
Charming Beauties

A happy future awaits every child who has been born into the world. However, that could not be said for Rodrick Leinart, a man who was less fortunate enough to live the early years of his childhood with a happy and complete family...only for it to end up in a tragedy: behold, his ruined family. Dealing throughout life after the outcome of his father's infidelity, he vowed to become a man who his mother could be proud of. ...but when he chooses to play the most popular game of his time, a VRPG harem-based game with the potential to help him financially, he is torn between two choices: play the game and earn money, or honor the promise he made to his mother. So? What does he do? He plays the game in the opposite way as advertised! "Harem? What harem? I only choose to have one wife!" ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ TRIGGERS ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ 1.) First-Person Writing (I know, but it is what it is...I promise it will be enjoyable though. The story will start first and foremost with plentiful observations though, so if that's a red flag, don't read it hahaha.) 2.) Slow Burn Romance (Just because it's nice to see romance bloom slowly...from nothing. And also because it's underrated.) ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ AUTHOR'S NOTE ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ But seriously, who knows? You might enjoy the story despite these triggers. Just give it a shot, maybe the first 30 chapters? :

Leuko_Rosa · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Eccentric Dungeon

After minutes of standing like a dense statue, I get out of my daze and shake my head. I forgot to talk about my bag again!

But now she's gone...and I have to eat...the flow of time here is synonymous with the real world's time, and since it looks like it's turning into the afternoon here...I might as well log out and eat first.

I walk to the beam of light and log out...being greeted by the wonderful scent of chicken. Mother beat me to it again...

I sigh, playfully rolling my eyes at the lunch my mother left for me. She also left a note, saying that she had already gone to the market and was leaving me my own food.

Seriously, that wasn't necessary...I could really cook it in her stead. But oh well...my mother's cooking is my mother's cooking.

And it certainly tastes good...too good, that the fatigue I felt from fighting slimes dispersed immediately. I hope that I'll one day reach this level of cooking...maybe I could cook for my future family one day.

...after gobbling down the food like a crazed man who hasn't eaten in days, I then go to my room again. But not to immediately get into the game again...but rather, to check the forums.

I should look for a good beginner dungeon in Catelia. After all, dungeons work rather differently in that game...Charming Beauties, with its appeal of a harem system and an immersive RPG world, promotes individual achievements more so than collaborative efforts.

Thus, getting stronger means that you have to fight in dungeons solo...by yourself, without any other player to help you.

It also means that the game doesn't treat your harem as "support" but rather, something akin to the equipment you wear.

Scrolling down the forums, my expression turned into that of dread when I saw the caption that was there at the top...


She Actually Laughs?! [Posted 12 mins ago]

Layneordo: Bro, wtf have I been missing in this game?! I just found out that, that, legendary beauty was caught laughing on camera!

Layneordo: F*cking unbelievable! Even my uncommon-tiered women won't smile at me!!! What does he have that I don't?!

Layneordo: And this is coming from a guy who actually HAS equipment.

Layneordo: Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself!

[Layneordo attached a video]

[Layneordo attached a video]



YummyOrions: Only came here for video 1. I don't wanna see bro's equipment when they're just common garbage 😂

DawyneDDD: Bro's talking as if gear is easy to get in this game...

Chlorine: Wow...but she's so hot though? I thought she was ugly because players were dissing her, but wtf is this? 💀

[☑️] FalseFealty: ...it should have been me. 😡

BlaineQuero25: False, please notice me! I've been following your tutorials for a while now!

ZeroDegrees: Okay, but can we talk about that player who actually made her smile? And she even called him husband!

AlphaMale@19: A noob like him?! Nah, that gotta be editted or some sh*t...I'm propanly just on drugs...

MonsterTruxk: Yeah, dude's definitely on drugs 😂

View All v


My jaw drops to the floor, as I look at my screen with worry...seriously? I didn't know that she was that famous...

Tapping my hands on the table, I look at my monitor with a skeptical look in my gaze...I hope I can hide my identity. I might be dumb sometimes, but I'm not that naive. I know for damn sure that other players who know who I am might terrorize my life out of spite.

I should grow faster.

Thus, I look for a forum that shows great beginner dungeon spots...as anything that could help me would be of much help.

I sigh, as I look at the available dungeons in Catelia in that catalog...and thankfully, there's one that's closeby and not so stressful.

Cateline's Trials, which, although sounds ominous...is simply a beginner dungeon that has one thing to offer: one piece of beginner equipment. Most the players would get a chest plate or helmet, for safety's sake...but I reckon that I shouldn't go for that, and instead, focus on getting boots.

I walk a lot for my travels...from the mountain to pathways, so, it should be good enough...

With a sigh, I then go play the game with two new motivations: one, have a talk with Rosalina, and two, fight in that dungeon and get my spoils.

But seriously, the "inventory system" is weird in this game...you don't have an inventory, but when you leave the game, the things on your hands materialize back when you go in...

...As soon as I enter, I waste no time and immediately walk fast to the path of Cateline's Trials. In fact, the reason I'm doing this isn't because I want to waste my energy, but instead, it's too hide my identity...whilst being natural.

Thankfully, noone really knows who I am since all they can see from that video is the fact that I had plain beginner clothes...to introspect, who would focus on some guy when your focus is the beauty beside him?

With a sigh, I pick up my pace and finally reach Cateline's Trials...which is basically resided inside the big tree that's in front of me.

Are you confused? Because I'm sure I am.

You...you literally knock on the tree trunk thrice, and then some magical door opens...like how is that possible?!

...nonetheless, I follow the instructions and enter the dungeon.

And now...even if I am technically "in" a tree, one of the noticeable and paradoxical things I've ever seen is that the ground is stone despite the wooden walls...

I look at it curiously and sigh...walking to the group of slime and pointing my spear at them. There's only 3 of them, so I don't have any difficulties in fighting them...

Expecting a tough fight, I am left disappointed because it ends easily like a breeze, only lasting a minute.

these slimes were a piece of cake when compared to the slimes at the Pasture of Mire...maybe I should have gone here to practice instead?

I walk to the 2nd room, which is the last room I need to conquer before proceeding to the boss room.

It's...perplexing, really. That the journey had been easy so far...

In the 2nd room, there are 3 slimes and one evolved slime with the light element...which, if you're wondering, just shines very brightly, momentarily stunning you.

One thing notable though, were that the designs on the walls were getting more intricate and beautiful, the more you walk.

I sigh and assume formation...already not liking this fight. It's going to end fast and quick again.

...and, yep. Another minute passes, and I've managed to get rid of all of them again. I don't understand this at all...people said that dungeons are harder than fighting mobs outside, but why is there no challenge for this at all?

The Pasture of Mire is a good way for noobs to learn how to fight, but it shouldn't mean that the growth is this exponential...

So...I walk to the 3rd room, almost doing so in a way that makes it seem like I'm strolling.

I was expecting to fight another group of slime, but what's in front of me...is a family of slime, all coddled up in a beautiful and extravagant leafy nest. It was made up of a dad, a mother, and a child...

The dad slime looked terrified at the sight of me, and immediately shielded its body to protect the mother and the child. The mother weakly hides the child behind her...while the child wails sounds of gibberish.

It reminds me of my own family. My mother...the only person I consider family, and the very person I vow to protect...

Suddenly, a tear falls down my face the more I watch what's in front of me. My hands start to feel heavy, and my brain is reeling into insanity...I can't do this.

I can't force myself to fight a family. Even for equipment that is rather rare to find in this world.

And so, with a sigh, I walk to the opposite direction of the dungeon.

Yep. I'm going to the entrance...since players have the freedom to go out of the dungeon whenever they can.

But before I go, I take another look at the family, clearly seeing looks of relief in their expressions. They're quite vulnerable now...and if I were a madman, I would lead them to this false sense of security, only to kill them afterward.

But that's not me...so I might as well go.

...a few minutes pass, and exactly when I exit the dungeon, I hear a voice echoing in my ear. "Dungeon Complete! You have cleared the dungeon and unlocked the conditions of a secret quest!" 

I freeze, as I look for the source of the voice...but it's deeply ingrained in my brain as if it's a memory reminisced.

"Your reward will teleport to you in 5 seconds, please see details of your quest in the guild hall," The voice continues, putting me in shock.

Wait...wait what?! What dungeon completion? What the hell did I do except fight for the first and second rooms?!

And guild hall?!


I didn't do much aside from getting married and fighting slimes!

...and before my brain explodes due to overthinking what's been happening, it then turns off as I see an egg teleport to my hand. 

As for my initial reaction? To throw it.

But what did I do? I kept it.

Like, come on! It's an egg! An egg! Do you think capturing a wild beast is easy in any RPG-game that's not based on something like Pomekon?!

It's hard! That's exactly why it's a good investment!

With an ecstatic look on my face, I hold the egg close to my arms and carry it around like a father would to their kid.

Of course, I'm going to treat it well and incubate it...but that will have to wait. I have to log out and read the forums first, for more information about the guild hall.

...overly excited, I end up sprinting to the beam of light and log out.

So, what do I do? Well, the obvious thing to do is basically just scroll about any little information I can get about the guild hall...but I have to post something first. Regarding the Pasture of Mire.


Pasture of Mire, Way Too Great Growth? [posted just a few seconds ago]

BenevolentMerchant: Hello, I am a new player to the game, and I've been farming in the Pasture of Mire for two days now...but I can't help but notice that the growth is too OP? I challenged a noob dungeon and cleared it in two minutes...is this even possible?


As I wait for a reply--

Oh...wait. I got one.



KaizerYuto: ...OP is on drugs.


What the hell is up with that reaction?!