
Chaos' Heir

A recurring nightmare afflicted Khan's nights since the Second Impact. His dreams replayed the scenes of the crash of the Nak's spaceship, an alien race that the humans had defeated five hundred years ago. Khan's life had turned upside-down after the tragedy. His mother had died during the incident, and the Nak's toxic mana had infected him. His father had managed to save him, but they ended up losing their home and name in the process. The nightmares wouldn't let Khan forget about the Nak, so he decided to join the Global Army and learn to wield mana. He had to put an end to those dreams, even if that meant hunting down that alien race through the stars. ------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord link: https://discord.gg/fNsPwXMP7P Cover artist: https://digitalrowye.com/

Eveofchaos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
824 Chs


"How much did you rip him off for?" Amber laughed when Khan came out of the "Beasts' King".

"I'm innocent here," Khan lied. "He did everything on his own."

"How much?" Amber insisted as her smile broadened.

"I might have gotten ten Tainted animals for less than two thousand Credits," Khan admitted.

"You are a little devil," Amber giggled. "Why did you even go so hard on him when the Global Army would have refunded the purchase?"

"I might need this shop in the future," Khan revealed. "They won't try to trick me from now on. I might even gain access to discounts whenever I mention today's events."

"You are a smart little devil," Amber commented. "Though, why would you even need them for? Our students are recruits. I don't think they can face something stronger than Tainted animals."