

A story about love and murder. The mystery behind the death of her grandparents leads Alice on a long unexpected journey. Not only finding answers about the murders but also finding herself facing her own fears and dreams.

allizaclark · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1

I look up at the clock and can't believe it's already eight. Of all the days for time to move quickly, it had to be today. I was dreading what tomorrow would bring. The stares. The questions. I still don't know if I'll be able to get through the day. I don't even know if I can talk about it to anyone outside of Michael and Ace.

What is tomorrow? The first day of my junior year and I'm surprised I even made it here. If it wouldn't have been for Michael and Ace I would probably be halfway to a mental institution. To answer your question Michael is my older brother, and Ace is his wild danger-loving best friend. They're both starting their senior year, and they also know how bad it fucked me up over summer.

That's the part I have to get to, the "it". Well if I'm completely honest I still cry sometimes thinking of the night, but I am doing better. I guess all good stories start with decent background information so here goes. It all happened about a week into summer when I took the bus because I hadn't finished driving school yet, to my grandparents' house. I was trying to surprise them for my grandma's birthday, but when I got there I knew something was wrong. I had to walk about half a mile to their house, it's a small town so everything is pretty close. When I turned and walked up the path leading to the door I stopped.

I stopped because the door was hanging wide open and there was a trail of blood from the door to the edge of the porch. My first instinct wasn't to call the cops or run, but to go inside my grandparents' house with absolutely no clue what I was getting into. I remember it clearly, but to save you the horrific details I'll just give you the basics.

What I found in that house still haunts me to the core, and even though I say I'm better that doesn't mean I still don't think about it. I walked into the house and followed the blood to the living room, and that's where I found my grandparents. I called 911, but I already knew it was too late. There was too much blood for them to be alive. Yes I know, it sounds terrible and you probably are imagining how in the world you'd handle it. I'm here to tell you that, trust me, you have no idea how it feels.

After the ambulance and cops pulled in it all became a blur. The doctor says I went into shock, and that's why I can't remember many details after the discovery. I'm glad I don't remember very much though because from what I do remember there was a lot of crying. I think my subconscious packed the memories into a volt and locked them away so I wouldn't have to remember how much my family suffered.

I can easily say that this was the worst day of my life, but it's been three months and even though I'm never going to be completely okay I'm still doing better. If you're wondering, no the police never found the murderer, but they're still looking and I'm trying to have faith.

So now you know my story, and you understand why the summer was so hard for me. I'm sorry that was such an undetailed summary, but I'm sure you'll appreciate not knowing everything.

"Alice, may I come in?" I look up from where I'm sitting on my bed and my brother is standing in the doorway. From his expression, I already know what he wants, and I know that he's as worried about me as I am about tomorrow. His warm golden-brown eyes reflect nothing but understanding and love. He always has a way of making me feel safe even before he starts talking.

I smile and nod my head. Sitting up I lean against the wall and watch Michael walk over sitting on the edge of my bed. He let his dirty blonde hair grow out during summer so that it covered most of his forehead. Somehow that, and him growing a couple more inches, made him look more a man than a boy. He was now six-three while I was still five-five, a whole ten inches shorter. I guess you can say I look up to my brother, literally and figuratively.

Looking at me Michael smiles and asks, "How you doin, Al? You nervous about tomorrow?" I know he's worried I'll be a hermit again like I was the first half of summer, but that won't happen again because I know I'll have him.

"Mike, don't worry so much you'll get wrinkles in your old age," he laughs softly at the joke I made, but I know he's still worried. "Honestly I think going back will be even better for me. I can find some friends of my own, so I don't have to keep borrowing yours." He smiles and shakes his head laughing at me.

"You know I don't think you're the one stealing my friends. Now Ace on the other hand," he laughs quietly, and almost to himself says, "I think he might be stealing you from me." I can't help but blush deeply when he says this. I've always had a small crush on my brother's best friend, and Mike would have a seizure if I ever dated Ace. I smile thinking of Ace and all the times he teased and flirted with me. Honestly, it might be more than just a little crush.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay with tomorrow. Love ya sis I'll see you in the morning." He swiftly gets up and walks to the door. Pausing outside he turns around, "I almost forgot to tell you. I'm leaving the house early tomorrow. Paul said he'd take you to school though, so you don't have to ride the bus."

"Mike, you're not taking me to school? Why? Where else do you have to go?" I try not to sound worried, but my breathing slightly increases at the thought. I needed Michael to be with me on the first day. I start to hyperventilate thinking about it. It may sound like an over-reaction, but I haven't been around anybody besides family and Ace since summer started. Just the thought of a school full of people sent my heart racing.

"Al, it's ok. Calm down. I'm gonna see you before school starts, I promise. I just have things to do before that's all, and I thought you should get your rest." He smiles and I see the laughter hidden behind his soft eyes. I calmed down and almost laughed at myself. He understands why I get worried, but sometimes he doesn't realize how much I count on him.

He finally leaves my room after making sure I've calmed down, and it's like I can feel the warmth leave with him. Looking at the clock, for the second time tonight, I realize it's almost ten. I get up and head to my bathroom.

I planned on taking a quick shower, but once I felt the hot water I couldn't help but sit and absorb the warmth. After more than twenty minutes the hot water started to run out, and I grudgingly got out into the cold air surrounding the shower. I dressed in comfy pajamas and headed straight to my bed. Slowly I started to fall asleep. Different outcomes of tomorrow running through my head as I drifted off.