
time to boogie

 He then glanced at a locked black door briefly before his gaze returned to his empty cup. At that moment, the door flew open and a brooding Ray walked into view. He wore a black trench coat with a grey shirt under and black sweat pants which he paired with white vans. No longer was he the freckled kid I remember. " Dad, I told you not to call me unless it's an emergency so what is it?" He said in a husky voice. " Easy, son..... we have a guest... and she knows, says hi to your cousin Charlie." My uncle said with a half smile on his face. " hey runt." He said to me but my Uncle shook his head slowly and said "Come now Raymond, be nice to your cousin." to which Ray replied with a sarcastic smile and said, "Well, hello there cousin." I finished my tea placed the cup on the table stood up and was about to head out when Ray strode over to where I stood and said, "Oh no, you are not going anywhere sweetheart... In fact, why don't you make yourself comfortable?." He then gripped my chin hard to the point that it hurt. " Now, what are we going to do with you, dearie?" he mused. I didn't expect this. Raymond Green was ruthless and I'd hoped he wasn't home but oh well, we can't always be winners [ time to boogie] I ripped my chin from his grasp and grabbed his hand before flipping him onto the couch and pining his hand behind his back. 

He wasn't expecting that because he let out a surprised yelp followed by a groan but within a couple of minutes, I felt strong arms wrap around me and pull me away from Ray forcing me to let go of his hand. He sat up and glared at me harshly. If it had been anyone else, they would have shrunk back but not me, I looked him right in the eye. " throw her in the dungeon, she's trouble" he said while rubbing his arm. my captor carried me to what I then discovered was an elevator " Hey, how are you doing?" I greeted him but only got a grunt in response. " so, are we going to my suite?" I asked once again and this time, I got an annoyed look. " okay, shutting up now." I said and then turned my gaze to the floor and it had a red carpet. soon, the doors slid open to reveal a dark hallway and the guy grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the elevator and into an even darker-smelling cell. " get comfortable kid." he said gruffly before locking the door behind him and walked away his footsteps echoing in the distance. 

I sat alone in the dark for five hours. I wondered what Ray had planned for me. I knew that he was very dangerous. the sound of a fight broke the silence. there was heavy breathing, lots of grunts and finally a thud. when I heard footsteps approaching my cell, I stood up and fought with both my fists clenched. When the door swung open, I swung my hand at whoever it was and I felt my fist connect with someone's nose then Alex cried out "Ow, woman, Do you have to be so violent and is that any way to thank your rescuer?" he grumbled while clutching his now broken nose. " damn girl, that was a mean right hook." Seth said with an impressed look on his face and Max let out a low whistle. I quickly ran to Alex and tried to help him. By now, his nose looked black and bloody and he was starting to look pale. I quickly gathered that he would not be able to walk so I scooped him into my arms and walked out of there with the other two following closely behind me. we emerged into the front yard and my eyes took in the amount of damage that had been done to the garden. the fountain had a huge hole in it and the water was flooding the garden, the beautiful rose beds were all trampled and for a moment, I felt like falling to my knees and mourning their death but when I looked over at Alex, he had passed out and so I had to keep moving and soon I reached the curb when I looked up and saw an SUV parked on the other side of the road.

Sitting in the car was Noah and Miles. Miles opened the back seat door and I placed Alex on one of the seats and hopped into the other side very soon, the other two arrived and Miles stepped on the gas and sped away. we headed back to the palace. When Miles packed the car, everyone else got out and while I was about to follow them, I was stopped by Miles when he said, "What were you thinking Char, He is very dangerous and you put yourself in danger for what?" He said heatedly. " I was following a lead unlike you who was too busy flirting with pieces of shrapnel." I said making him frown and say, " I was not flirting with shrapnel, who even does that?" He then let out a sigh scratched the back of his neck and said, "Look Charlie, all I want is for you to be safe so you can't go running into danger the first chance you get." He said while I remained silent just looking at the car carpets. I had not yet realised that they were so interesting. Charlie, are you listening?" Miles asked after realising that I had zoned out for a few seconds. " yeah I'm listening," I said and looked like he didn't believe me "Oh yeah? what was the last thing I said huh?" He asked, "Um... you said Charlie are you listening?" I said with a cheeky grin on my face. Miles sighed tiredly and said, " Charlie, you are yet to complete your training and you want to take on more than you can handle. you just have to be patient."