Ross - Richard and Beth's chef, among his other assorted duties - is doing the cooking, leaving me free to act as host. However, I don't take the head of the table, seating Richard there instead, where he will have a good view of anything happening.
We took some care over the place settings. Charlotte sits between me and Michael, with Michael, as he normally does, holding her hand. He is, however, sitting directly opposite Beth and is, quite subtly, watching her.
And Richard is watching Michael watching Beth, his eyes crinkling at her slight confusion.
I have to admire Michael's style. If he overdid it, he might weird her out, but he doesn't. Instead, whenever she speaks, he pays close attention, holding her eyes for just a fraction of a second longer than he might normally.
And I know he's doing it deliberately. Normally Michael shies away from Beth....
An attraction he won't admit to...?
I should have seen this coming....
.... Perhaps it's better out in the open....