
changes in the ninja world

The Chūnin exam was originally scheduled, but the [Horror Quiz] game suddenly appeared! The smooth trajectory of the world has been completely reversed and collapsed since the Chūnin exam in Konoha's 60th year! Might Guy: Dad! Third Generation: Why did I die again? Obito: So, I actually worked for Uchiha Madara for eighteen years in MLM for nothing? Madara: Black Zetsu, do you want to say something heartfelt to me? Very good, I actually want to say something heartfelt to you. Konan: I'll always be watching you! it's not me who wrote the novel the novel I can read it on a Chinese site if you want to read it I put the link at the bottom https://wap.faloo.com/955908.html

Asta_roth · Komik
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193 Chs

I Will Definitely Not Disappoint My Mother

Watching the projection gradually turn into darkness, Uzumaki Naruto's already blurred eyes slowly closed.

"Mom, I will not always eat instant noodles, but also eat more vegetables."

"As for bathing being my hobby, don't worry, I often go to hot springs."

"Besides, I sleep well every day, and I always oversleep."

"Are you friends? Although they are not many, and there is a guy who is extremely stinky, they are all very good people. I really want my mother to meet them."

"Are you studying? It's just like what my mother thought. I often get zero marks on exams."

"But I'm not depressed."

"When I was studying, I had some disagreements with my teachers and seniors, but now they are all people I respect."

"As for the three forbidden ninjas, you may only encounter them, haha."

"But I believe I won't disappoint my mother."

"My dream is to become a super powerful and great Hokage like my father, and to surpass all previous generations of Hokage!"

"There is absolutely no problem with your high hopes and trust in me!"

Choking, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but take a long breath, listening to the Third Generation's constant talk in his ears.

He slowly opened his eyes. The Third Generation grandfather he once respected so much turned out to look like this.

Hate it...

Maybe a little, but more than anything I am grateful.

No matter how you say it, it was Third Generation who helped him grow up.

Although, he really doesn't understand what Third Generation is doing.

But, no matter what, he was the one who raised him.

People, you have to be grateful, right?

"Thank you Grandpa Third Generation. In any case, you raised me up. Besides, I am also very naughty. I always cause some troubles, but you help me solve them."

After watching the Third Generation apologize to him, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but speak loudly Kaidō.


Looking at those eyes full of gratitude, Senju Tobirama's heart trembled violently.

Not only Senju Tobirama, but everyone present did not expect that Uzumaki Naruto would still be grateful to such a Third Generation.

Hyuga Neji, who was originally clenching his fists and glaring angrily at Third Generation.

At this moment, I was suddenly stunned.

After a moment, Hyuga Neji slowly turned his head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto not far away.

This is the child of the Fourth Generation couple, the son of a hero.

That kind of greatness, tolerance, and clear gratitude deeply touched Hyuga Neji's heart full of hurt at this moment.


The mouth opens and closes.

But for a moment, I didn't know what to say.

For other people, Uzumaki Naruto's words really shocked their hearts!

Uzumaki Naruto, what an amazing guy!

Perhaps, he will really become a being who leads the transformation of the entire ninja world, as the Fourth Generation project just projected said.


Taking a long breath, Third Generation (Senju Tobirama) sighed: "Thank you very much for your forgiveness, but if you are wrong, you are wrong, and I will not deny it on this point."

Speaking of this, Third Generation (Senju Tobirama) looked at everyone around him: "I don't know exactly what this unknown existence is, but his power is beyond our imagination. Next, we must Only by answering his questions correctly can I..."

Seeing that Third Generation stopped speaking, I followed his line of sight and saw that a new picture appeared in the originally dark projection.


It was a dark night, and the streets of Konoha Village were so lively again.

Uzumaki Naruto, who has grown up, is taking a slow walk there.

Suddenly, a loud quarrel came from the next room, and one of them was... Haruno Sakura.


With her eyes widened, Haruno Sakura, who was still wiping away tears, was stunned for a moment.

His face slowly turned red.

Growing up, her relationship with her parents was not particularly good, and she always had quarrels because of her nagging parents.

But he didn't expect that he would be released in front of everyone at this time! ?

ah! ! !

In her heart, Haruno Sakura was about to collapse, but on the surface she could only show an embarrassed wry smile.

Why, why is this happening, ah! ! !

Public execution, ah, so uncomfortable.

If the previous incident with Uzumaki Naruto, the death of her parents, and the fact that she had been criticized by others since childhood, made Haruno Sakura extremely heartbroken and uncomfortable.

Now, it made her want to die in embarrassment.

Moreover, compared to the previous time when Rock Lee confessed his love to her, the protagonist was mainly Rock Lee, and she was just an innocent victim.

But the situation at this moment is completely different.

She... Haruno Sakura, is the protagonist! !

ah! ! !

My heart is roaring, trembling, and painful...

However, even Third Generation can't stop such a projection, so how can she stop it?

Ah, I'm going to die, I'm going to die...


Come on, come on over, please!

God, brother, ancestors, please!



Thank you so much to [samsega] for tipping me again. Thank you so much.

Then, this is today's seventh chapter, which is also to repay the debt owed before.

Thank you [samsega] for your continued support. This is the fourth chapter for your debt.