

Naoo led her team into the main hall before occupying a spot near the corner. Carpets and tables were already there, so the Thilku sat down, and Khan found himself with Apa and Xai at his sides.

The team's attire was unacceptable for the Global Army's customs. Most Thilku were only half-dressed and still dirty from the battlefield's blood, sweat, and dust, which applied to men and women alike.

Khan was no exception. The invitation arrived after he removed the upper part of his uniform and found no reason to put it back. That soldier-like atmosphere was very casual, and he fit perfectly inside it. Khan actually loved it.

The Thilku also lacked body parts that humans might find arousing. Khan had broader tastes, but seeing those exposed chests didn't trigger anything. It was actually hard to differentiate between men and women from that aspect alone since they were so similar.