

The smooth walls of the palace inside the immense cavity slid open when the group arrived. Multiple layers made of dark metal moved to reveal a tall and large entrance that didn't feature any luxurious door. It was nothing more than a rectangular hole that the students and recruits could cross to enter a vast hall.

The stark change between the wild and the palace's insides left the group pleasantly surprised. Soft and thick dark-red carpets covered the entirety of the room's floor and spread on the steep staircases connected to the area. Simple tables surrounded by chairs occupied different spots of the main hall, and two chimneys containing blue flames occupied the center of two walls.

The blue flames didn't release any smoke, but their light added a brighter glow to the faint azure light that illuminated the palace's insides. Moreover, those fires weren't as hot as they should be, but they remained warm enough to make the environment cozy even for humans.