
Charley Hex: Inferno

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1 Chs

A Tragedy Of One

In a world shrouded in darkness, the dim flicker of light waged a constant battle against enigmatic, unseen forces. These eerie, unfathomable entities lingered in unsettling proximity, relentlessly attempting to ensnare the souls of the pure and the righteous. Safety was an illusion; even the protective hand of God seemed distant, as if detached from earthly affairs. Humanity, it seemed, was but a puppet in the hands of the enigmatic unknown.

All that God had done was to erect an ethereal barrier, a mystical partition separating the known world, with all its superficial beauty and godforsaken flaws, from the shadowy realms inhabited by monstrous creatures and malevolent demons.

These vile, impure entities and loathsome devils thrived beyond the divide. If only one could glimpse the grim reality lurking behind the façade, they would recoil in abject horror. Charley Hex, a first-degree observer of the unnatural, a lamb abandoned by God, believed he had been wronged by both humanity, demons, and perhaps even God itself. He reflected on the life he had once cherished, a life now lost in the depths of despair.

Charley had once possessed it all: wealth beyond measure and a loving, beautiful family. He was a dedicated student at NYU, destined to be one of the brightest minds shaping the future. However, he remained blissfully ignorant of the world's inner and outer wretchedness. He studied diligently, acing every examination, embodying the role of a model citizen. Yet, as fate would have it, his idyllic life had unraveled, leaving him battered and forsaken on the unforgiving streets of New York City, a metropolis indifferent to his suffering. This is a tale of demons, monsters, angels, and all the incomprehensible enigmas that elude the grasp of human understanding. Charley Hex is the name he carries as a demon hunter.

Charley found himself sprawled on the unyielding pavement of 58th Avenue, the aftermath of his third overdose in a mere fortnight. Homelessness and the absence of love plagued him.

Despite his extraordinary ability to manipulate probabilities, it now seemed futile, given his deteriorating physical state. As the overdose exacted its merciless toll, his body convulsed uncontrollably.

Within him raged an insatiable desire for death, yet an inscrutable force prevented his escape. Once more, he surrendered to this relentless descent, knowing that he had only a few precious days before the next inevitable encounter with a demon.

The previous month had witnessed a particularly audacious act.

Charley had deliberately stepped into the path of a speeding bus, seeking release from his torment. Miraculously, he emerged from the ordeal with nothing more than a fractured rib. Doctors, astounded by his inexplicable survival, had declared it impossible for anyone to emerge from such a calamity unscathed.

Yet Charley had repeated this perilous gamble, daring the demons to claim him. His life had devolved into a nightmarish existence, and he yearned for release.

This marked his fourth attempt at self-annihilation. The paradox between his fervent desire for death and the invisible, protective hand that thwarted his every attempt was a cruel irony. Fate, it seemed, was his most enigmatic adversary.

"Hey, it's Charley, right? Charley Hex?" uttered a passing stranger.

Charley, still reeling from the effects of his overdose, emitted a guttural moan of acknowledgment.

"Any cigarettes left?" Charley rasped, his voice feeble.

"Nah, not a smoker mate," replied the stranger.

Charley, despite his addled senses, managed to discern the truth. "You're lying. There's a pack in your back pocket."

The stranger's eyes widened in astonishment. "How did you know that?"

Charley's psychic abilities remained intact, undeterred by his physical frailty. "I watched you leave the bodega."

The stranger's curiosity was piqued. "What brings you to the streets? Weren't you once a wealthy fellow, your dad was a congressman, you're like Richie Rice?"

Charley's words stumbled, his thoughts returning to the inferno that had razed his life. "My house... it burned down."

"Sorry mate but, wasn't that like two years ages ago," the stranger observed.

"I don't wanna talk about it, I just..." Charley began before his voice trailed off. "I need rest, if you don't mind."

A sympathetic expression washed over the stranger's face. "I'm deeply sorry about your family. I can't begin to fathom how hard it's been for you, mate."

Charley responded with a teasing, albeit feeble, retort. "Don't be sorry, mate. You didn't kill them, did you?"

The stranger's eyes darted around, his hands retreating into his jacket pockets to escape the biting chill. "Of course not. But listen, why don't you come with me? My apartment's nearby. You need food and a warm place to sleep."

Charley's pride surged, and he barked, "I don't need your charity. I'm perfectly fine."

With unwavering determination, the stranger pressed on. "You're far from okay, mate.

You look as if you might collapse any moment. Allow me to help."

Before Charley could launch into another tirade, he succumbed to unconsciousness once more.

When Charley awoke, he found himself cocooned in warmth, ensconced in a blanket on a plush sofa, a stark contrast to the frigid streets he had known.

"How are you feeling, Charley?" the stranger inquired gently. "By the way, my name is Forest—Forest Ainsley."

Charley responded with a reference. "Ah, like Forest Gump?"

"Yeah mate," Forest replied with a hint of sarcasm, "but without all the running."

Charley, still cautious, ventured, "Look, Gump, I appreciate your assistance, but there are bad things, forces out there, searching for me. It's best if I keep you out of it."

Forest, still intrigued by Charley's enigmatic history, probed further, "You know, after the Accident, the entire city was searching for you. The police couldn't uncover a single trace of your whereabouts."

Charley's confirmation was matter-of-fact. "Yeah. I know. I had to vanish."

"Vanish? You went missing for a whole bloody year. Where were you, exactly?" Forest inquired.

Charley's response remained shrouded in mystery. "I was nowhere."

"Nowhere? What does 'nowhere' mean, precisely?"

"It's a place," Charley clarified, "known as the Temple of Nowhere."

"A temple? Were you seeking religion, then?"

Charley elucidated, "Not precisely. I was in pursuit of a demon—a monstrous entity that imprisoned me here. I yearned to retaliate for the suffering it inflicted."

Forest was now fully engrossed. "Tell me more."

Charley recounted the harrowing night. "The fire that consumed our home—it was no ordinary blaze. That's why my parents couldn't escape. You see, I was supposed to die that night, but I somehow defied fate, I mean.. what are the odds."

Forest pressed, "How did you survive? You and the girl emerged unscathed. News reports depicted an inferno of such ferocity that it required substantial effort to


Charley revealed a well-guarded secret. "It turns out I possess certain psychic abilities."

Forest, perplexed, sought clarification. "Like palm reading? I'm not following."

Charley elucidated, "I have the power to manipulate the outcomes of probabilities. Back then, I didn't know to ust it. If I had known, I might have saved my parents. Instead, she was closest to me that night. That's why we both survived."

Forest offered words of solace. "It's not your fault, buddy."

Charley continued his tale. "So, my journey led me to that temple—a treacherous odyssey through cities and ancient sanctuaries. I delved into the occult and mysticism, discovering latent abilities. I studied magic and embarked on a quest to confront demons. I didn't know how, but I was resolute in my belief that I would eventually find the one responsible."

Forest leaned forward, gripped by Charley's haunting account. "Find who? How did you discern it was a demon, and not merely an adversary of your father?"

Charley's memories resurfaced, laden with dread. "I never divulged this to anyone, but that night within our home, I sensed a presence—an ominous aura. I couldn't decipher its true nature, so I dismissed it."

With a heavy sigh, Charley continued, "But when I awoke amidst the ruins of our house, confronted by the devastation it had wrought, I knew it wasn't an ordinary foe. The fire—it was unnatural, etching an indelible mark on my psyche. Nightmares, visions of a malevolent figure amid the flames, tormented my every moment."

Forest absorbed this chilling revelation, drawn deeper into Charley's enigmatic world. "So, you believe this demon deliberately ignited the fire?"

Charley nodded, his countenance shrouded in darkness. "Yes, and I am unwavering in my resolve to locate it and exact vengeance. That's why I sought the Temple of Nowhere—a place rumored to house ancient knowledge about creatures like the one that obliterated my family."

Forest, recognizing Charley's unwavering determination, posed a cautious question. "You're embarking on a perilous mission, Charley. Are you truly prepared for it? Dealing with demons and the supernatural can be treacherous."

Charley's gaze burned with resolve. "I have already forfeited everything of value. I cannot allow this demon to roam free, inflicting suffering as it did to me. It is my duty to stop it and shield others from the horrors I've endured."

Impressed by Charley's unyielding resolve, Forest extended a hand, a symbol of their burgeoning partnership. "Very well, Charley. I possess resources and connections that could prove invaluable on your journey. Will you accept my offer?"

After a moment of contemplation, Charley firmly grasped Forest's hand. "Agreed, Forest. I can use all the help available. Together, we will hunt down that demon."