
Chaos Sovereign

(I am just writing this story for fun. If you want to read it, it’s up to you. +English is my second language, so please do not mind the grammar mistakes) There is no synopsis because I started writing this novel to finally stop in the middle of the chapter because I was bored, so please don’t put hate comments ‘cuz I will just ignore them. Thx :) Feel free to copy this, I don’t really care.

Zoe_Otsotsuki · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The beginning of it all

March 31st, 2023

It was a peaceful day like every other, kids were running in the streets, their parents telling them to stop, the birds singing and the fishes swimming. That was, until it append.

All around the globe, we could see weird disk forming in the air. Some were a pale bluish colour, while about ten percent of them were a dark grey, almost black colour. They appeared to be floating horizontally at about twenty or so centimetres above the ground they were standing on.

People were really confuse, and questioning the meaning of these round shapes.

At first, humans tough it was all just a joke made by the government as entertainment, but they soon realize that they were wrong.

This was the the start of humanity's decline. Monsters were walking out of the few gray gates. Dragons, titans, demons, and all sorts of beings only appearing in the worst nightmare someone may have, were now in front of their eyes.

Even if the beasts were only seen coming out of the dark doors to hell, that was enough to almost exterminate humankind. In only a few days time, all countries were now void of people, all except for one.

They didn't know if they were lucky, or if their fate would just get worse, but Japan managed to get out unscathed of this situation. Since, in their country, there was no grey gates, they were able to survive, but watching what was going on in the rest of the world, all they could do was feel despair.

Close to them were some gates from which monsters came out, but since they were all in the water, they manage to fend them of with some nuclear bombs.

The fifth day of the fall, Japan finally settled down. Of course, there was still a lot of blue gates left, and some kept appearing on their land, but since they seemed to stay close, the nation decided not to worry. What they didn't know is, that it was only the beginning of this mess.

One week later, the Japanese tough that it was finally the end, because, except for the grey gates, no other gates opened, which mean they were still safe of the monsters, or so they taught. But to the despair of all the survivors, the few sapphire gates that were seen on the first day were now opening.

Luckily tough, the beasts from those gates seemed weaker than the ones from the grey gates. But still, it was a disaster.

The first few monsters to be seen coming out from what humans assumed were portal to an other world were small greenish creature, almost identical to the goblins from the popular VRMMOs except for their green, scaly tail.