
Charming Beauties

A happy future awaits every child who has been born into the world. However, that could not be said for Rodrick Leinart, a man who was less fortunate enough to live the early years of his childhood with a happy and complete family...only for it to end up in a tragedy: behold, his ruined family. Dealing throughout life after the outcome of his father's infidelity, he vowed to become a man who his mother could be proud of. ...but when he chooses to play the most popular game of his time, a VRPG harem-based game with the potential to help him financially, he is torn between two choices: play the game and earn money, or honor the promise he made to his mother. So? What does he do? He plays the game in the opposite way as advertised! "Harem? What harem? I only choose to have one wife!" ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ TRIGGERS ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ 1.) First-Person Writing (I know, but it is what it is...I promise it will be enjoyable though. The story will start first and foremost with plentiful observations though, so if that's a red flag, don't read it hahaha.) 2.) Slow Burn Romance (Just because it's nice to see romance bloom slowly...from nothing. And also because it's underrated.) ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ AUTHOR'S NOTE ▪︎ ・・・ ▪︎ But seriously, who knows? You might enjoy the story despite these triggers. Just give it a shot, maybe the first 30 chapters? :

Leuko_Rosa · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Act of Forgiveness

Footsteps woke me up from my sleep, and I immediately took a peak from the door...it seemed like my mother was just about to leave. I might as well greet her while I'm at it.

"Good luck on the way, ma," I grin, her curious eyes pleasantly surprised to see me awake.

"Wow, you must have drunk something good if you woke up when I was still in the house," She tells me, scrutiny flashing in her expression. She was holding her cane for support while her hands were holding the knob of the door.

I only smile slightly and help her walk out the door...to alleviate a little of her stress. "Maybe it's the cocoa milk," I murmur, which she hears clearly.

She only nods and looks at her path. "Well, I'll be sure to make more of it then. Goodbye, Rodrick,"

"Goodbye ma," I wave to her, making sure she's safe while I'm still here at the house. It's sad to see her go, it does...but the days of thinking "she might leave me and never come back" have proven to be wrong more often than I thought they did.

This puts me at ease when I'm coming back to that world...which, hopefully, means that a day will be enough to subside her anger.

So I log in and walk up to the mountain path, already feeling fear creeping into me...but I can still observe my surroundings well.

Alvana's not guarding her post today, so she must have been there above the mountain when she was...waiting for me?

Wait...waiting for me? What?!

I'm a damned idiot...I never thought of this!

I might have worried my 'master' over nothing because I didn't even log back in for a little while! This is madness! I have to remedy this situation!

With a frustrated sigh, I skip on my cardio and teleport using the ruby tablet instead. It's better if I can talk with Rosalina first, and then clear up the confusion with Alvana...

As the light envelops my body, the sense of dread comes back gradually. Perhaps she'll still be mad at me, looking at me through eyes of scrutiny that might be too much to handle...but I told myself I was going to get through this with the intent of clearing my feelings of injustice.

So I will.

I have to.

So, walking through the pagoda and seeing startled guards at the entrance...it seemed that they didn't expect me to be back this soon.

But either way, my priority is meeting with Rosalina.

And hopefully, clear things up together.


Rosvyliana, staying in her room and waiting for Rodrick's unknown return...deliberately covered up her face with rouge and powder.

No...it would be more accurate to say that she has been trying to cover up her face for quite some time now.

From when the sun just emerged from the skies, to when her guards situated themselves in their corresponding posts...she had been trying to apply these beauty tools forever. 

It was a horrifying experience for her. Everything she's been doing is undoubtedly alien to her!

She doesn't understand what to do, how to do it, and where to apply it!

It's mind-boggling to her, so she was hoping he could be later than usual when he arrived...but she could never tell. Not when she wasn't even sure if he was coming back to begin with.

But the rational side of her listened to her heart, which leaves out hope that he might. 

"I'm no different than those moron in the streets," She tells herself, cursing under her breath as she checks her face in the mirror. If before, she already looked ghastly enough, now...she looks like a literal ghost from a horror movie!

Stunned by the sight of herself, she washes her face and dries it immediately, hoping that her 32nd attempt will be better than the last.

"This is...not a task for the weak. My prowess in beautifying myself greatly pales in comparison to swordmanship..." She says to herself, shaking her head erratically. 

But alas, hearing the sound of his footsteps from the entrance...ended all her thoughts about having another attempt.

"My husband is here?! How much time has passed since then?!" She gasped, looking through the window with panic. She rummages her room and looks for things inside her closet.

She was looking for any piece of accessory or clothing that could be described as appealing...but since she doesn't know anything about how to appeal...

She ended up wearing a plain white hanfu, whose only appeal was the small slit that showed her legs.

It wasn't even as big as a slit, to begin with...just one that showed a portion of her knees down to her feet.

It was more of a conservative choice when compared to other dresses.

As for accessories?

She just wore a simple wooden hairpin that was ornated with feathers and a flower.

It wasn't bright or anything like that...in fact, it was rather dull. 

As she sees herself in the mirror, she only stares blankly and isn't even sure of what is happening at this very moment.

Her cheeks were bright red, matching the colors of her pursed lips. It was at this part that she lost her ability to comprehend while she was looking at her reflection.

But she wasn't done with one more thing...she had to wear perfume to complete what she was doing.

Doing something that she never did...it felt like a crime.

Especially when she devoted herself to a life of battle.

But hey? We would do anything to reach the lengths of forgiveness... 


...I've been looking around for Rosalina, and she's nowhere to be found. It's true, I've searched for every place in her courtyard, and all the rooms on the lower floor, but I've never considered going above.

How could I?

She must be hiding some things from me, and it's better if I don't dig around with any of her stuff. It could leave me headless, and I don't want to die unnecessarily just because I am too curious.

So...it was better for me to leave than stay. Maybe I can come back later and go to Alvana first to clear things up with her.

But the sound of slow and dull thumps from a distance stops me from going any further.

"My apologies, I'm late to arrive," A voice resounds. It's her voice, but there was a slight difference in her tone. It's lacking the usual pride that she always carried with her whenever she said something.

Looking behind me, I see a woman clad in white...her clothes a sharp distinction between the dark hues from her hair and eyes. She's standing in front of me, arms crossed, cheeks red, and face tilted. "Apologies for the sins that I have committed that night."

"What I have done...is not fitting for a person who knows nothing of events from many years ago," She brings out the issue, much faster than I could have.

"So...you may do as you wish with me today. You are free to do as you please," She comes closer, looking up at me with the same practical gaze she always had when she did her duties.

I gulp a little, feeling rather overwhelmed, but I try not to show it. 

Intrigue and anticipation filling her eyes, she looks up at me, awaiting anything that could happen. I could smell a faint sense of fragrance from her...which, was nothing too fragrant or fruity. It was more minty if I had to describe it.

Her plain yet beautiful clothing and the fresh fragrance filling up the air made me feel intoxicated...I know I shouldn't be feeling this.

But I do feel tempted.

I feel tempted...and it's taking every ounce of my resolve to not do anything to her.

I've kissed her before, and I want to do more than just that...but this isn't right. She feels forced to do this, and I don't want any sort of intimate physical touch if this is the case.

So I pat her shoulder and sigh. "It's alright, I'm not asking you to do anything...and you didn't have to dress up either. I appreciate the gesture though," I sigh, giving her a fake smile to appease her thoughts.

But she's unsatisfied.

Her brows only furrow, looking at me with a puzzled and infuriated expression. "Your words confuse me...am I undesirable in your eyes?" She says, and I only gasp.

"What?" I ask, clearly confused by her reaction. I thought she would prefer this. She didn't like to do anything that involved intimacy.

"My question is simple. Am I unsuitable to be your wife? To be the woman you take in bed?" She grits her teeth, an unhappy expression evident in her droopy lips and creased brows. "Debts are things I despise the most...and if hiding your intentions is your way to tell me you're unimpressed with my performance, I would rather prefer that you told me outright."

"Tell me the truth. I am not a fool who would do nothing to fix my misgivings...I was sincere when I told you I regretted my actions from that night...so I advise you to tell me bluntly. I am not weak." She grits her teeth, hands balled up to a fist as she looks at me with scorn.

In turn, I only shake my head, frowning. "No...I...Rosalina. I really mean it, I don't...I don't want you to do anything just because you feel like you have to." He sighs, looking at me worriedly. "And besides, this isn't something you would normally do, and I don't intend to take advantage of you for it."

She diverts her expression from me. "You...I don't understand you or your kind," She whispers, a bashful and serious look on her face. "But there is an ominous feeling to this. It is...wrong to be set free without repayment your forgiveness."

I only laugh, not even hiding it from her.

She looks back at me with a deadpan expression.

Composing myself after the hideous laugh I just did, I finally say something. "I didn't mean to belittle you, but...if you insist, I have something that I can ask you to do," 

Her ears perk up, and she's back to her original self...or, the one I'm used to seeing anyways.

The stoic Rosalina, after calming her breath awaits my response.

"I want us to talk things out respectfully whenever we get into arguments...we both have our secrets, and I would like to stay civil if we accidentally uncover a part of said secrets," I tell her, as she affirms me with a subtle smile. "To make all of this right...I'll take you up on your offer then, husband."

And finally...things are partly solved. Now I just have to clear the confusion with Alvana.

Hello readers! I've shortened the title to "Charming Beauties" so that it's easier to search for in Webnovel!


Hope you won't mind the title change though since the original one is way too long...anyways, enjoy the chapter! :>

Leuko_Rosacreators' thoughts