
Charming Beauties

A happy future awaits every child who has been born into the world. However, that could not be said for Rodrick Leinart, a man who was less fortunate enough to live the early years of his childhood with a happy and complete family...only for it to end up in a tragedy: behold, his ruined family. Dealing throughout life after the outcome of his father's infidelity, he vowed to become a man who his mother could be proud of. ...but when he chooses to play the most popular game of his time, a VRPG harem-based game with the potential to help him financially, he is torn between two choices: play the game and earn money, or honor the promise he made to his mother. So? What does he do? He plays the game in the opposite way as advertised! "Harem? What harem? I only choose to have one wife!" ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ TRIGGERS ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ 1.) First-Person Writing (I know, but it is what it is...I promise it will be enjoyable though. The story will start first and foremost with plentiful observations though, so if that's a red flag, don't read it hahaha.) 2.) Slow Burn Romance (Just because it's nice to see romance bloom slowly...from nothing. And also because it's underrated.) ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ AUTHOR'S NOTE ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ But seriously, who knows? You might enjoy the story despite these triggers. Just give it a shot, maybe the first 30 chapters? :

Leuko_Rosa · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Parental Responsibilities

I look up at her, and a glimmer in my eyes starts to shine. "...aren't we all?" I ask her again, clearly confused by her statement...what do her words mean? 

It's a mystery.

She then clicks her tongue and looks up at the sky. "Look to the heavens...the colors of the sky are gradually changing to a night of darkness," She whispers, and I hesitantly go up.

"Such a sight is akin to fear...to see the sun slowly dissipate and leave us to thread the life of a night devoid of light, and of direction." She says, grabbing my hand and pointing it to the stars in the cosmos.

"But fear can be overcome by hope. And hope...like the stars, shows that we can find other sources of guidance, even when we have already lost our first light." She smiles looking at me with a sense of clarity.

"Perhaps all you need is a little rest, a moment for self-contemplation...and a better sense of choosing your enemies," She continues, and I only sigh, cheeks red from embarrassment.

"Thank you for the words of wisdom...I'll be sure to keep this in mind." I nod, bowing in front of her and offering her my respects...however, when I bow, the slime slips off and falls down the ground.

The slime speaks gibberish...that seems like an angry tone.

Uh-oh...I might have to remind myself of where my slime is.

"What a peculiar creature," She smiles, bending down to greet the slime...but the slime only stops talking and hides behind my leg. 

The slime must be scared.

I bend down and stay in a squatting position, resulting in the slime jumping onto my lap. "Don't be scared, she's your mother," I comfort the slime...which to my surprise, ends up with the slime feeling even more fearful of Rosalina.

It's holding my stomach rather protectively...

Rosalina, who was watching all of this unfolding only looked at the situation rather stoically, sitting on the floor with me. "Motherhood is an experience that is foreign to me." She whispers, her eyes drooping lowly.

"It is my first time being a father as well..." I sigh, understanding her situation all too well.

All of this is so jarring, especially when I had to deal with fearing parts of the past, gaining confidence, dealing with a traumatic near-death incident...and then, to the reality of my responsibilities as a parent.

"We are treading the path of the unknown...yet that shall not deter us from our motivations," Rosalina says with determination, holding out her hand to touch the slime.

...only for the slime to reject her touch.

Unbothered by this, Rosalina only asks a question that leaves me utterly perplexed. "What is her name?"

...shit. I didn't give the slime a name.

And wait...did Rosalina just say she? So the slime is a girl? I'm the father of the girl-

Sh*t, why am I so distracted and thinking about the details...let's find names for my child first.

"I haven't given one yet," I answer, getting a betrayed reaction from the slime, and an amused reaction from my wife. "But I have thoughts," I immediately add, so that they won't be confused.

"I was thinking...of something like Slimy? Since she's the slime? Or maybe Farmer? Since they're a cultivator-type slime?" I laugh awkwardly...which doesn't help in the slightest! The slime was against those name choices and even moved to Rosalina's side!

Which is insane! Given how it didn't even want to be close to Rosalina just moments ago!

The slime then grabs Rosalina's clothes and speaks gibberish again...its tone is loud and noisy, clearly angry. "Such an unfortunate creature...your father does not have a good naming sense," She clicks her tongue and pet the slime's head.

"Since such is the case...I'll take it upon my matters to bestow your name," She smiles proudly, and the slime only gives a satisfied and affirmative sound.

I only look from the side and sigh...well, I might as well let her do this whole naming thing. I might end up butchering the name of my child if I were given the choice to do so...

Rosalina ponders on her words for a while, her face impassive and unmoving...until finally, she thinks of the words to say. "How do you feel about being called Druvithea?" She asks the slime.

And of course, the slime was happy about the name...

"Well, you'll be known as Druvithea then. But I'll call you Druvis for short," I smile warmly at them. Druvis, clearly lazing around on Rosalina's lap, doesn't seem against being called Druvis.

Which is good...since, at least I know for sure that I'm not entirely dogsh*t when I'm making names.

...but, as much as I would like to stay with my 'family', I know that I have to log out and eat dinner with my mother. Especially when it's already nighttime.

I look up at my wife hoping to tell her that I'll be leaving Druvis to her for now...but she's distracted. She's pondering deeply about something. "Druvithea..." She murmurs, looking at me intently.

"Husband," She calls me in a monotone tone, causing a shiver down my spine.

"Yes?" I answered swiftly, wondering what was happening.

"...I've never known your name, nor whether our child will carry my last name or yours," She states, making me feel relieved.

"Well...my name is Rodrick Leinart. As for the last name-" I try to speak, but she cuts me off.

"Druvithea Leinart," She smiles, raising Druvis on her hands...making Druvis surprised, squirming evidently. "She'll be Druvithea Leinart." She repeats, and this time, Druvis stops squirming and looks at the both of us with a proud expression.

Oh wow...I never knew she would already copy a core expression that her mom does.

I only laugh at the sight and pet Druvis' head.

"You'll be the best slime in the world!" I say excitedly, and Druvis responds with a high-pitched scream.

Her mother, Rosalina, was only standing in front of us with a hesitant smile...which is still a mystery to me. Given how unusually sentimental most of the NPCs in this game are.

I wonder why? I'm really curious...but I can't ask her directly. She might get mad and tell me to never ask about things that don't concern me.

...but oh well, let me focus on the most important things first.

"Hey Rosalina, do you mind if I leave Druvis to you tonight? I have some flowers in my bag to give to Druvis, but I have to leave because-" I try to explain, but she only nods affirmatively. "You don't have to tell me. I'm aware of your schedule, I'll take care of Druvis while you're away." She smiles, as Druvis looks at me tearfully.

"Sorry, Druvis...I have to take care of my own mother...I'll see you tomorrow!" I say my goodbyes and walk down the path down the mountain.

...it's sad to leave my child...which is yes, a creature...but still, it's a creature that I have a responsibility for. A creature, that I must protect, cherish, and nurture in the right way.

And so, I walk down the path of the mountain and go to the beam of light.

Even if I have to leave my 'family', I'm always greeted by my family from the other side! 


Meanwhile, in Rosvyliana's pagoda, where the air felt unusually cold and suffocating...Rosvyliana was seen looking at the slime with a constrained look on her face. She seemed angry, her gleaming red eyes boring into Druvis.

The small and vulnerable slime on her hands looked at Rosvyliana with fright, squirming as it was terrified of her mother's expression.

Rosvyliana, aware of the slime's terrified state, immediately reverts to a pleasing expression. "Apologies...your mother was preoccupied with thoughts," She smiles, placing Druvis down on the grass in her courtyard.

"This is your garden...your new home, and a place where you can endlessly cultivate your plants. You can do as you wish with the red flower underneath the tree...as well as these green ones that your father left with me," Rosalina bends down, giving the twelve green flowers to Druvis.

Druvis immediately hops in the grass, rolling around and then planting the green flowers using its unusual magic...from fresh stems growing roots in seconds...it can only really be done by cultivator slimes.

Rosvyliana, who is satisfied that Druvis is enjoying her time in the courtyard...immediately reverts her expression filled with coldness, hints of wrath laced into it.

She directs her stare at the window, seeing two subordinates peeking from the window discretely...and yet, despite the distance, she knew all too well who those two were.

"Druvis," She calls out to the slime, her eyes never leaving the window. "Stay here, I'll be back after I deal with maggots," Rosvyliana curses with a scoff, grabbing her sword and storming out of her pagoda to meet those subordinates.

She didn't understand what happened to her husband, or why he came back battered in blood with a traumatized expression on his face...

After all, as the guardian of Catelia...and an advocate for justice and peace, she couldn't just stand by not knowing of her husband's situation. Especially if him coming home in an unusual manner...was a result of her subordinate's actions.

She might not know now, but she was going to find out.

Even if it will be through the use of violence.