
Chaos is a place for us losers

Christian Tsunade a high schooler in the respected Sakura academy, but Christian is a boy that get pissed easily, and because of this he can be violent, being someone who beats up people he is hated by almost everyone in the academy, but one day changed that, three people helped Christian to accept people and value their company, but the more Christian knew about these people the more he saw their own hell, and now Christian tries to help his friends that helped him.

Just_A_Guy_Web · Realistis
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24 Chs

New year

Warning: Inappropriate stuff here boys

In the forest, four kids were going up the small hill, two were running ahead while the other two cautiously walked up, "I'm so excited, IT'S A NEW YEAR!!!!," a small girl shouted in excitement. She was wearing a cute dirty dress due to the running.

"Slow down," girl wearing glasses said to the one with the dress. She was one of the ones just walking, "If you guys don't slow down, you'll fall!!"

"What do you mean Nanaka, I can't fall," the one with a dress said as she almost fell. But thankfully she was caught by someone.

"Hah, you fell," said the girl who rescued her, she had amethyst eyes that shined in the twilight, she was also one of the ones who went ahead, "Unlike you, I never fall," she said with pride.

"You kids alright?" a man down the hill said.

"It's alright Mr. Sora!!!" said the girl with the amethyst eyes, "C'mon Nanaka," she called for one of her friends to come, the one with the glasses looked at her.

"Alright," she exclaimed as she started going up, "C'mon Christian. Chris and Yashiro are up there," she said to a fragile looking boy.

This boy had bandages all over his arms due to weeks of bullying. He had an unsure look on his face, even though his red eyes looked fearsome, the shape of his eyes were more fragile than fearsome, "A-alright," he said as jogging up the hill. He also had a satchel he was carrying.

When the kids finally got to the top, they looked upon the twilight sky. It was beautiful, "Beautiful isn't it," said a man who was taking care of the children, "Twilight truly is my favorite time to just breathe in... and breathe out," he then rustled the kids' hair.

The kids looked at the setting sun with awe. Especially the one with the satchel, "I-I wi-wish mom could be he-here to see this," said the kid.

The man who was the father of this child looked at him, "I'm sure your mother would be happy if she saw you all here," then the man saw his son taking out something from his satchel, "What's that?" he asked.

"It's t-the camera I b-bought a few months ago. I bought it for moments l-like these," the boy said while trying to take the perfect shot.

The man then remembered all the jobs his son took, "Why did you buy a camera instead of other stuff?" the man asked, the boy then looked at his father. And gave a weak but sincere smile.

"I want to be a photographer," the boy excitedly said.

The man was happy, "Why?" he asked again.

The boy then tried to take a photo, "Because… mom can't walk… mom can't talk… but mom can see and hear, I want to show her all the wonders of this world," the boy said.

His father was taken back. but he then smiled, "I'm sure I'm the happiest parent right now," he then began to tear up.

Six years later…

A black-haired boy was doing his normal walk around the academy. His emo-like hair swaying in the winter wind. His piercing red eyes shook anyone he looked at, "Geez, I can't believe that new year is tonight."

"Time goes by I guess," a short blonde boy who just came out of nowhere said.

"Yeah, like a couple of months ago, I was a little chubby," said another boy who appeared out of nowhere, "And now look at me… slightly less chubby."

"I'm here too," Npc's here too.

The black-haired boy was already used to this, "So… I guess you guys want to eat some lunch?" he asked. They all nodded, the boy then sighed, "You know I still have the pools to check for my searching."

"Oh my gosh Christian," the blonde boy was a little upset at this, "Let them have a little freedom. And if I remember, Jemuzu didn't tell you to do this," the boy was referring to his friend's Security stroll, "That's why people hate you, you don't give them freedom."

"Let them hate me," the one named Christian said with his bone-chilling voice.

"Wow, I think Christian Edgynade has revealed himself," the blonde one taunted Christian while dodging a backhand.

"STOP MAKING NICKNAMES FOR ME!!!" Christian shouted, the blonde one just started to giggle at this threat, "WHY ARE YOU AND SAMUEL ALWAYS DO THIS!!!"

Then the boy named Samuel decided to join the discussion, "Well you see here. Shinabaru and I are always making up names for your different emotions, for example, Christian Edgynade, Christian Tsundere, Chwistiwan Tsunade, and Christian Tsunade the orgasm born from great pain and annoyance," Samuel explained without breaking a sweat.

"Ok… what was that last one?" Christian said with great confusion rivaling the confusion he had when he saw the 'Condom Incident' this confusion was soo great that it can rival the military power of Alexander the Great from Kentucky Africa from the planet Mars.

"Wow, tree with no leaves," Npc was picking his nose while looking at a tree with no leaves.

"Christian Tsunade the orgasm born from great pain and annoyance, was made to confuse you like the time you walked in during the 'condom incident," Samuel said with no giggle or brown in his voice.

"Uhhhhh… alright sooo," Christian then jogged a little bit faster than usual.

"Come here boy," the boys named Shinabaru then sprinted to Christian with the speed of the blackbird.

"DON'T TOUCH ME YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF ROTTEN GUMBALL!!!" Christian shouted as Shinabaru, Npc, and Samuel chased him.

"Oh hello Tsunad- AHHHH," Yashiro appeared from the corner, she was greeting Christian, but Christian picked her up.

"SORRY I'LL EXPLAIN LATER!!" Christian was carrying Yashiro princess-style. But instead of pleasure, Yashiro was more than terrified. Christian wasn't looking soo good either, since he picked up Yashiro he wasn't going as fast as he was. When they were on the field, Shinabaru tried to dropkick Christian but ended up drop-kicking the air. Christian's time of peace was interrupted by Samuel who smashed into Christian.

"Be careful, if you drop Yashiro, her fat body would cause an earthquake," Npc commented.

"Why the heck did you do that," Christian was in pain due to the hard hit to the ground, he also dropped Yashiro.

"Condom incident, condom incident, condom incident," Shinabaru repeated the line in Christian's ear over and over again while Samuel laid on top of him.

"AHHHHH!!!" Christian was more than terrified, having Shinabaru repeat "condom incident" while he can't do anything is more terrifying than any scary movie.

"Wait, guys," The boys stopped harassing the Silver tongue and looked at Yashiro who was about to say something, "Christian… Tonight. Tsuyuki and I are going to Sunset cliff," Christian already knew what this meant.

"Fine, I'll go, let's meet at Mr. Vladimir's coffee shop," it was a shocker for the three boys. Christian would normally act very tsundere if somebody asks him to go somewhere.

"And I guess Chris and Mr. Sora's going to join us. You three should join us too, this is your first new year here in Japan," at this, the three of them gave a thumbs up.

"Are your families going to come?" Christian asked, the three just went into their thinking stances. Shinabaru was doing a handstand, Samuel was digging dirt, and Npc had a face that looked like he was about to sneeze.

"What are they doing?" Yashiro was confused about this. They were supposed to be the pillars of perfection of the school. But now it seemed like their perfection got blasted away, leaving all the dumb thoughts.

"This is how they think… I know it's weird," Christian was used to this stuff.

"I think my parents will be busy so I think they'll not come, and Angel is distracted by the date she has with Owen," Shinabaru had a smirk on his face. He heard that Angel and Owen were going to do some experiments.

"Me too. Dylan is busy with the fight he has with Kitaro, and Owen is occupied with Angel," Samuel said casually. But he was hiding his excitement, this was because Tsuyuki was there, and this was a perfect time to get closer to Tsuyuki, so when Valentine's day comes, he'll be able to confess to her.

"Since I'm the only one here with no family in Japan, I would say no," Npc was again picking his nose.

"Sooo… it's just us teenagers?" Yashiro then remembered Mr. Sora, "Oh yeah Mr. Sora."

"Yeah, dad will come," Christian then started walking away, "See you."

"See you," Yashiro said while waving to Christian.

"Be sure to take a diet," Npc whispered while running as fast as possible, Yashiro became angry and ran after him.

"Well, there they go," Samuel then decided to bring up the subject, "Hey Shinabaru… I saw you talking to girls more," Samuel was seeing Shinabaru actually talking and interacting with the opposite gender, rather than running away and hiding behind Chris.

"Of course, I was trying to hide that I have a crush," after Shinabaru said this, a group of girls appeared out of nowhere.



"I BET IT'S TSUNADE!!!" Christian turned his head, "THE OTHER ONE!!!!"

Shinabaru then removed his hair tie and released all his golden locks, "Well yes ladies, I do have a fair maiden my heart has fallen deeply in love with," Shinabaru has entered Golden boy mode, "It may be one of you," Shinabaru then blew a kiss at the girl's direction, and he threw his hair tie, "Run," he whispered to the two boys, and thus the three of them ran away as fast as possible.

A few hours later...

When the gang was walking back home, they were talking about the new year. Shinabaru was still in an awkward situation with Chris. He wanted to change that. So when they got home, Shinabaru grabbed Chris's shoulder, "Hey… you wanna read the new volume of Blood killer showdown?" Shinabaru asked.

".....Took you long enough," Chris then grabbed Shinabaru's bag and opened it, "Why the heck did you only buy this now, I was waiting for soo long you know," Chris also didn't want the awkward energy that the two of them had.

Shinabaru smiled at this, "Hey, it's my money," Shinabaru and Chris then went upstairs and got prepared.

"Hey, dad are you coming with us?" Christian asked.

"Sorry son, I have something to do," Sora hated this, he wanted to spend time with his family.

Christian seeing the guilt on his father's face, decided to open up a bit, "Da-dad," this got the attention of Sora, "Don't wo-worry, I'll take some good pictures to show you," and finally, Sora saw Christian Tsunade, the person hiding behind a demon. Christian then went up to prepare himself.

In the bathroom. Christian was holding scissors, "New year, here I come."








"So that's what you're wearing huh?" Samuel said, looking at Npc wearing a hoodie with a pug in it.

"Should I bring the dogs," Npc was playing with Taniwha and Yassah.

"Don't worry Npc, Owen and Angel told me that they'll take care of these two," Samuel was wearing his long-sleeve and black pants.

"But, I thought they would be going on their date?" Npc said.

"They decided that they'll rather take care of dogs than go to their date," Shinabaru decided to kick in. Shinabaru was wearing a long-sleeve with a T-shirt over it, with his usual jogging pants.

"Shinaaaa, give me the book," Chris was wearing an oversized hoodie, with one of Shinabaru's jogging pants.

"Sorry to keep you waiting guys," Christian said while going down the stairs. Everyone looked at Christian with confused eyes, he had cut his emo hair that reached up to his shoulders, to a cut that was long enough to cover his ears and show his two eyes, but his hair was still downwards.

"WHAT THE HECK!!" Shinabaru was soo uncomfortable with Christian's new haircut, "You look like an average romance anime main character."

"At least I don't look like Urashi from Grawclaw," Christian casually comments while putting on his shoes. Npc and Samuel were confused about how fast Christian changed his mind, but they would let Shinabaru do all the talking.

"WHA!!! I thought I was the only one who watched that."

"Well of course, Glawclaw is trash."

"N-no it's not."

When Christian and Shinabaru were talking about weird stuff. Chris was shocked at what his brother looked like. Light brown long-sleeve, dark-brown pants, and a satchel… he looked like the Christian Tsunade six years ago, "Why?" she thought.

"Are we going to go or what?" Christian was already opening the door.

"We were waiting for you, and now you say that we're slow," said Samuel with sass.

"Small PP move if I had to say so myself," Shinabaru then grabbed the book straight from Chris's hands.

"Give it back, it was getting good," Chris chased Shinabaru out the door acting like a kid.

"Bye-bye doggos, uncle Owen is going to take care of you both in a couple of minutes," Npc was saying goodbye to his dogs.

"See you next year kids," Sora said in the shower. Everyone cringed at this.

The walk to the coffee shop wasn't that eventful, Shinabaru and Chris were just talking about weird stuff again, Samuel was trying to make himself look presentable to Tsuyuki, and Npc was kicking rocks. But Christian was doing something with a camera he brought.

When they got to their destination, Tsuyuki and Yashiro were shocked at Christian's new haircut. But they all knew that at this moment... Christian was very vulnerable.

During the walk up the hill, Yashiro and Christian were the ones behind the group, "Whatcha doing over there?" Yashiro asked as she saw Christian doing something with a camera.

"I'm just adjusting some stuff," he then pointed at Yashiro, "Smile," he said. Yashiro smiled as a flash appeared, "Thanks," he then got back to adjusting his camera, "Nah it's still blurry," he murmured.

"Christian," Christian then looked at Yashiro with wondering eyes, "What kind of pictures are you going to take?" she asked. She knew that this was a little weird for someone like him. The Silver tongue having an interest in pictures, this would make the fear people had on the Silver tongue disappear.

"...The night sky? You guys? The trees?" Christian said casually.

"I see," Yashiro then took Christian's camera and looked at it, "Is this the camera you bought as a kid?" Yashiro was poking at Christian's bubble of emotion, she didn't want to pop it, but her curiosity was challenging it.

"Yeah, now give it back," Christian gave out a hand. She returned it.

When they got to the top. They all did their things, Chris wanted to talk to Samuel because new years are very romantic, "How should I do this," she was about seven meters away from Samuel, "Hrm… yo Shina, what should I do?.... Shina?" She was with Shinabaru a couple of minutes ago. She then decided to search for Shinabaru. She was walking away from the group for about a few seconds until she found her blonde friend looking at the stars.

Shinabaru was humming a tune that she didn't recognize, soon Shinabaru noticed her, "What are you staring at me for?" he asked with a grin, "Do you wanna talk about the Arawan family again?" the grin on his face then quickly disappeared.

Chris was starting to feel distant from Shinabaru yet again, she didn't want that to happen again, "No… I was just going to ask you… why are you by yourself?" she asked. Shinabaru looked shocked at first, then the shocked face turned into an embarrassed face.

"This is the first time I didn't spend a new year with my family… Even though you guys are my closest friends, I don't feel like I belong there," it was rare for Shinabaru to appear weak and insecure. Chris had always wondered about what Shinabaru is when he is alone.

"Do I count," Chris asked, Shinabaru looked at her.

"Sometimes," he murmured, this shook Chris a little bit. But she decided that she'll go deeper into the mind of Shinabaru.

Chris sat next to Shinabaru, her eyes looking at his while his eyes looked at the sky, "....Shina?" she was about to ask a question that will either make her friendship with Shinabaru deeper, or the space between them greater.

"Yes?" he was waiting for a question.

"......C-can I call you Luci?" She then instantly regretted it when she saw the absolute terror on Shinabaru's face, "No, I don't want this reaction," she thought.

Shinabaru reading her body language, saw that his reaction was hurting her, he felt guilty. He then turned his head to the right, "That name is only for my family, I'm more comfortable to you calling me Shina," he then laid down on the grass, "You know… I didn't have a lot of friends growing up."

"He's doing it, his opening his sensitive side," Chris forgot about everything at this point, she was at the edge of a cliff with her friend, a friend that she knows has some messed up stuff inside his mind.

"Everyone always thought of me as a human superior to anyone else, and thus no one wanted to play with me. They always said it was because I was just too special. But it left me lonely and alone," Shinabaru was hiding his eyes with his arm, But Chris knew he was trying to pull himself together, "And so with no one, I could play with, I became a weeb, and I decided to go to Japan, just for the excuse that I'll rule as a king. But what I just wanted was an experience like in anime, I know that might sound pretty cringy. But I had no choice," Shinabaru was fidgeting with his other hand.

"....Are you leaving a detail out of your story?" Chris asked, she knew that Shinabaru was a liar, but this made her feel like a villain.

".......Yes….. but if I would have told you, you might do something you wouldn't like," Shinabaru is an excellent liar, his composure and his acting skills are very convincing… but Chris was sure that what he said was true.

"That may be the case… but when you're with us, or even just with me, I'll try to remove that loneliness that's with you," Chris said as she tousled Shinabaru's hair.

"Heh….. thanks," Shinabaru whispered.

As this was going on. Christian was still sorting out his camera, "OHH MY GOSH I SUCK!!!!" he shouted at the night sky, "CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME THE PERFECT SHOT PLEASEEE!!!" then at his time of worry. Tsuyuki came out of nowhere.

"Are you ok there?" she asked, "It seems that you have a little problem," Tsuyuki smiled at Christian, "...Christian… I have a question?" she said, the situation was very awkward for the two of them.

"Ye-yes," Christian read the way she was talking to the way she was moving, and he knew that this was something about their past relationship.

Tsuyuki took a massive breath, and breathed out, "...Remember three years ago?" the situation was getting awkward real quick real fast, "When I… told you that I'd like you to be my boyfriend?"

Christian was trying to hide how uncomfortable this was to him, "Of course, I would never forget that."

"Well….. I just wanted to ask… why did you accept?" she said trying to keep her composure.

"...After the incident with your mother… I felt bad for you. S-so when I realized that you had a crush for me I… I had to say yes," Christian was shaking at this point, they were at the same place Tsuyuki confessed to him.

"So basically… you didn't like me?" she was grabbing her arm trying to push it through.

"I didn't say I didn't enjoy those two years, I liked you... but not as much as you liked me… I just wanted to become someone who can let you forget about that mom of yours," Christian knew that the way he took was the cowards way out. Instead of helping her, he forged a relationship with false love. And that false love stung her in the future.

"Yeah… thanks for that, I appreciated that, don't beat yourself up for doing that. Sure it may have not been the best situation… but that's why I liked you in the first place, you make mistakes like me," Tsuyuki was hurt after the breakup, but she recovered and now appreciates Christian for doing what he did, "I guess I'll leave you two alone," Tsuyuki smiled at Christian, the smile reminded him of the joy she would feel when he showed her compassion.

"If you hurt her Samuel… I'll hunt you down," he thought.

But in the bushes, Yashiro appeared, "Hello," she said.

Christian knew that this was one of her plans, "So, why did you plan this?" he asked, "Why did you have Tsuyuki and me do that?"

"Look okay… you and Tsuyuki had been burdened by your past relationship, and none of you two tried to fix that, so I tried to fix it… did it work?" she said.

"...Yeah," Christian then pointed his camera at the skies.

Yashiro also looked at the stars, "..........You're imperfect, you're hot-headed, you don't get jokes, and you don't have the best reputation.... But I still like you Omoiyari."




".......I just…." Christian still had his composed face, he put his camera down and looked at Yashiro, "Why did you call me that?" he asked.

"....It's a beautiful name. I've always wondered why you always go for the name Christian instead of your real name?" she said with a smile.

"Omoiyari is the name my father gave me… but I've always gone for Christian because that's the name my mother gave me," Christian said. He then took a massive breath, "I also like you," he said, Yashiro and him looked at each other's eyes, "Happy new year… and yes I would like to be your boyfriend."

New year like a few months away

Random facts : Shinabaru is 50% Italian

Just_A_Guy_Webcreators' thoughts