
Chapter 65: Dream

In his previous life, he was defeated by Tang Xiu and instead of being eliminated, Tang Xiu decided to make Yang Feng one of his strategiests. This was also one of the reason why Yang Feng decided to keep talented person like You Zhong and lei Kong instead of eliminating them. It was common for a sovereign to kill his opponent but Tang Xiu decided to keep the talented ones. This was why unlike others Tang Xiu's city had more talented people. But there was a high chance they might revolt as such they weren't given much authority. Yang Feng didn't had to worry about them revolting as long as he could see the loyalty of his people, they had no chance of revolting against him. He could kill disloyal people and promote loyal people.

Yang Feng was very tried and slept.

When Yang Feng opened his eyes he found himself in complete darkness. Yang Feng looked around and found himself all alone.

"Well well look who is here??" a voice came his back.

Yang fang quickly turned around and saw a reflection of him in a mirror.

Yang Feng approached the mirror and the reflection laughed.

Yang feng quickly retreated and asked "Who are you??"

The reflection smiled and replied "I am you. You are me"

Yang feng glared the mirror and punched the mirror.

The reflection laughed and said "You can't break it with your current power"

Yang Feng punched again and again but it was of no use, "Tell me why are you here??"

The reflection thought and said "Well then why are you here??"

Yang feng angrily shouted "You brought me here and don't imitate me"

The reflection laughed and rubbing the tear in his eyes he said "Well isn't this what reflection do?? Reflect others and do you really think I brought you here??" and the reflection glared at his eyes "And don't put up such a act. It disgusts me when someone pretends infront of me"

Yang feng whose expression was very angry instantly turned into calm person a complete different person and asked "Oh then who brought you and me here??"

The reflection laughed and asked "Don't you wanna know how you came back from time??"

Yang feng became shocked and said, "Tell me"

Just as the reflection was about to tell, his mother woke him up.

His mother shouted "Son it is time for dinner come fast" and left.

Yang Feng asked to himself "Was it a dream??" and after washing his face he went down stairs and ate his breakfast.

Even while eating his breakfast he couldn't forget the dream. When Yang Feng tried to sleep he couldn't sleep even a bit and decided to enter the game.

When Yang Feng entered the game, he realised it was already night even in the game so he walked around the town.

Two guards were walking and immediately grabbed their sword and asked "Who are you??" and soon they realised it their lord and quickly half kneeled "Forgive us my lord"

Yang feng nodded and said "Tell everyone can go to rest and say it is my order. I will stay as a night guard"

Two guards hesitated but followed his order. Yang Feng stood above a wooden tower and watching the beauty of his town, sea, moon, sky and the stars. The scene was very beautiful indeed far more beautiful than the real life. As the cold wind blew, Yang Feng noticed a noise coming from the training ground. Under the moon light he saw Guang Jian training. Yang Feng jumped from [Basic Wooden Tower] and walked towards Guang Jian. Guang Jian was currently doing push up and he noticed someone walking towards him and saw it was Yang Feng.

Guang Jian quickly half kneeled and asked "My lord you should sleep otherwise it just affect your health"

Yang Feng laughed and said "Well if it affects health why don't you sleep too"

Guang Jian didn't knew what to say and made a weird expression.

Yang feng asked "Now then why don't we spar for sometime??"