
Chaos is a place for us losers

Christian Tsunade a high schooler in the respected Sakura academy, but Christian is a boy that get pissed easily, and because of this he can be violent, being someone who beats up people he is hated by almost everyone in the academy, but one day changed that, three people helped Christian to accept people and value their company, but the more Christian knew about these people the more he saw their own hell, and now Christian tries to help his friends that helped him.

Just_A_Guy_Web · Realistis
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24 Chs

What's his name, and a confession

Warning : I couldn't put this in the description because im dumb but this story is not for kids, if you are nine younger please don't read this.

It's been a day since the new housemates of Christian Tsunade arrived, and now they will eat together for the first time, Christain was making breakfast for his new housemates with Samuel, but it was mostly Samuel making different kinds of foods for the others, and Christian making food for his sister and him occasionally helping the master chef.


"Just call me Sam, it's my nickname," he interrupted Christian while cutting onions at the speed of light.

"You sure, I mean we only met yesterday," He said carelessly but trying to sound like he cared, a simple nod from Samuel would reassure his minuscule worries "Alright Sam, I was wondering why your hair wasn't blue," Then Sam touched his hair and brought it down to his eyes. "See your hair was dark blue before, now it's light brown," Christian said while concentrating not to cut himself with the knife.

"Well I guess the hair dye got washed away when I took a bath,"

He said while smelling his brown hair "Well, it feels better now, when I dyed it I felt like my hair was plastic," He said, smiling

"I'm guessing the others had dyed hair too," Christian said, holding his own hair thinking what would happen if he dyed his hair, maybe purple? Or even reddish pink?

"Well in Npc's case he is a redhead, so he has natural red hair, and Shinabaru has natural blonde hair," He said as Npc walked inside the living room.

"Hey guys" the redhead said while rubbing his hidden eyes," What's for breakfast,"

"Well for you, I have a normal meal. Eggs, bacon, and two sausages." He said while finishing up the last plate.

"For Shinabaru, I heard he liked fish, so I made him salmon soup. Filipinos love their soup you know, and oh yeah rice," He said while preparing the table.

"Aww why couldn't I get steak, why does Shinabaru have to get what he likes!" Npc complained while Christian thought it was weird that his sister was not down yet, she was usually the first one down.

"Talking about Shinabaru, Npc could you wake those two up?" Christian said as he was helping Sam with the table.

"Sure thing, but Sam has to promise me next time that he'll make steak for me next time."

"Sure thing"


"Eh, sure promise"

The red haired giant walked up the stairs happily, his footsteps were like two people at once, after finishing the table the two of them did some small talk waiting for the others.

Five minutes later.

Npc went down the stairs quickly followed by Chris and after thirty seconds Shinabaru, Shinabaru instead of eating he drank some water as he had something in his mouth, Christian wondered what it was, but was instantly answered by Sam's question.

"A little late on your pills eh?" Sam said with a little bit of a worried tone.

"Yup I barely got it in time, a few more minutes, and I'll be in big trouble" Shinabaru said while wearing a weak smile, but when he realized that there was food on the table his eyes lit up, "Salmon yay!" the blonde kid was suddenly jumping and celebrating.

"Shinabaru calm down, you're making too much noise," Npc said quietly and politely.

"I got this" Chris stood up and walked closer to the happy Shinabaru.

"Shina" She grabbed the top of his shirt and pulled him closer, "Behave yourself," She said putting her head on his chest "Or I'll get worried,"

Then Shinabaru blushed a little,"Oh sorry I worried you, I was just a little excited," He said while patting her head even though they were the same height, "It's ok now," He grabbed her chin and pulled it closer, now their faces are only a four centimeters apart from each other.

"Shinebaru," Chris said while moaning.

"Christina" Shinabaru said while moaning while holding Christina's hip.

"HEY, WHEN DID YOU TWO GET SO LOVEY-DOVEY IT WAS ONLY LIKE ONE DAY" Christain quickly stood up and tried to stop her sister to kiss this boy she only met yesterday.

"HAHAHAHAHA" Both of them laughed as Christian realized that he fell for a trap.

"I knew it would work, that acting is amazing," Shinabaru said to Chris while walking to the table.

"Thanks, get destroyed big brother, Me and Shinebaru are the ultimate combo," She said while pointing at her brother.

"Shinebaru? I thought it was Shinabaru" Christian said as the others also realized that his name changes every time.

They all looked at the short blonde boy who was getting ready to eat.

"Uhh.. well you see here I... sometimes forget it because… Shinabaru is not my real name" His answer shocked everyone.

"You have a fake name?, tell us your real name?" Samuel said while shaking Shinabaru around.

"I knew it! You had too much of a Japanese name to be a Filipino!" Even Christian was a little surprised.

"Yeah what's your name Shinabaru, or mystery man" Npc joined the Shinabaru name search.

"No I can't," He said, a little bit flustered.

"Yes you can, you have a mouth," All of them said at the same time





"Why are you guys so interested," he said to them a getting irritated, "I only know you guys for like a week and a day for the two Tsunades," He did the 'Hmph' while turning his back to them, "Well I'm hungry time to eat," He instantly changed his expression to 'Cute angry to FOOD TIME'

"Hey, don't change the subject," Npc said, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Yeah we should eat, it's getting cold" The decision from the master chef was the deciding decision for what they will do.

The food was one of the best that they ever tasted, Christian ate using chopsticks meanwhile Samuel and Npc were just using their spoons and forks that they packed up, Shinabaru in the other hand was using chopsticks but he looked like a child while holding the chopsticks, as a result Chris was feeding him, they talked about a lot of things like, Shinabaru's real name, how Npc can still see even though his hair was covering his eyes, and the most important part, how are they going to survive their first day of school.

"Oh my Japanese is alright, and I'm pretty sure I remember all of the alphabet" Shinabaru said as he washed the dishes with Samuel.

"I'd say my Japanese is fluent, and plus I know all of the alphabet," Samuel responded as he wondered where to put the pans.

"I have a plan, and yes i'm decent at the language ," Npc said while giving papers to Samuel and Shinabaru as they finished up cleaning.

'Food' Samuel wrote on his paper.

'Fun' Shinabaru wrote on his paper with a smiley face at the top.

'Dogs' Npc wrote the letters on the side as he drew a massive dog on the paper.

"Hrmm" Christian checking their handwriting, "I'd say Shinabaru has the best one because his handwriting is the closest to the real Japanese handwriting, Samuel's handwriting is fierce and exact, and Npc's it's just…. It just looks like you didn't try,"

"Aww doggy" Npc became sad

"I like the doggy though," He said while walking off, "I wonder what people will think of them on their first day" Christian thought as he went upstairs to play some video games.

Two days later at the Sakura academy.

"Omg is that the silver tongue's gang,"

"Looks like it,"

"They look like foreigners."

*Mutter* *Mutter* *Mutter* *Mutter* *Mutt-*

One gaze from Christian instantly made everybody stop, His eyes, those crimson red eyes, eyes of a demon who was holding back his anger. But from those hundreds of eyes one set was different.

"Tsunade-san" She said under her breath

"Yashiro-chan when are you going to confess to Tsunade-kun?" A taunting voice said behind her

"President! Uhh, I was just... looking at the new students," She said while hiding her face from the man in front of her.

"Jemuzu it's not good for us seniors to snoop around our juniors' love story," A bigger figure was behind the man.

"I was not snooping, I was just looking at the new students as well," He then took a massive breath and said, "Those three are 'special' to put it politely. One had a miserable life, one doesn't even know himself, and one is a literal psychopath.

"And why are they in our school?" The bigger man asked.

"Well Kurapa, you'll find that out yourself," The shorter man said while checking out the new students, "I hope you three feel comfortable here" He whispered.

"You think you're a good higher up eh? Mr. I want to penetrate her" The taller man said tauntingly

"I WAS A FIRST GRADER I WAS STUPID" The shorter man shouted at the giant in front of him giggling.

Meanwhile, the four people were like eye catchers to the people around them.

"Ok, so this is the bodybuilding club" Christian then pointed at people who look like bears more than humans.

"HURRAH" All of the men inside the room shouted at once as they shook the room.

"Oi Tsunade," A deep manly voice said behind them.

"Yo whaddup," Christian said while turning and looking at a massive figure behind him, "Woah there Jora, and Natsuki in the background" Christian said, surprised.

"Me and Natsuki were discussing which tree is better, Appletree, or coconut tree," The massive figure said as he looked at his brother with fury.



The four boys just slid through and ran away from the two giants shouting at each other.

"Welp I guess we can go to the gym" Christian said as he was sprinting.

They proceeded to go around school visiting club after club, the more they walked around the more the three boys got attention.

"Omg that guy is so handsome, he looks like an angel," Almost all of the girls said when Shinabaru walked past them, and when he would stare at them he would give them a wink and a blown kiss, and the girls would just die out of the sheer power of Shinabaru's face.

"Yes Samuel-senpai I will never do that again," A boy throwing trash said to Samuel, in Samuel's case, people have respect for Samuel because he is strict, but enough strictness that instead of hate they give him respect.

"Uhh… I guess I like…. Corgis?" One girl said as a giant was looking at her happily, Npc was feared at first because of his height, but his questions were cute enough for people to feel more comfortable near him.

But they would keep their distance because of Christians gaze, people describe Christians gaze as like a time bomb, always ticking, and when the ticks are done it explodes.

Christians mouth opening made everyone cower in fear, "C'mon we don't have all day," He said to the three boys, "Thank god the silver tongue didn't reveal himself" one boy said still worried.

"Last but not least the glorious student council room" Christian said walking to the two doors about to open it.

"Christian are you part of the student council?" Npc asked, wondering.

"Yes I am, I am the.. Uhhh… the one who acts justice and shows the school rules," Christian said, completely forgetting about the ten fights he had the past three months.

"Here now is the majestic and glorious student council" He opened the door to reveal…








"Uhh Christian what are they doin-," Samuel stopped suddenly when looking at the demonic creature named Christian Tsunade.

His eyes burning like a raging fire, hands twitching, breaths so deep that they see the smoke coming out of it, an aura like a demon that was awakened after a thousand years.

"What's going on here" A deep voice that was heard through a room filled with screams.

"Tsu-na-nade-san" The student council president said clearly terrified.

"Kurapa explain now!," The demon looked at the man whose height dwarfed everyone except Npc.

"Well you see here our own student council President was watching… Hentai" He said carefully and while looking at the President with a smug smile.

"Is that so" the fire in Christians eyes grew bigger and bigger.

"TSUNADE IM SORRY NOOOOO!!!!!" he screamed as Christian was punishing him.

Ten minutes later.

"Alright we are done here" Christian said after tying up the President.

"Introduce yourselves" Christian said

"Hello I am Oshina Karapa, 3rd grader and vice president of this school" The tall man said politely.

"Hey I'm Shirou Yashiro, 2nd grader and Treasurer of this council."

A black haired girl with purple eyes said.

"Hello it's your favourite tied guy Ragushi Jemuzu, 3rd grader and President of the entire school," The tied up boy said.

"And im Christian Tsunade, 2nd grader and… uhh, guys what is my position in the student council?," Christian asked.

"Law boy" all three of them said.

"WHA" Christian spitted out

"Yes instead of secretary your position is now law boy" The president said, then he realised something, he then got up still tied.

"Ok I'll have to do something with these three new guys," He said while going close to Yashiro, "Don't blow your confession," He whispered in her ear, Karapa instantly got the massage and said.

"Yeah I also have to go, so Jemuzu doesn't cause us more trouble, you two stay here," Before they could complain the five men already ran out and Jemuzu was still tied.

"I can't believe they just took my housemates and left me here" He said to her, then he realised that he was stuck in an isolated room, with a girl, "STOP HORMONES" He thought to himself.

"Tsunade-san" She asked politely while hiding her face.

"Yes" He said instantly, regretting it when he saw her flinch at how instant it was.

"Do-do-do you li-like anyone?" She said while stuttering

Christian thought hard and realised, "Makes my heart beat every time I see her, check, tries to make a reason on why she did something wrong, check, I want to penetrate, check check check….. Oh no," Christian said to himself while he realised that the very girl he liked was standing in front of him.

"I guess so," he said blushingly, "How about you?" He turned to see her face to face with him.

"Tsuna- Christian-san I really really like you" She looked at him, he looked like he was about to crack, his face as red as his eyes when he found out that the President was watching hentai, but she never stopped, "Ever since you beat up those second graders when we were first graders, and you told me 'A girl like you shouldn't be dirty' I fell in love with you at that moment," she said while Christian's spirit was leaving his body.

"I know what you are thinking, 'But I'm the silver tongue,' I don't care, they just don't know you, they just see you as a demon not a human," Then Christian realised that she was giving out what she felt for him that had been storing up for two years.

"I know the reason why you hate them!, and they deserve-," She was interrupted by a hand covering her mouth.

"You just had to ruin my plan" He said smirking to her, then he grabbed her chin and brought it closer to his, "I do the confessions, not you," He said while she was as red as a apple, "Here I thought I was the first one to confess" Her face was shocked on what he was saying.

They stayed at that position until the last bell rang but it never even fazed them, they wanted this to go on forever, their hearts beating, Christian realised that her amethyst eyes were more beautiful than ever.

"So will you be my boyfriend?" She said quietly and soft

As the sky became twilight as Christian held her closer his hand on her hip and his forehead touching hers, their love story has begu-
