
Chaos is a place for us losers

Christian Tsunade a high schooler in the respected Sakura academy, but Christian is a boy that get pissed easily, and because of this he can be violent, being someone who beats up people he is hated by almost everyone in the academy, but one day changed that, three people helped Christian to accept people and value their company, but the more Christian knew about these people the more he saw their own hell, and now Christian tries to help his friends that helped him.

Just_A_Guy_Web · Realistis
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24 Chs

The tale of the new generation

"Haru, get out of your bed already!"

"Five more minutes uncle."

"C'mon Motoharu, you still have to wake your cousins up."

"Fine grandpa," a short, black-haired, amethyst-eyed boy rose from his bunk bed, brushing his hair as he fell down the bed, "Damn that hurt," he grunted. He slowly walked down the stairs to see two people.

"There you are," an old man called out for the boy, he was cooking something in the kitchen, "Sort your niece up Baru, the first day in high school and this happens" the old man nagged as the other person in the room, a golden-haired man, stood up.

"Fine, fine, ight let's go Haru," the golden-haired man was the uncle of the boy, Shinabaru Tsunade.

"Alright, uncle," Motoharu Tsunade, a quiet and timid fifteen-year-old boy who stays up all night and the living environment of a no-life. Being the son of a massively successful businessman, Motoharu lived a pretty nice life. While going up the stairs, Shinabaru turned around.

"Be sure to make a lot of friends okay? And be always number one in your class, I think that's the only thing you should take from your father," he jokingly said, Motoharu giggled.

"I don't know uncle, my academic knowledge is horrible. Irahara, Jin, Kinra, Yuki, and Sui got into Sakura, but I only managed to get into Spring academy," Motoharu voiced his concerns, "I don't even think I could graduate."

"Hey kid," Shinabaru called out, Motoharu lifted his head to meet Shinabaru eye to eye, "I didn't even graduate college or high school, yet look at me. I have an amazing wife, a good home, two beautiful children, and an amazing niece," encouraged Shinabaru.

Motoharu was left speechless for a moment, "...Thank you uncle," he replied with a smile.

"Now there's the Motoharu I know. Don't worry, I'm sure Sui will still like you," Shinabaru teased his niece. Motoharu blushed while weak-punching his uncle.

"S-SHUT UP!!!" he yelled out, "Wake up Seno and Kenro for me," instructed Motoharu in a demanding voice while going to the bathroom.


An hour later…

"Are you kids ready?" asked Motoharu, with him were two children, one was a boy whose hair was black but had golden eyes, and another was a blonde-haired girl whose eyes were blue.

"Yes big brother," the girl responded with her high-pitch voice.

"How about you Kenro?"

"...Yes," the boy responded, he was timid and small.

"C'mon Kenro, it's our first day of big school," announced the little girl as she took the hand of the timid child, "C'mon big brother," she called out for Motoharu

Motoharu sighed, "Big school? You two are preschoolers," Motoharu said to himself as he followed them.

After a few minutes, Motoharu and the two kids reached a little school, "Woah, so big," the little boy was in awe.

"Yeah, it's totally big," Motoharu sarcastically remarked, "Alright, get in there now," he kissed the forehead of the two kids and sent them off, "Those two really are a pain."

"Motoharu?" a voice called out, it was a familiar voice to him.

"Yo Irahara," he gave an unexpected thumbs up while turning around.

There stood five teenagers, Irahara Kurapa, Jin Kurapa, Kinra Jemuzu, Yuki Jemuzu, and Sui Jemuzu, "Did you already send Seno and Kenro to their school?" asked Irahara with his usual plain look.

"Yeah," Motoharu responded with his own plain look.

"Let's go we'll be late," Yuki growled with her usual hot temper, "We'll get affected by this idiot's stupidity," she hissed at the black-haired boy.

Motoharu stared at Yuki. He sighed, "First you call me an idiot, then you call me stupid, that's like dumb squared," he jokingly remarked, "Does rejecting you really make you hate me that much?"

The girl blushed, "N-not just that," Yuki's response made Motoharu tilt his head, "You didn't study enough stupid. Now look, you're at Spring academy," she argued, Motoharu just sighed.

"Can you stop forcing me to study? And what if we're in different schools? We can just meet up after. Then I can meet you guys and proclaim my love for Sui yet again," Motoharu confessed as everyone chuckled, except for the girl in a ponytail.

"B-but, Haru, I already rejected you," Sui embarrassingly said while hiding her cheeks in embarrassment. Motoharu scoffed.

"You think that would make me falter? Oh, Sui, this is the reason why I like you," he renounced as the girl became redder, Yuki was getting annoyed at this point.

"Can you guys stop flirting in front of my single-ass," Jin uttered.

"Guys, it's getting late. Sorry, Motoharu, we need to go," Kinra stated, everyone nodded their heads as they separated. As Motoharu walked to his new school.

While walking to his new school, Motoharu was suddenly bumped, "Oi, who's there?" a girl with dyed blonde hair rudely asked, she was as tall as Motoharu, but she had two other girls with her, "Oh~ well isn't it Motoharu Tsunade, the snowman," the girl was the delinquent known as Sasame Souta. Motoharu and Sasame have a long history as prey and predator. Ever since grade-school, Sasame and Motoharu had been in the same class, she had always bullied Motoharu for his timid personality.

"Souta-san, it's the first day, can you just let me go," Motoharu begged as the three girls giggled.

"I heard that you couldn't get into Sakura? I guess Irahara and the bunch can't help you now," Sasame proceeded to hold Motoharu in place, "Jizo, go for it," one of her goons poured water on the hair of Motoharu, "Have a fun first day," she taunted while walking away.

There stood Motoharu, on his first day of school, "I hate this," he stated. His wet clothes discouraged him, "If only I actually worked hard, I would be in Sakura."

On Motoharu's first day, he was laughed at by his classmates. He tried to eat by himself, but he bumped into Sasame who humiliated him. Motoharu's first day was a bad day, but he was used to it. When school ended, Motoharu was walking to his part-time job, "I guess people are horrible," he jokingly said to himself.

"Big brother, Motoharu?" someone called out behind him, when he turned around, he saw a girl wearing a school uniform with pigtails.

"Ah September, didn't expect to meet you here," greeted Motoharu to the girl. September Briggs, a popular prodigy who is regarded as perfect in everything she does.

"I actually want to meet you," the girl then came closer to Motoharu, "It's regarding the resurgence of gangs in this suburb. More and more delinquents are ganging up to do some petty crime. But I just got word that someone was killed by a gang called, 'the hounds' so be careful when walking at night," the girl stated, as a reply, Motoharu sighed.

"Now how did a middle-schooler know about all of this? You know what, I'm not going to even ask. You to, be safe out there, also when you get home tell uncle Samuel I said hi," the girl nodded as they separated ways, "I need to alert everyone about this. But first, work."

Motoharu Tsunade has a part-time job at a restaurant, "May I take your order miss?" he asked a customer with a wide smile.

"Thank you young man, can I please have a burger with fries?" the woman kindly asked.

"Yup, is that all?"

"Yes thank you."

Motoharu only works hard when he gets a reward at the end of it, he considers homework and school as a whole as just nothing but a distraction, "Yama-san, burger with fries please."

"Ight, thanks Motoharu."

After his shift, Motoharu decided to go home, "That'll cover the game, then after a month, my waifu will finally come out," Motoharu skipped the way to his home, this was due to his excitement at the new character coming out in his game.

Week after week Motoharu was bullied by his classmates, and week after week he did nothing, "Motoharu, are you alright?" asked a concerned Irahara.

"Yeah, what made you ask that?" replied Motoharu with his own question.

"I heard Souta has been forcing you to do bad stuff. Rumors about you being Souta's personal dog are spreading around almost every school in the city," Irahara argued, he was obviously mad, but he was more than concerned for his childhood friend. Motoharu saw the anger and concern on Irahara's face.

"Look okay. If she does it again, I'll just tell the teachers," replied Motoharu, he was trying to calm the flames first. But one person was the opposite of calm.

"What kind of excuse is that," Yuki stood up from her seat, "Ever since middle-school you've been treated like this, but you do nothing, you didn't even fight back," while Yuki was monologuing, Motoharu quickly got up from his seat.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Uncle had something to sort out, so I'll be picking Kenro and Seno," while going to the exit, Motoharu turned to his friends, "I'll be fine, don't worry about me too much," he exclaimed while leaving them with concern in their eyes.

While walking down the road, Motoharu was recalling back memories of a conversation he had with his grandpa and uncle when he asked them what is the most valuable thing the world has.

"The value of a life is incomparable to anything this world holds. If breaking this vase made you feel like this, imagine what you would feel if you would break the most valuable thing reality has to offer. Only use the skills me and uncle taught you when something more valuable than life is being threatened."

Those words changed the perspective Motoharu had in everything, "Something more valuable than life?" he asked himself, "I already have more than fifty I could think of," Motoharu then set his eyes on a girl running up to him, "Ah, there's one of them," Motoharu then realized the sheer panic on the eyes of his little cousin, "Wait, something's wrong… WHERE'S KENRO!!!" he began to panic while running to the little girl.

"B-b-big br-brother, m-mi-miss and K-Kenro are s-still there," the little girl had tears flowing from her eyes as Motoharu picked her up.

"Where?" he asked in a desperate voice, the little girl pointed at the way she just came to. Motoharu opened his phone, "Hello, Irahara, can you please pick up Seno in the bank near the restaurant you guys are in… yeah thanks, Kenro is in trouble I think," Motoharu went inside the bank and explained the situation to the guard who nodded and protected the little girl. While leaving, Motoharu looked behind him to see Seno with scared eyes, "Seno," he called out, "I'll get Kenro and protect miss, don't worry okay?" he exclaimed while running to the direction where Seno pointed.

"Damn you," a thug exclaimed with blood coming out of his nose, "What are you doin' get her," three other people were with him, they were cornering a blonde-haired girl with a terrified boy.

"M-miss, a-are you alright?" the little boy asked, he was holding on to the girl's leg.

"Yeah, I'm alright don't worry, big sis will protect you," the girl responded with a smile, she was bruised but she was still standing, "What do you need Iiko, this kid doesn't involve you, what? You're fighting kids now?" she confidently taunted.

"C'mon Sasame, you already know. You and your pack have been beating our brothers every night. We will quintuple the pain you've inflicted on 'em," the lead thug declared.

"You coward, how about you fight me one on one?" she taunted while stretching to prepare for her fight, but a certain someone interrupted the fight.

"Please stop," in the middle of them, a teenager with amethyst eyes came in, "Whatever you people are doing, please don't involve my little cousin in it," Motoharu explained while everyone was taken back.

"Big brother?"

"Kenro… Souta-san?" Motoharu saw his little cousin, but he also saw the girl that had been bullying him for weeks.

"Motoharu, why are you here?"

"Miss, this is my Big brother," the little boy hugged his cousin. But Motoharu was then kicked in the stomach by one of the thugs.

"You see here mister hero, your little cousin here bit my friend's hand, it made him bleed. Of course, I don't like hurting children, so I'll make you pay for it," the head thug commanded one of his goons to beat Motoharu up.

"BIG BROTHER!!!" the little boy tried saving his cousin by biting the man, in pain the man responded with a punch, "OWW!!!" the little boy exclaimed with pain, Sasame helped the boy out, the man punched the boy so hard in the face that blood began to flow in the nose of the boy, this made the little boy pass out due to shock.

"Something more valuable than life."

"That was a kid," Sasame yelled out in anger. Suddenly, every noise died down, except for screams of agony that were being emitted by the thug who punched the kid.

There was a man, his amethyst eyes being as piercing as ever. He was grabbing in the head of a thug, his thumb inside the eye socket of the thug, blood was pouring out from his eyes, "LET GOOO!!! PLEASE STO-AHHHHHHH!!!!" the man screamed in agony.

"Either you shut up, or I'll make you shut up. You want me to go full in?" threatened Motoharu as he began to remove his belt. Everyone was in awe at this, especially Sasame who began to look at Motoharu in a different light.

"S-SAVE JIMAN DAMMIT!!!" the other two thugs charged at Motoharu. With the speed of a serpent, he entangled one with his belt, and with a perfect kick to the kneecaps he was able to disable the other one for a couple of seconds, and those few seconds is all he needed. He pulled out something from his pockets, it was a pencil.

"Uhh, first step to uncle's guide to defeat people, never hesitate."

In quick succession, Motoharu stabbed the legs of the man he was holding with his belt, "AAAHHHHHHH!!!" the man yelled in pain, Motoharu proceeded to stab the thug's arm for extra measure.

"Motoharu?" Sasame asked, Motoharu aimed his eyes at the young girl, his hair was a mess as well as his hands, the red blood splattered across his hands.

"How's Kenro," he asked, his voice had an intimidating tone to it.

"H-he's okay," Sasame replied.

"Good… good," Motoharu proceeded to throw the pencil perfectly to stab the thug he kicked in the kneecaps.

"Wh-what are you?" the head thug exclaimed in absolute fear.

But from the rooftops, someone was watching the entire spectacle, "Oh~ that's was pretty impressive," a girl wearing a trenchcoat and a facemask exclaimed in awe.

"Miss Yamato, have you seen something you're interested in?" questioned a man that was right beside her.

"Precisely," the girl turned around in dramatic fashion, "I, Yamato Kagura, the heir to the Kagura and the Yamashita family, want this young boy," the girl declared.

"Yes young master."

Meanwhile, in a private shop, two people were talking.

"Look Christian, Motoharu's a natural. His speed and power is better than mine when I was his age, and his elegance and his precision exceeds that of Sora, and of course, he has the killer instinct of a trained assassin," explained Shinabaru Arawan, right across him, was the businessman and photographer known as Christian Tsunade who was in a worried state.

"I already know that but… I think being an assassin is a better road for him than anything else, his gift to kill exceeds that of anyone in your opinion right? But… the whole problem is killing people," Christian responded, he was shaking, "I just hope no organization recognizes Motoharu's gift, if so, they'll be more powerful than the Arawans, and Motoharu might surpass Angelo as the best assassin."

The next chapter will be last, it has been a good ride.

The fact of the day :

Shinabaru took Chris' last name in their marriage, and he also legally changed his name to Shinabaru. So officially his full name is Shinabaru Tsunade.

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