Bech speaks quietly. "There he is now. The green saloon, just coming around the corner. You got him?"
"I've got him. Where's the girl?"
"Not seen her."
The area's run-down, grubby, populated by cheap houses and tired people
Squalid little dump...
Should demolish the lot...
Living here... After everything I offered her...
Gave her...
Bech eyes me. I regather my thoughts. "Good. We'll take Conners now..."
The car indicates, pulling over. Conners steps out, then rummages inside, taking out a briefcase and a newspaper, putting them on top of the car then stooping back inside.
He's put on weight...
Too much of the good life and home cooking...
A swarm of small girls in witch's outfits, skeleton-painted dungarees and goblin masks giggles by.
Bech stirs, but I say, "Wait 'til these kids have moved along."