
Chaos Legacy: The Lost Witch

"My name is Omaira of Somersets. Daughter of the Witch of Chaos and the Witch Protector of Luxemia. I came here today to order a meal for happiness!" I bowed in front of the barkeep. "You mean a happy meal?" The barkeeper corrected me. "Y-yes, barkeep! A happy meal, that is!" I nodded. "And double the time! For my young master awaits thy food!" I knocked on her desk. --- Join Omaira, a witch from another world, in her mundane misadventures in her new world. Will she ever find her way home, or will love make her stay! Follow her as she uncovers the mystery of her sudden transmigration, while balancing her life as a nanny for the prestigious businessman's child!

MoeJam90 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

6- A Woman from Another World

"Tryste!" I uttered once again. "You're alive!" My voice trembled as I held back tears of joy.

"Tryste?" Helooked around and tried to understand what I just said.

He called out some other men from the door and conversed with them discreetly. I couldn't hear their conversation, but it seemed like they were discussing something dire.

Am I in trouble? My body wouldn't move as much as I wanted it to. Looking at my body, I saw how I was covered with weird bandages. I tried moving my arm, but it hurts, everything hurts. There was not an inch of me that didn't feel some pain, albeit it varied in intensity.

"Agggghhhh!" I squirmed as I tried moving my toes.

Suddenly, my vision slowly blurred. Everything spiraled, the place danced…and that was the last thing I could remember.

I woke up once again. I'm not sure how long I was out. It could've been just a couple of minutes, but I felt I have been here for days. I couldn't remember most of the detail, but I fainted after doing something… I am not sure at this point. I couldn't think straight, I must be drugged or something.

My strength had left me. As I wallowed in my weakness, four young women dressed in white came in. One of them was pushing a cart filled with clean linen, bottles of clear liquid, and some weirdly shaped basins.

I am not certain if they saw me awake, but they surrounded me in my bed and began touching my bandages. I groaned as they touched my arm. Their slightest touch felt like hot needles simultaneously pricking my skin. They were surprised to hear my voice and backed away. One of them went out of the room, then came in a few minutes later with a man in a white cape approaching me.

He took a small glowing wand and waved it near my eyes. I squinted at the irritating light hovered over me. After seeing my reaction, he immediately told one of the ladies about something. She returned with a small cylindrical tube in a tray along with a small vial.

The caped man took the contents out of the vial and pierced it somewhere where my eyes couldn't see. It must be medicine there's no doubt about… whoa, I'm feeling liiiiggghhhttt…. headed…. What?

I woke up a few hours later, still staring at the light in the ceiling. I still don't know where I am. I am not sure what happened after I slept, but one thing was certain, whatever they did to me hurt like hell.

I supposedly had the highest pain tolerance among us sisters. I have experienced a body part being severed, poisoned, and even burned but this one topped all the pain. Even mother's curse can't hold a candle to the pain I have experienced.

The days might've passed already, or is it weeks? I am not certain, but I felt like it did. I am still unable to move. Every now and again those white dressed women would come around and check on me or drugged me again if they needed to clean my wounds.

Since being bed-ridden, I tried my darndest to heal myself with any bit of magic I have left but it was useless. I couldn't find a great magic source enough for me to heal my body. This world has a lot of trinkets and machinations used to substitute the little-to-none, magic source they have.

This world's magic was seemingly dead. That's what I think about it. I couldn't feel a tingle of energy that I could convert into magic. But maybe it was also possible that my powers were lost due to using a sacred item. Damn the church and their sacred regalias!

The door opened again for the nth time. I haven't spoken to that man…that man who looked like Tryste. Well, they look very similar but instead of Tryste's long golden hair, he had a short, well-kempt raven hair. His brown eyes contrasts to Tryste's blue, but everything else felt like they were cut from the same cloth.

The way he dressed screams other worldly to me. The monochromatic clothing composed of what looks like a black coat over his white clothing. He had something on his wrist, a round metallic thing that he would glance ever so often.

He smelled nice like sandalwood and citrus, contrast to the men of my previous world who smelled more of musk and horse shit. He smelled too good it was unbearable. I tried my best to talk but even the smallest movement was still painful.

He sat beside me again, unmoving and silent. He simply read a book while glancing at me once in a while. I could see glimpses of him looking at me for a moment. His eyes were filled with curiosity and questions, he hope I might be able to answer.

I wonder what he was thinking about so much? Wait? Why am I thinking about that?!

"Hey, I know your listening." He said. "My young master is all worried about you. If you can make another miracle… I wish you could wake up and recover." He sighed.

He took a glance at me once again before heading out of the door.

What does he mean by young master? Wait a second…w-why… why can I understand his gibberish language? My head ached just thinking about it. Damn it! Even the simplest task of thinking could take up a lot from me. I surrendered myself to sleep once again.

In my dreams I saw Tryste again, along with Fulgar. Damn it! Why does my dreams have to be this emotionally draining? Is this how people near the brink of death dream about?! Unbelievable.

I called out their names and tried to approach them. But they both smiled and stared at me as they faded further and further into the thick, white fog. I moved another step and in the thick fog revealed another person I knew from the past, Alistair.

"It's not your time yet, Omaira." Fulgar said as she faded into the fog along with the rest of them.

"Alistair! Tryste! Don't go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Dear sister, don't go!" I pleaded.

I woke up sobbing, my heart felt heavier as flashes of their memories came forward. The agony of a pained heart was too much. I stood up bearing the pain of my wounds. I took out the strange, malleable tube they connected on me and limped towards the door.

I need to go home… I need to see them again… Maybe, I need to die…

Damn it!

I held the door and pushing it, but try as I might…

I can't. I tried it with all my might, but it wouldn't budge.

If only I had my strength…

If only I haven't used Percival…

What am I saying?! Why am I regretting it? I have saved a child.

A child.

Why am I seeing those smug nobles faces? Why am I looking at my burns as if I burned myself at the stake? What are these visions?!

"Kill her!!!" Those nobles' voices echoed. "Kill that witch!" There it goes again.

My head felt like it was being pounded and squeezed. I hold on tightly to the door as my knees began to shake. I need to get out of here. I need to—

Suddenly, the door slid open. It was him, the man who looked like Tryste. I was about to fall on the floor when he grabbed me by the waist and gently tugged me close to him. My face buried on his firm chest.

"What's going on?" He asked. "Nurse! Nurse!" He began shouting.

Another unlady-like gesture of mine. He has seen the mess in my room. The blood brushed on the bed, blankets and some on the floor. The broken glass, the tipped machinations, and the flipped pillows.

"I am sorry." I blurted out in his language.

"You know English?" I could see the confusion on his face.

"English?" What did he just ask?

Suddenly the world went dark once more, and my mind faded to the void.