

Eva Collins was your everyday average elementary school teacher, she was beautiful, kind and had her way with children. She works a full shift at a prestigious elementary school for the rich and has her life easy until that one day. Eva has the chance to acquaint herself with the sibling of one of her pupils but this encounter forever changes her once simple but plain life. "God...when are they coming for little Avry....the caretaker who usually comes for her has taken far too long now" Eva wonders as she looks at the six year old little girl beside her. The little girl yawns from tiredness. Eva sighed heavily and looked at the little girl beside her with a light smile. "Hey Avry.....can I ask you something" Eva asks gently. Avry nods her head softly as her big adorable eyes stare at her teacher. "Do you wanna come home with me....it's getting pretty late and I can't leave you here" Avry's eyes sparkled from excitement. "Yes Miss Eva....I wanna come with you" Eva smiles brightly but she can't help but scowl inside "What kind of people forget about a little girl at school to such hours" Eva checked her watch and saw that it was eight thirty pm and the school had practically closed. 'Huhhhh...' ...................... But little did Eva know that this little action of care and responsibility had already changed her life. Eva sat quietly in her living room and checked her watch. It was nine twenty and no one had called about Avry Walker from the school yet. She had informed the school that she would take Avry home to atleast have something to eat and rest. They had allowed her since she stayed quite close to the school and had a respectable personality. Suddenly Eva heard a knock on her door and glanced at Avry who was watching cartoons slightly. She got up and walked towards the door. She peeked through the peep hole of her apartment door and saw a man. He was completely shrouded in darkness and beside him stood another man. Eva couldn't make out their faces at all since it was dark outside. Eva picked up the baseball bat next to the door and slowly opened the door. A chilling gush of cold wind immediately brushed against her skin. Eva didn't know whether it was because of the cold rain outside or that indifferent cold stare that the man with the black investigator hat gave her. And still Eva couldn't make out his face since he held his head low. Eva glanced at the other man who stood their calmly like a faithful assistant. He was quite good looking. "Who are you" Eva asked as her grip on the bat tightened. The assistant like man smiled calmly but didn't answer her question "We're here for Miss Avry" Eva looked at them suspiciously but suddenly Avry's soft but tired voice came from behind. "Big brother.....you're here" Eva glanced at the man whom the words had been directed to and she saw the man who had been holding his head low lift it up. Since the light from the living room could now fall on his face, Eva saw him clearly. Eva immediately froze in amazement and her heart had slowed but it beat hard as she looked at that ethereal face. .............. From that day, Eva had a feeling that nothing in her life would remain the same. Join Eva as she unlocks dark and dangerous secrets about this mysterious man. But her curiosity to know this man brings her deeper into a world she knows nothing about. She is soon faced with something even more dangerous and she can nolonger turn back. She wants to run but her emotions and heart have already been captured by him and she is faced with a dilemma. Their love was forbidden and she was in danger from things she had once thought were fairy tales.

writerxs · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


In a cold and desolate location surrounded by masses of trees, there was one lone and old looking warehouse.

It seemed to blend with the dark gloomy night accompanied by the constant rustling of trees.

There seemed nothing special about it but to one's surprise, there was an underground area just below the warehouse.

It was a massive underground place and it was lively as hell.
There were all kinds of people gambling, partying, dancing, and many other illicit activities were taking place.

But in a certain highly guarded and reserved room, the room was basically empty but aligned on the walls hanging by the inbuilt hooks were a variety of weird but crazy weapons or to be more clear.....torture weapons.

They seemed a bit different from ordinary human weapons and had strange uncanny symbols on them.

Right now the whole room was dark and only one spot in the whole room had a dim light that could light up a small portion of the centre of the room.

What lay beyond that area was pure darkness.

At the centre where the room was lit, there was a lady tied to a chair by something that seemed to be an invisible force.

She couldn't move an inch.

She seemed young, about 24 atmost and she had a sexy body but the alarming thing was that her eyes were an alarming red colour and they seemed to glow ever so slightly.

Her eyes seemed to show fear as she looked around and despite her eyes showing that faint glow she couldn't see into that thick and suffocating darkness.

The lady panicked but there was nothing she could do.

Suddenly, she felt a change in the atmosphere and she shivered uncontrollably from immense fear.

She didn't know why but she felt as if two eyes were staring at her from the very pits of hell with a ferocious yet steady calmness

All of a sudden, the thick darkness was gone and the sight that greeted the lady scared her senseless.

The darkness was still there but now she could see through it.

There in the darkness were two men, one was holding two scarthes with long metal chains connected to each blade, one for each hand.

They were big and their blades curved like deep crescent moons. There blades seemed as thin as a sheet of paper but they seemed sturdier than steel. They shone lightly and had a gazillion symbols on them.

The scarthes seemed not only able to cut through mortal flesh but even the deep depths of the soul.

The man who held the scarthes looked like a handsome devil.
He had dishevelled black hair that fell all over his god crafted face and his eyes were also a deep ruby red but his eyes glowed much more than that of the tied lady.

His eyes seemed like indicator lights of a car....a clear warning to stay away.
He was dressed casually in black sweat pants and a black jumper.

The jumper seemed to hide the origin of the chains that connected to the scarthe blades cause the chains were literally protruding from the wrist opening of the jumper.

He smirked wickedly as he looked at the lady "Hey love...how are you" he spoke casually and he sounded like a playboy.

The lady couldn't speak at all.
The man with the scarthes glanced at his partner who stood beside him but he seemed more organised and eloquent.

In terms of looks, he was another handsome master piece. He had shoulder length blonde hair which he tied into a low ponytail.

His eyes were also a deep crystalline red and they seemed to have few gleams of golden yellow within the red such that his eyes seemed to be on fire.
His eyes also glowed with a strange luster.

He was actually dressed formally in a black office suit as if he had just come from a meeting.

He had a calm and unreadable face on. Both the men had formidable auras.

"Heyyy Wayde... I thought you're only supposed to bind the pretty lady and not make her speechless....Come on...get rid of the spell you've placed on her speech....I wanna hear if the lady's voice is as pretty as her face" the man with the scarthes spoke with a grin.

The said Wayde, didn't pay heed to the man holding the scarthes.

"Ohhh...come on Wayde" the man holding the scarthes continued to pester as he nudged Wayde with the scarthe in his right hand.

Wayde stepped away from the blade of the scarthe and its user.
"Keep yourself and that thing of yours away from me Tristan" he spoke calmly.

Tristan, the scarthe user shrugged but suddenly both Tristan and Wayde became serious but Tristan still had that play full smirk on.

"Well....if it isn't the devil himself....Welcome ohhh great master...I was starting to wonder how long we were gonna have to wait" Tristan said in that jolly player voice with a tad of sarcasm.

"Good evening master" Wayde respectfully but calmly said.

Suddenly, as though a ghost, a shadow appeared and a man walked out of the dark.

He walked calmly but his every step was like pressure of a thousand mountains on one shoulder.

In this case, the lady froze still. That feeling of being watched by an ancient monster grew stronger the moment this strange man walked in.

She was shivering but unfortunately she couldn't see the face of this strange man since he was wearing a long black leather trench coat with a hoodie that covered his face.

And it's as if a strange darkness enshrouded his face such that no one could make out his face.

The man slowly walked past Tristan and Wayde and stood before the lady. He squatted before the lady and stared deeply into her eyes.

"When did you find out she's a hybrid" the strange man asked in a cold and deadly voice that caused Tristan and Wayde to lightly shiver involuntarily.

They both stared at each other then at the strange man.

The man gently held the woman's neck and then slowly his grip tightened.
The lady's eyes widened in absolute horror and fear of death.

She looked at the man that was holding her neck but she still couldn't see his face.

Suddenly, the lady's eyes widened and she struggled to break free cause what she was looking at was not normal even for her who was not normal.

Blue like the waters of the oceans, bright as a thousand lights. That's how the eyes of the man before her appeared in that darkness that enshrouded the rest of his face.

His eyes were glowing unbearably as he stared into hers. She couldn't handle it and let out a shriek of pain.

"Ahhhhh....ple-ase...noooo.....please no more"
His eyes were breaking her and she could feel power leaving her body.

Tristan and Wayde stood quietly watching. Their faces showed no emotion.
"We found out she's a hybrid today" Tristan finally said after hearing the lady scream from pain.

'I'm sure she'd sound much better if she were on my bed...Her voice is creative but it has to be wasted on her painful shrieks here...huhhhh..what a loss of talent and pleasure' Tristan couldn't help but think with that grin as he studied the lady up and down with interest.
