
Chaos In The Darkness; Salvatores's Salvation

*Dark Mafia Romance* Pregnant. "I.." she blinked at the words that were blinding her. "I.." "I? I? What, Evelyn?" Salvatore spat, making her flinch. "What is it that you want to say, say it loud and fucking clear!" She jumped on the spot and closed her eyes in fear. "I.." "What?!" His scream was powerful enough that Evelyn jumped on the spot and started to cry. Why was this happening to her? Why were these papers in front of her? "I don't know," she screamed back with rivers of tears flowing down her face. "I don't know what happened. I don't know what's happening!" Salvatore chuckled darkly and shook his head as he barked out at her, "You don't know what's going on? Fine, I will tell you what's going on. You are three months pregnant with the child of a man that you spent one night with." His voice lowered several octaves and deepened. He was controlling himself. The reality made her close her eyes and lower her head. The product of a one night stand was inside her womb. This reason alone was enough for her father to discard her had he been alive and he was her father but Salvatore was her husband. She opened her eyes and looked at him again. What was he going to do? **** Salvatore had never let the information out. No one knew that he had the same darkness inside him that his father carried in his veins. He had buried it successfully until she came along. Evelyn. ~Not for faint hearted.~

Inara_Me · perkotaan
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302 Chs

The burning Church.

His fingers played with the beads of the chain of the cross. He watches everything from the floor above. The pastor performed the mass and after that the charity was distributed. The charity that was organised by him.

His eyes moved to everyone who left and then descended down from the stairs. The pasta turns to him with a smile on his face even though he knew that he was greeting one of the deadliest men to walk on the earth.

"Good afternoon," the pastor nodded at the man, "was everything upto the mark?"  

Salvatore did not smile back. "It was your job to begin with." 

The pastor's eyes move to a dangling cross in his hands. It was black in colour and he could tell that it was custom made. 

"Do you not wear it on your neck?" The question came out of curiosity. 

Salvatore raised the cross in his hands to the level of his head. "Ask me that or any other question one more time, I'll kill you with this cross." Without waiting for the pastor to reply Salvatore walked out of the church. 

The deed was done. 

He stood in front of the parking lot of the church. The small trail of blood and blood Red cross came to the side of the church yet no one paid attention to it because they were not aware of the bodies buried inside. 

3. .2. . 1 

A huge explosion was heard and fire breathed out of the windows of the church as the glasses smashed into the pieces. The roof fell and so did the entire building of the church. Slowly and steadily the entire building followed its demolition. 

Salvatore watched It all happen with glasses over his eyes. The car rolled to a stop in front of him and the driver opened the door as Salvatore took a seed inside.

It was done. They were all dead, burned and whosoever was left was now crisped.

God bless their souls because a few were still alive and heard the mass. He chuckled, the irony. 

The sick irony. 

Dante joined him at the entrance of his office and they both walked in together. He had been waiting.

"The blast was quite big." The consigliere commented and forwarded him the phone, "the fire brigade can't put it out." 

Salvatore chuckled. Fire was a lovely thing to play with. It fascinated him.

Dante took a seat in front of Salvatore as he settled down into his own. "Your father has taken over the bianchi organisation. The man had one daughter and he did not pass it over to her but to your father before he died." 

"Killed?" Salvatore opened a file. 

"No," Dante denied, "heart attack."

"Hmm," he hummed loudly, "and is my father planning to take over the organisation himself or is he handing it down to me?" 

Dante chuckled. "I think he would have the funnod scouting out the men first and then he would have them over to you." 

Salvatore gave a small smirk. Of course his father was going to talk to everyone. The darkness had been inherited from him after all. 

"Anything else?" he asked the man, ready to dismiss him.

Dante sighed and leaned his back on the chair. "Nothing that I cannot take care of." He stood up, kissed the ring on Salvatore's left and left. 

Salvatore kept on reading the file even after Dante left. After the file was read thoroughly, he closed it and slammed it back on the table with frustration. 

He could not explain it but there a small burn in his chest. He always felt frustrated and there was only one thing that could calm him down. 

He shifted slightly and took out his wallet. Opening it he stared at the picture. 
