs of the cooking utensils touched, or the plates for that matter, and...this scene makes me smirk immensely.

Hah! I beat my mother to it! I'm cooking food for her tonight.

As I grab some ingredients from the refrigerator, I see my mother open the door, looking at me with surprise. I look back at her with wariness, knowing what she's about to do. I try to hide the carrots and onions that I initially placed on the counter, but her eagle eye notices this.

She leaves her bag on the dining table and immediately sprints to my side, using her cane for support.

I know for damn sure she's serious!

"No, ma!" I say with surprise, as she beats me to it when she starts to chop the ingredients I placed down the counter. She gives me a sly grin as if telling me to be faster if I want to cook food...before she does it.

But no! I won't forfeit this competition! I'll be the one to cook food tonight! I'm sorry Mom, I know you've raised me well, but this is a contest I must win!


Rosvyliana was strolling through the Meadows of Rayne, an unknown mob field that can only be conquered by a strong player...and currently, no such player is capable of such a feat. There were plentiful strong and unencountered beasts that amassed the size of a building, which are not the only aspects that make these beasts terrifying.

Right now, she was wearing the same clothes she had-- except, there was another equipment she wore today. She hid her face behind a mask that was shaped like a fox.

The mask was not simply for decoration, but rather, as an amplifier to her already imposing aura.

She slashed the beasts coming her way, her sword slicing through each one of them flawlessly. No matter how terrifying the size and abilities of these creatures were, they would all be taken down with ease.

A whole 3 minutes passed, as her dance of elegant and clean sword slices bloodied the whole grassy meadow into one of blood and corpses. However, despite accomplishing a feat that would make players cry with envy, she finds nothing of it and only grimaces.

This strength far exceeded the epic tier women's performances, but it was nothing praiseworthy, as in her eyes, other legendary tier women can do the same. Probably even more.

"...One must continue training," She comments, as she walks to the mountain of dead bodies and casts a spell to cleanse the battlefield. It all dissipates into dust, leaving everything clean and fresh. 

She walks back to a path that can reach Mount Lianthan, her sanctuary. If her husband were walking back from this area to the mountain, it would take him 12 hours...but, she could do it in 10 minutes. 5 minutes, if she were rushing. This takes into account going up the mountain.

However, as she was about to go, one of her subordinates... tired and gasping for breath, walked up to her as she took a deep breath. "Miss- Ah, Madam Rosyvliana!" She calls out, making Rosyvliana curious as to why her subordinate was there. "You...what are you doing here? Is there any instance that needs my attention?" She asks.

"Your husband...he...he collected quite...a lot of debt from the guild hall!" Her subordinate speaks with bated breath. Rosyvliana's eyes drooped down low, already expecting a possibility of this happening when she was to be married...but she never expected it from her husband.

Especially when he's been quite a mystery to understand.

Especially when he diverted from everything she's expected from marrying an otherworldly human.

"What debt do you speak about? How much?" She asks, waiting for details. Her subordinates nod, as she speaks slowly, still tired.

"Debt from...breaking many things in the guild hall...it was caused by...a forced duel...by another human...and...100 gold will have to be paid to the guild hall..." Her subordinate sighs, and the eyes in Rosvyliana's eyes widen in surprise.

He's managed to surprise her again, but it was a good one.

"Just a hundred gold? We have thousands in our storage, there's no problem with taking mere pennies," Rosyvliana smiles, a slight chuckle escaping from her lips. 

"Although, given how you came to me directly...did he come to ask for my permission? Or is it for another reason?" She asks curiously, and her subordinate looks at her with a dumbfounded expression. "No...sir doesn't have any idea of his debt...those working in the guildhall described him as someone who ran away as soon as the duel ended."

Rosyvliana looks at her subordinate with a look of understanding, already expecting this answer. For some reason, her husband lost his intelligence at the most unusual of times. "Ah...as to be expected."

Thus, they walk back to Mount Lianthan, as Rosyvliana purposively slows her pace for her subordinate to keep up.

"Walk faster, you've lost your footing," Rosyvliana smiles, teasing her subordinate. Her subordinate pouts in response, making Rosyvliana laugh a little louder...it was in moments like these wherein she could be like her old self. 

She had to inwardly thank her husband for allowing her to live her life the way she wanted to...it's already unexpected enough that he would reject the opportunity to build a harem and have girls serving him left and right, and it's even more shocking that he wouldn't have certain "needs" that other humans normally had.

...and unknown to her, a small smile crept into her lips while she walked with her subordinate.

Yehey! We're down to 20 chapters! Thank you for reading through 20 chapters to reach this point, readers! I'm very happy for your support! I'll continue writing everyday, but until then, see you tomorrow! :>

Leuko_Rosacreators' thoughts