
Chaos in Classroom of the Elite: Class 1-C

At the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, a promise lingers in the air: every graduate is guaranteed to achieve their career or higher education aspirations. Each student receives a monthly allowance of 100,000 points, a seemingly generous treatment fostering a sense of freedom and luxury. Surprisingly, the school's governance is anything but strict. Students are allowed to coast through classes with little regard for attendance or engagement, painting an image of an academic paradise. But beneath this veneer of laxity lies a stark reality—this institution is a battleground of meritocracy, where only the truly excellent receive preferential treatment. Into this highly competitive world steps Yukio Yoritaka, an unexpected entrant in the notorious first-year Class C, a group riddled with delinquents and underachievers. His arrival signals the beginning of an unprecedented upheaval, challenging the very foundations of this elite educational environment. Will Yukio thrive or crumble under the school's hidden pressures, where every student is in a relentless pursuit of excellence? ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1164138.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Komik
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202 Chs

Chapter 157 – Times change

What's it like to hear laughter from all directions? Laughter from all sides, up and down, left and right, everywhere. It should bring happiness, inviting others to join in.

But to the one being laughed at, it's the most malicious whisper of demons. Nagumo felt darkness encroach on his vision, the chaotic jeers filling his ears, making his heart nearly twist in agony.

The constant "click-click" of camera shutters didn't stop, and Yukio continued to offer advice: "Nagumo, don't just hang there without moving."

"Do you know about crocodiles? Crocodiles, when hunting, use a technique called the death roll. When they catch their prey, they spin continuously to break it."

"You could learn from them! Hang in mid-air, and try to spin like a crocodile to tear off the bread."

Though it might be good advice, Nagumo grew more furious with every word. How could he follow such a suggestion? He'd already made a fool of himself, and spinning like a crocodile in mid-air with a piece of bread would completely destroy his reputation!

In front of the cameras, with all the students watching, this massive humiliation was a severe blow to someone as proud as Nagumo.

It shattered his sense of honor, crushed his pride, and trampled on everything he held dear.

It felt like something hot, metallic-tasting, blocked his throat, making it hard to breathe. His bronchial tubes seemed completely clogged, preventing any oxygen from getting through.

The blackness grew, eventually overwhelming the laughter in his ears, replaced by a buzzing hum.

In the end, he lost all strength, instinctively letting go of the tightly bound bread, falling heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of dust as he passed out.

The standby medical team quickly ran up with a stretcher, providing shade, applying ice packs, and demonstrating their professional skills.

Seeing Nagumo taken away by the medical team, Yukio put away his phone: "Already passed out? How boring."

Hearing this complaint, the medical staff shuddered—are high school students always this ruthless? They said nothing, just picked up the pace.

With Nagumo out, the fun competition ended, and Yukio didn't place well, but his inner joy was enough. He wasn't too concerned about his ranking in a fun competition.

Seeing this outcome, Horikita Manabu quietly took off his glasses, pulling a cloth from his pocket to clean them, though they were already spotless. As he wiped them, he sighed, "Truly... a devil among devils."

The second-year Class A group looked like a bunch of frostbitten eggplants, each with their heads bowed, faces pale and gray. This sports festival had turned them into complete clowns, thanks to Yukio.

Yukio's class members, on the other hand, were much more lively, rushing to welcome Yukio with cheers: "As expected of Yukio-san! Absolutely amazing! How did you come up with this idea?"

"Yeah, Yukio-san, look over there, at the second-year Class A. Wow, it's so satisfying seeing their sour faces! It feels so good!"

"Yukio-san, do you want to see the photos I took of Nagumo? It might not be as great as your close-up shots, but I'm confident I captured him at his absolute worst."

Seeing his classmates so enthusiastic, Yukio felt his efforts were well worth it, his inner joy reaching a new level: "Sure, let's go back and see what you guys got."

With lively discussions and laughter, the group returned to the class canopy. High school students they met along the way silently moved aside, making a wide path for Yukio and his group.

They couldn't help it; after this incident, everyone saw how devious Yukio could be. Even Nagumo fell hard, and in such a humiliating way. No high school senior would dare stand in Yukio's way.

The other first-year classes had varied responses.

In Sakayanagi's class, Sakayanagi kept her usual subtle smile, leaving others guessing what she might be thinking.

Ichinose's class was cheerful, and a few students who were friendly with Yukio's class sneaked over, saying things like, "Good things should be shared," hoping to see the photos they took.

In Horikita's class, after ridiculing Nagumo's misfortune, many resolved not to cross Yukio in the future—he was simply too much to handle.

This competition incident also led to a small joke afterward.

It happened during the all-grade relay, the final team event, marking the end of the sports festival.

Twelve classes lined up on the track, and at the last stretch, Yukio watched his classmates sprinting, admiring the energetic youthfulness.

Then Hashimoto from Sakayanagi's class approached. They were old acquaintances, as Hashimoto had previously given Yukio information about class leaders during the unannounced exam.

As Yukio raised an eyebrow, signaling curiosity without speaking, Hashimoto raised his hands in a surrendering gesture, showing he meant no harm: "I'm just here for our class's princess."

"Just passing along a message. The princess wants to meet Yukio-kun after the sports festival ends, at the special teaching building."

The special teaching building was rarely used, with no air conditioning or surveillance installed, a secluded standalone structure, making it the perfect spot for secret meetings or illicit activities.

After delivering the message, Hashimoto left, and Yukio started to wonder what Sakayanagi wanted. After all, during the 100-meter dash, Sakayanagi's class did help out.

Although it was somewhat forced, like giving an unsolicited favor, but it was because of that help that their class managed to break through the second-year barriers.

Might as well go and see what it's about.

With that in mind, Yukio waited for his classmates to arrive. Horikita Manabu stood beside him; both were the final relay leg for their respective classes.

Perhaps overly wary of Yukio's trickery, Horikita Manabu, when he received the baton from his classmate, didn't rush to run. Instead, he carefully inspected it, almost as if he was peeling the baton layer by layer, like a banana.

Seeing this, Yukio was puzzled: "Horikita-san, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just being cautious." After confirming that the baton had no problems, Horikita Manabu finally started running.

Yukio found it funny but didn't dwell on it. He received the baton from Nomura and quickly caught up with Horikita Manabu, leaving the other classes behind.

Talking while running isn't ideal, but Horikita Manabu didn't seem to care. When he saw Yukio catching up, he spoke in a steady rhythm: "Although I'm wary of your methods."

"But as long as you keep suppressing Nagumo and maintain stability in the school, I will support you in becoming the student council president."

To this, Yukio replied with a slight smile: "I don't need your support to take that position."

Horikita Manabu blinked, then silently increased his speed, reaching his top pace, but Yukio easily overtook him, as swift as a whirlwind, crossing the finish line first.

Seeing Yukio's storm-like speed, Horikita Manabu, finishing in second place, suddenly felt as if he might be getting old.

"Times change," he thought.


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